Welcome to the website for Songwriters Speak, the first book dedicated to many of the greatest, most historically significant songwriters of Australia and New Zealand,
written by Debbie Kruger.
To explore the site, click on the links above, or scroll down this page
for more details.
If you want to cut to the chase and just BUY the book, click here.
About Songwriters Speak
All the facts you need to know about the book. The complete list of songwriters interviewed, along with publishing specifications for the new 2023 re-release and the original 2005 publication, cover image, official press releases and author photos. You can also get contact details for more information. Just click on the book cover for all the information. |
The making of...
Read about how Songwriters Speak was conceived and how it all came together. Extensive gallery of photos of songwriters during the interview process, and a step-by-step look at getting to the finish line of this enormous project. Click on the photo panel to start the journey. |
In 2005 Songwriters Speak was launched at a music industry party in Sydney and also at the Byron Bay Writers Festival. Click on the images to see photos from both events. |
Read articles and reviews and listen to audio from interviews about Songwriters Speak on its release in 2005. Click on the press clippings to find out what the media had to say. |
The CD
A double CD release of Songwriters Speak was released separately to the book and is now a collectors item. The tracklist featured songs written by the songwriters interviewed in the book, not necessarily performed by the songwriters themselves. A fabulous compilation which you can find out more about by clicking on the CD cover. |
Find out where you can purchase Songwriters Speak online. Just click on the logo to start shopping. |
Check out the Songwriters Speak page on Facebook and show your support for this important book and the songwriters whose stories are told in its pages. |
And as the book is re-released in 2023, I am very grateful for the ongoing support of the amazing songwriters and photographers who contributed to this book, including the legendary Henry Diltz! |