Fingers Debbie Kruger
PR Whiz
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I was always writing. As a young child and then an adolescent, I wrote stories, cartoons, long letters, anything that involved romance, school friends or pop stars — preferably all at once.

Writing for a living was never a burning ambition, but everyone around me seemed convinced that I would become a journalist. I dropped out of the Communications degree I enrolled in after school, opting instead for a general Arts degree. I wanted to work in theatre, in dramaturgy specifically, working with people who were writing great plays. Indeed I met great playwrights, and dabbled in dramaturgy. But my path was heading in another direction.

Since childhood I've been obsessed with music. After school and through my twenties I was obsessed with theatre and film. So, although not planned, it was a logical progression to end up writing about Arts and Entertainment. I became a journalist by default. It turned out to be the best way that I could be involved in the things I was most passionate about, as well as a natural precursor to a career in Communications and PR.

Here you can read much of my published material, as well as full transcripts of some of my favourite interviews. As a staff reporter and reviewer for the showbiz bible Variety for four years, I covered a broad range of news and events in Australia and the UK. As a freelance journalist I have written on a diverse range of subjects in the entertainment and leisure industries around the world over three decades. At my Communications gig with APRA, I got to interview the cream of Australia's songwriters and composers, which helped me enormously when I finally set out to write my first book, Songwriters Speak. And in the latest tech era a website is not enough so I have music and fashion blogs. Basically, my writing is everywhere. Happy reading!

Songwriters Speak is my first book, published in August 2005 and republished in 2023. It features in depth interviews with 45 great Australian and New Zealand songwriters, and you can find out all about it on the book's own website.
Debbie Does Music is my music blog featuring concert reviews and photography, essays and opinion pieces, and reminiscences of my life and times as a dedicated music professional and true fan.
Freelance writing
Here you can find much of my published newspaper and magazine writing. You can browse under subjects and find many stories to choose from, as well as lengthier transcripts of some interviews.
Flights Of Fashion is a fashion, style and travel blog I started in 2013 and haven't done a whole lot with, but it's there and I will get around to updating it when this fashionista gets herself back on track!
APrap logo
Variety tag
At APRA I interviewed some of Australia's most successful and interesting songwriters and composers for the APrap magazine, which I also edited. You can read a selection of those profiles here.
I was a staff writer for Variety from 1986 to 1990, in Sydney and London. Here you can read some of my articles and reviews, as well as get a glimpse of my life as a high-flying showbiz scribe.

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