I was always writing. As a young child and then an adolescent, I wrote stories, cartoons, long letters, anything that involved romance, school friends or pop stars preferably all at once.
Writing for a living was never a burning ambition, but everyone around me seemed convinced that I would become a journalist. I dropped out of the Communications degree I enrolled in after school, opting instead for a general Arts degree. I wanted to work in theatre, in dramaturgy specifically, working with people who were writing great plays. Indeed I met great playwrights, and dabbled in dramaturgy. But my path was heading in another direction.
Since childhood I've been obsessed with music. After school and through my twenties I was obsessed with theatre and film. So, although not planned, it was a logical progression to end up writing about Arts and Entertainment. I became a journalist by default. It turned out to be the best way that I could be involved in the things I was most passionate about, as well as a natural precursor to a career in Communications and PR.
Here you can read much of my published material, as well as full transcripts of some of my favourite interviews. As a staff reporter and reviewer for the showbiz bible Variety for four years, I covered a broad range of news and events in Australia and the UK. As a freelance journalist I have written on a diverse range of subjects in the entertainment and leisure industries around the world over three decades. At my Communications gig with APRA, I got to interview the cream of Australia's songwriters and composers, which helped me enormously when I finally set out to write my first book, Songwriters Speak. And in the latest tech era a website is not enough so I have music and fashion blogs. Basically, my writing is everywhere. Happy reading!