
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••© United Feature Syndicate Inc
Since 1986 I have been writing for publication, my stories and reviews appearing in newspapers and magazines in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. I've been lucky enough to conduct lengthy interviews with some of my all-time favourite artists and in doing so have been able to establish friendships that endure today. I've also extracted stories from my travels, travelled to write stories, and written down some of my observations of life and relationships.
From this page you can choose from a selection of these pieces, and in some cases also read the full unedited interview transcript. There are also a few of my unpublished writings that I figure deserve to be perused. Happy reading!*

Adam Brand — Sydney Morning Herald Metro, March 2-8, 2001
Beth Nielsen Chapman — Performing Songwriter, September/October 1999
Billy Thorpe — The Music Network, March 5, 2007
Birtles Shorrock Goble — Melbourne Weekly, July 6-12, 2003
Chicago — Goldmine, June 16 2000
Chicago — Performing Songwriter, July/August 2000
Chicago — Melbourne Weekly, January 25-31, 2004
Chicago — The Weekend Australian Review, September 25-26, 2010
City Songlines — the (sydney) magazine, November 2005
Crosby Stills Nash & Young — Unpublished, November 1999
Deborah Conway — Melbourne Weekly Bayside, July 14-20, 2004
Eagles — Rhythms Magazine, June 2013
East Coast Blues & Roots Festival — The Weekend Australian, April 4-5, 1998
Eddi Reader — Performing Songwriter, March/April 2000
Garth Porter — The Weekend Australian, June 15-16, 1996
J.D. Souther — Goldmine, October 9, 1998
Julian Coryell — Performing Songwriter, January/February 2000
Johnson, Ashdown & McClellan — Sydney Morning Herald Metro, February 8-14, 2002
Kasey Chambers — Performing Songwriter, December 2000
Linda Ronstadt — The Weekend Australian, July 18-19, 1998
Nick Cave — Melbourne Weekly Bayside, September 15-21, 2004
Oldies but goodies — The Weekend Australian, March 7-8, 1998
Olivia Newton-John — The Northern Star, September 15, 1994
Paul McCartney's Liverpool Oratorio — Vogue Australia, November 1991
Roger McGuinn — The Courier Mail, April 9, 1998
Venice — Unpublished interview, August 2000

Anthony Simonds-Gooding (BSB) — Management Week, December 4, 1991
Bob Merritt — The Weekend Australian, October 18-19, 1986
David Bradbury — The Australian, Friday February 4, 1994
Jack Pizzey — The Australian, Friday October 24, 1986
Lee Tamahori — The Weekend Australian, May 11-12, 1996
Nicole Kidman — The Australian, December 1, 1986
Women in Film and Television (UK) — Management Week, December 4, 1991

Caroline Craig — Melbourne Weekly, July 25-31, 2004
Colin Heaney Art Glass — Craft Arts International No. 31, 1994
Jonathan King — Melbourne Weekly, November 9-15, 2003
Jorgen Bechmann — The Weekend Australian, November 22-23, 1986
Ken Done — Melbourne Weekly, July 6-12, 2005
Ken Ford's Packaged Clay — Ceramics Art and Perception, No. 19, 1995
Lindy Davies — Melbourne Weekly Magazine, August 3-9, 2003
Lyndon Terracini — The Weekend Australian, September 25-26, 1993
Mark Thompson — Vogue Australia, August 1992
May-Brit Ackerholt — The Australian, Thursday October 30, 1986
Prunella Scales — Melbourne Weekly Magazine, October 29-November 6, 2004
The Cars That Ate Paris/NORPA — The Northern Star, Thursday December 9, 1993
The Crucible — exstce, September 1992
Tim Albery — Vogue Australia, January 1992

A "Taste" of family attractions in the Northern Rivers — Zone Tourism Committee, 1995
Beachcomber — The Courier-Mail, November 12, 1999
Bed and Breakfast in Byron and Beyond — Zone Tourism Committee, 1995
Desert Odyssey — Unpublished, 1995
LA Story — The Courier-Mail, March 2, 1996
Rainforest Experiences in Winter — Zone Tourism Committee, 1995
The Soul of Philadelphia — Sydney Morning Herald, November 12-13, 2011
West Coast Odyssey — Unpublished, 1995

Allan Yarrington - Mission Possible — Australian Country Style, February 1996
Diver Jeff — Unpublished, 1999
Geoffrey Hannah - Master Class — Australian Country Style, December 1994
Jeff Wadsworth - Hobby Farm — Australian Country Style, March 1994
Wendy Taylor - Tea-Timing — Australian Country Style, August 1994
Wendy Taylor - Traveller's Tale — Australian House & Garden, November 1996
* Please note: No material on this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior permission.