My 2SM page has attracted some wonderful feedback from people who worked at the station (including a few of the famous jocks) and from people who listened to the station, as well as a few with other interesting connections. There are some priceless memories, so I've decided to share the emails I have received. Some have been edited for length, privacy or other reasons. The most recent messages are at the bottom of the page, which was updated on Wednesday, 21 March 2012

From: Mary Kellam
Subject: another 2SM fan
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002
Thanks enjoyed your site.
reminded me of the summer of 1975 when I went back to school and everyone congratulating me for winning 2Sms top 100 hits of 1974.I still have every single.
Also the best concert was 74 when AC/DC (Bon Scott), ross ryan, stevie wright performed on the roof of the pool at Victoria Park. Magic
thanks for the memories

From: Steve Bamford
Subject: 2SM Top !00
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002
I've just visited your web page, well done! My prime teenage years were the early 70's and 2SM was the only station that existed as far as my friends and I were concerned.
I have some material that might be of interest, photocopys of the 2SM top 100 song lists from the posters for 1970, 1971, 1972, 1978 and one undated (riddled with Abba songs, 1976?)
These were obtained from Wayne Mac in Canberra.
He swapped me a recording of the program for all day 1st January 1974, playing the top 100 of 1973, commercials, news, celeb. guests which I have converted to mp3 format on a CD. There are also have recordings of songs I made off 2SM with an old reel to reel tape recorder in 1973-74 on CD in mp3 format which includes some commercials, DJs and station IDs when I forgot to stop the tape.
I was wondering if you would have any info on the 2SM top 100's for any other years for the late 60's or 70's? I can send a copy of the CDs if you want.
Steve Bamford

Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002
Subject: A Site to behold
Hi Debbie
About your remarkable Website. Where do I start?
A bloke I know named Steve Bamford sent me your link. As you know he’s interested in 2SM charts and that’s why he contacted me in Canberra some years back. Me? I’m a radio historian. A kind of Glenn A Baker of Australian commercial radio, or so some people say. I grew up in Sydney and cut my radio teeth on 2SM and 2UW. In later years I became a jock and a PD. Even worked at UW briefly in 1980/81. Ron E was my boss. Been out of the biz since 1989. Now an Audio/Visual Unit Manger in the Commonwealth Dept of Education, Science and Training (DEST).
But this note is not so much about me. I just wanted to thank you so much for the OUTSTANDING job you’ve done with the 2SM section of your Site. I’ve seen many radio station tributes all over the world but yours is a work of art. So clean, so detailed and so accurate. That last point is often overlooked by fan Sites. Through their excitement they get things wrong.
Very best regards and once again congrats Debbie for your excellent tribute to a truly ‘REMARKABLE’ radio station. What a pity 2SM exists today in such ruin.
Wayne Mac
P.S. McCardell is my full name. Radio people only know me by my old DJ name of Wayne Mac. 2SM trivia questions. What is Ron E Sparx real Christian name? By what other ‘hyphenated’ surname would we know Alan Steele?

From: Chris McLenaghan
Subject: Hi Debbie.
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002
Hi Debbie.
My friend Wayne McCardell alerted me to your web page today. My God, I got goose bumps reading your tribute to what Wayne and I refer to as "The Sacred Station". We gave 2SM that handle in reference to its Catholic connection. I grew up in a Catholic family in the Sydney suburb of Allawah and 2SM was there for me from Day 1.
I was 43 yo in May this year, so I remember 2SM from it's days in the early 60's as "Top of the Dial, Radio 2SM", with the Beatlemania thing as my earliest 2SM memory. The '70's of course were the best period for SM, with 1978 the standout as you say.
Wayne has been researching the Top 40 era of Australian Radio for many years now, with 2SM a feature of this. I should let him go into the detail, but I understand that he has mentioned that he has been assisting Screensound Australia with some work with the 2SM tape library, for that's where all the "sacred" material is now, down here in Canberra. I helped Wayne a little with that, including some very nostalgic cataloguing of some promo's from the late 70's.
I look forward to hearing from you in future. Congratulations on a marvellous website. 2SM deserves to have this place in Aussie cyberspace !!!
Warm regards,
(Mr) Chris McLenaghan

From: Jim Forbes
Subject: 2sm pages
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002
hi - i just stumbled across your 2sm shrine - thanks, and well done. while i was but a wee chap (having been born in 1975), i well remember the glory days - not in the least because the ever-silly Honourable Nick's my uncle. i can vaguely remember his bursting out of a cake at luna park (1979 i think) to celebrate something to do with the station - monocle and all... He's been running a removalist business for years now, imaginatively named 'Jones' Taxi Trucks'.

From: Sainner
Subject: Ballad of Lady Di
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002
Hi.Congatulations on your site, it's very well done and easy to read.
Unfortunately, as I grew up in Melbourne, a lot of it was lost on me.(We had 3XY)
However I remembered the song " The Ballad of Lady Di".
The short clip on your site gave me a chuckle and brought back a few memories.
Thank you,
Bill K.

From: Graeme Stone
Subject: Love your 2SM Site
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002
Hi Deb
I too was a huge 2SM fan during this memorable period of the mid to late 70's. In fact it influenced my decision to join the radio ranks in 78 starting at 2GO gosford. In 81 Ron E Sparx asked me to join the team at 2UW where I hosted nights for 3 years.
Thanks again for all the great memories.
Graeme Stone

From: Mark Newstead
Subject: 2SM Web Site
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002
Dear Debbie,
Just received Wayne McCardell's preview reference to your outstanding website. Congratulations, you have made a significant contribution to what was ubiquitous yet is ephemeral in our archives. Your passion, clear writing and organisation are a powerful tribute to our mutual time with 2SM.
I'm based in Melbourne, but also started listening to 2SM from the days of 1964 when I heard Mad Mel and Beatlemania whilst on holiday as a 14 y.o. with friends of the family in Dee Why. Like you listening to 2NX, 2HD used to relay 2SM late at night, and in those days it was the only way to listen to 2SM in Melbourne, 2SM's 1270 being blasted out by the signal from Melbourne's talk station 3AW at 1280. I was lucky enough to live in Sydney in the last 6 months of 1976, and although I was employed by 87 2GB, 2SM was unquestionably the benchmark which we didn't come close to challenging.
I've just skimmed through the extensive site: like opening a good bottle of wine or anticipating a good book I look forward l to savouring what looks like a luxurious indulgence of unique specialisation.
Thanks again for such a brilliant job of conservation and the chance to liberate the memories.
Mark Newstead

From: John Simmons
Subject: The 2SM Page
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002
Hi Debbie,
Wayne sent me your site and it looks great. Well done.
I was at SM in 68 in news for a year before getting back on air as a Jock in Canberra, then Newcastle and became the first Jock to go to air on More Music 3XY following Trevor Smith who was APD.( I was on air as John Scott, Holger Brockman was Bill Drake etc etc)
SM/XY/IP it was a very exciting time and to some extent we didn’t realize it at the time but we were making history and didnt know it..
You mentioned Wayne has helped you and indeed he has helped me with some research on a book I have just finished on XY and the staff lineup at 2SM in those days. All I need now is a publisher!
Not sure how I can help unless its about the earlier days of TWOSM but the line up is a veritable whos who. Production with Rod Thomas Tony Poulsen Music/Programming with John Brennan, Garvin Rutherford (GM) Bill Stephenson (GM).
As you may know Ian MacRae is doing breakfast for us at Radio 2 1611 AM and Hon Nick does a bit for us on a Saturday Morning.
Please email me if you think I can help with further info.
John Simmons

From: Sharon Donaldson
Subject: thank you
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002
Hi Debbie
Wayne Mac sent me your website to look at the 2SM history.
My husband, Brad, was a DJ on 2SM for a short while, and after reading through your website, it almost felt as though I was hearing him talk too....~! He loved that era and 2SM and it was his dream to work on 2SM and he did.
Thank you for putting together the history...it was great.
Take care

From: Anne Smith
Subject: Your 2SM Web Page
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002
Hi Debbie:
Wayne Mac directed me to your web page and it is just magic. I don't know whether Wayne mentioned me to you but I have been liaising with him for the past couple of years since I tripped over him on the internet. I actually finally got to meet him a couple of weeks ago when he was in Sydney. We both went to dinner with one of my Sydney Uni Psychology Professors, who is a bit of a Radio buff and also an old 2SM-o-phile, who has been Bob Rogers' unofficial research assistant lately.
My Dad was Bill Stephenson who was the General Manager of 2SM in its earlier heyday in the 60s and the one who started the whole 2SM ball rolling, getting it up to No 1 against all odds, with such drawbacks as being owned by the Catholic Church, having an audience of 0 when he started, and being at the wrong end of the dial. He started his radio career at 2UE in the 40s after being with the Railways Department since he left school! He started at 2SM in the 50s and the rest is history! I did a paper entitled "Bill Stephenson - 2SM's Original Good Guy" for a Community History Cert Course I did at Uni NSW, which was at the time preparatory to writing a book on the History of 2SM. But its been on the backburner while I finished an MA in Public History at UTS, from which I will graduate next year. Out of this I now have a commission to write my old school history, and a paid research assistant job for another book, so Dad is still on the backburner, but I still keep gathering info. The years after he retired (which was in 1974) were all a bit daunting so it was wonderful to see the whole thing laid out so beautifully.
If you would like a copy of my paper for your records - please let me know. (I got a HD!) And on the strength of it the Department asked me to join them when they moved to UTS and to consider doing a PhD!! Someone in the US picked up on it via the internet and asked me to speak at a Cultural Heritage Conference at the Marriott in San Diego in the Radio History section. Scarily I went! It was a great experience but strange to be talking about 2SM over there! Dad had a lot to do with Radio Ratings and had even showed the yanks a thing or two as Radio in Oz was more advanced than in the US in his time. They had been devastated by the introduction of TV, but we had had time to learn from their mistakes. Dad got an OBE for his services to broadcasting but because he was "behind the scenes" was not so well known as the DJs. Just about anyone who is anyone in Radio now still fondly recall their dealings with Dad. A great lot of the the names you refer to all got their start because of Dad and his enthusiasm and encouragement in the early days!
When he retired the 'techos' put together a video of his life at 2SM with a theme of Farewell Uncle Bill You know we love you still (sung to the tune of Farewell Auntie Jack if you remember it?). There's lots of priceless footage and stills of the 'olden' days with some young photos of the early Good Guys including your hero Ian MacRae. Lovely fella isn't he? Screenscound now have a copy for posterity!
My paper covers the 40s, 50s and 60s and you seem to have picked up right were I began fizzling out...
Kind regards
Anne Smith

From: Ian MacRae
Subject: 2SM site.
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002
Hi Debbie.
I've just been pointed to your 2SM site by radio consultant David Rogerson who currently, would you believe, is in Barcelona.
Congratulations on a terrific job. It's obviously taken a lot of work and time.
Sorry Debbie. No Disco Chook. Like a lot of the stuff from that era it was never kept (as far as I know).
We didn't for a second believe at the time that our comedy stuff would still have a use all these years down the track so we'd usually just tape over it with new stuff. Heck, it was just a radio show!
By the way, if you'd like to subscribe to my free e-letter The Radio Wave which goes out to radio people world-wide every three weeks just send a blank email to: radiowave@allaboutradio.net.
You can see back issues at: www.allaboutradio.net and click on archives.
Once again...congratulations.
Ian MacRae

From: Gregg Sinclair
Subject: TWOSOME
Date: Thur, 14 Nov 2002
Hi Debbie,
Congratulations on a fantastic site! My good mate Wayne Mac alerted me to your efforts some weeks ago, and, well I thought it about time to say 'well done'.
I, like you, have a great fondness (if that's the right word) for that once great icon of Australian broadcasting. In fact, I worked there briefly in '75 as a 'cart boy' and part time driver of the 'Denim Bugs' (remember them?). The status of 2SM in those days was such that you would get mobbed just driving these things around I mean there was a great awareness of, and genuine passion for, the radio station.
I became a devotee during the 'Good Guy' era of the mid 60's. The station went a bit 'wobbly' towards the end of the decade by doing the 'King Radio' format, and, after a bit of 'talkback' for a while, good (programming) sense prevailed!
I remember vividly when 2SM changed to the 'More Music' format at the end of 1968. Now this was something else! Reverb, bags of 'compression', hype totally different to anything we'd been accustomed to prior in Sydney radio.
And so into the 70's we went!
I, like every other radio 'wannabe', would front up to 257 Clarence Street during school holidays and stand transfixed watching the guys on air, just wishing one of them would invite me into the studio. These were the days when 'punters' were welcome, indeed, encouraged to watch the goings on a time when there was something to watch, i.e. the guys cueing records on turntables, putting carts into cart decks, cueing up tape recorders, timing out - generally putting the show 'together'. Somehow, watching an announcer sit in front of a computer screen today doesn't hold the same fascination!
But, back to your site. I guess the temptation for a lot of people when they instigate a similar project is to 'set and forget'. I've seen numerous 'tribute' sites that, once they're up and running, never get updated. Yours seems to be an constant 'work in progress'. I think you've done a marvellous job and I commend you for taking the time to document this piece of broadcasting history.
Best regards,
Gregg Sinclair

From: Graham Hasler
Subject: 2SMemories
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002
Hi Debbie,
Graham here ... fanx for the trip down memory lane ... I too was a great fan from the late 60's onwards ... when I first got listening to radio ... and the first time I ever visited a radio station was at 257 Clarence Street ...
I made many trips there ... and eventually ... thanks to the help of John Brennan, Rod Muir and John Burnley especially ... got my big break in the radio industry ... and ... even more surprising ... was actually offered a job there in 1976!!! (Steve Blanda had something to do with that part!) At the time I was at 2LF Young ... a network affiliate station ...
I stayed for 2 fabulous years ... as a "newshound" ... working with many of the guys you mentioned ... plus Laurie Oakes ... I ended up as Afternoon New Editor producing the network news for 10 provincial and country stations ... plus assisting John Tingle too (no he didn't talk guns to me either!)
Anyway, in 1978 after the move to Blues Point Road ... I was asked to move to 3XY to help do the same sorts of things with their news service too ... I'm still in Melbourne ... having later moved to FOX FM (which was part owned by SM ... so I was part of the family for many years ... more than a decade ... probably about 12 years ...) I was always intending to go back to SM ... but then its very sad demise ... and the fact I was having a ball in Melbourne ... meant I stayed here ...
anyway ... I still come back to Sydney town ... will be there for Christmas ... as my wife and I both have family there ...
you've obviously put a lot of effort into your web-page ... got most facts right ... and I'm sure you've helped to stimulate lots of great memories for lots of people ... both former staff and listeners ...
it's ironic to find your website right now ... I'm in the process of selling some of my accumulated memorabilia from 2SM ... who knows, maybe some of your readers could be interested ...
anyway ... better get back to work now ... good to talk to you ...
as they say in the classics, "fanx for the memories!"

From: McCrea-Steele
Subject: Hello
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002
Vanishing into obscurity. My former English teacher would have a field day with that one. I really think you have done a great job with your site, it has obviously taken a lot of work. I would like to add some info if you are interested.
Alan Steele xxx (you dag)
** Still waiting, Alan... even 10 years later, still waiting!

From: Mandy Maier
Subject: Your website
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002
Hi Debbie - I can't believe we have never met (then again we probably have)! Gordon O'Byrne and Keith Williams have both sent me your stuff and I have had the most amazing hour glancing back at my life. I was Barry Chapman's assistant and assistant to all the jox from about 1978 to 1982. We sure had a lot of fun in those days. I now work at SBS as Promotions Manager - in the publicity dept with Mr. Phipps! Between 2SM and here I have worked at United Artists, United International Pictures, EMI Records, Channel Ten, and 2DAYFM. Yep, I'm nearly ready to retire!
I have in my office a double page spread of a painting which was a b & t lift out. It's a sktech of everyone at 2SM published January 1978. It's very precious to me - I am in the very middle holding a glass of wine (some things never change!) It would be great to meet up with you sometime and re-hash the good times. Your research has certainly made a lot of people happy!
Mandy Maier

From: Ken Francis
Subject: The 70's
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003
Hi Debbie,
Wayne Mac put me in touch with your site. I wish i had more time but I don't so very quickly, for now............WOW. FANTASTIC!!!!!!! I grew up in Melbourne and 3XY was to me what 2SM was to you. Unfortunately I was a bit younger than yourself in that time (I'm about to turn 35 so I was still in single figures in those days!) so my memories are from a slightly more child like view but so much of what you say touches me! I went into 3XY, (with Dad), I loved all the jocks, Sherbet concerts were the best (with Mum), Daryl lives round the corner and is a great mate, I miss Shirley so much, recently ran off some old video memories for some of the Hooks and am about to do the same for the guys from Ol'55 who recently reformed for some killer shows down here!......I went on to do a community radio show based on the magic days of XY.......the jocks would visit or phone in.......they'd record I.D's..... I'd play the old jingles and even interviewed Daryl for what became the six hour long History Of Sherbet special, and even then we only got up to the Howzat! album before I quit the station. I love the way you have kept so much. I too have some of my old concert tickets. Sherbet at Festival Hall on the Photoplay tour with Dragon and Redhouse (on pink cardboard) is one of my most treasured items. As I say, I wish I had more time but..........I will keep checking your website. What memories, what great photos, what sensational travels, what a great life and if you don't mind me saying so........what a spunk!
Long live the 70's! Happy New Year......have a great 2003XY!!!!!!
Ken Francis

From: Jason Drummond
Subject: 2SM Website
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003
Hi Debbie,
Just thought I would send you a little note to say what a great job you did on your web site.
Even though I am 26, I too can remember the final "heydays" at 2SM. I have always wanted to be a radio DJ, but I am sure you know how the story goes.
I was lucky enough to do work experience at 2SM in 1991. Its funny how some of your dates remind me of how everything seemed to fall apart that year.
Early in 1991, my Mum won the "name the 5 songs" competition on Grant Goulbourn's afternoon program and the prize was a Yamaha CD player. (I still have it and it still works well). As I was in year 10 that year, we had to do 2 weeks of work experience. Naturally, I wanted to go to 2SM, and I was lucky enough to get in. The approval came through in Feburary, but my work experience time was not until October of that year.
By the time I got there, I was no longer listening to 2SM myself, the station just wasnt the same - I like yourself had moved to 2DAYFM.
I can not remember the names myself of all the people who were on air, but I do remember Gareth McGray (I think thats how you spell it) was doing breakfast and I did run into Tim Webster a few times while I was there. I really did want to meet Grant Goulbourn, but he had left by then.
The thing that did have me chuffed was that you needed a special keytag to gain access to the "DJ floor" other wise you would have to go through reception 1 floor below. (Was it levels 15 & 16?)
When you spoke of the Glass Tower, it made me smile - WHAT A VIEW FROM STUDIO 1!! There is nothing like sitting in the chair and pushing the buttons while the sun sets and the bridge and city starts to light up.
I share your feelings when you speak about the demise of 2SM. Its a shame that it has now become a "hub" for country station programming. Mind you, I have had a few friends who have managed to get their foot in the door of comercial radio thanks to the new 2SM, three of them still work there today.
Who knows, maybe on day 2SM will get an FM licence (like 102.7 - bit close to ABC but hey its the same numbers) and shine again.
Once again great work - I will spread the link around and check back every now and then to see whats happening.
Jason Drummond

From: George Moore
Subject: 2SM history
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003
Hi Debbie
Just had a quick look at your 2SM history , and will have a more leisurely look over it later. Well done. One small date, I left 2SM in April 1983 ( I resigned on April Fools day ... a very sad day) , and started at 2DAY FM 18th April 1983.
George Moore

From: Ian Winter
Subject: Common Interest
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003
Dear Debbie,
I was doing some research when I came across your website, Its just wonderful to see so much interesting stuff about 2SM and Ian MacRae, I was one of the crazy people who used to ring him up and tell him jokes etc. My pseudonym was "Mister Park".
I got the "Good News Week" theme going when I rang him one morning complaining about all the bad news at newstime, I suggested using Hedgehoppers annonymous" It's Good News Week" and also suggested getting the listeners to ring in with good news stories.
I also did a deplorable impersonation of Molly Meldrum but my most famous trick was the invention of "Superchicken" You may not remember it because it only lasted for Nine episodes before I ran out of ideas, I would write the material the evening before and then ring it through early the next morning, he would then put the chicken noises etc over the top and replay it while I was driving to work, it was a lot of fun.
I have a record by the Rooty Hill R.S.L. band called Tower of Strength, Ian used to plug it a fair bit on his show. some of these great memories are talked about in a book I have just finished.
Another character I remember around that time was "Ken Tuckey" the real estate man, he was very funny as was the Hon Nick etc. I sent him a very clever card with Cartoon Characters in an Operating Theatre, I gave all of them names from his "Doctor Mack sketch and even included a bottle of Green Medicine, I hope he still has it somewhere, it was totally appropriate and every character fitted perfectly.
It's been a buzz sharing some memories with you Debbie
Yours Faithfully Ian Winter [ I.J. Winter]

From: Collette McGrath
Subject: I was a 2SM addict too!
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003
Hi Debbie, Ron E was kind enough to forward the link to your website to me after I emailed him with my requests from the 70's!!! What a brilliant effort!
I'm so jealous that you actually went in to the 2SM building and met the DJs! One of my friends from school had a huge crush on Alan Steele, she used to ring him when he was on night shift and talk to him for hours! She went in and met him once, she was underage though! Ron E was my favourite, I cut his picture out of the TV Times and stuck in on my school folder, along with pictures of Mi-Sex, Jimmy And The Boys, Graham Parker etc. Not sure what the nuns thought of it!
My friends and I used to go to ALL the free concerts 2SM put on, as well as the big New Years concert at the Opera House each year, the Death To Disco concert at Castle Hill (1979), and anything else that was going. The highlight of my teenage years was the Peter Frampton concert at the SCG, I've still got my ticket in an album. He's supposed to be coming out this April (Enmore Theatre) but nothing confirmed yet. I'll be there front and centre. I remember the night some idiot threw a can at the Opera House stage and knocked out Doc Neeson, and Molly coming out and announcing that there would be no more concerts because of it.
I used to listen to 2SM as much as possible, and long into the night, especially when Ron E was on night shift. After I read your web site I dug out an old cassette which I remembered might have a Hon Nick Jones song on it, it's "(Malcolm) Fraser I've Been Watching You", it's absolutely hilarious! I must have taped it off the radio one morning. Remember his other songs, like Wran's Our Man, he understands, what a gullible lot you are! And that other one to the tune of Living Next Door to Alice? I wish I could remember the words to that one. He and Ian Macrae were so funny. Do you remember listening to the Rocktober theme song and waiting for the name of your suburb to come up?
I even had a dark navy felt hat too, just like your black one!
Wasn't the 70's just the greatest vibe? I had the best time. Even now, when I go into a record shop I end up coming out with a best of some seventies act, like Steely Dan, or Chicago, or 10cc. I didn't have any money back then because I was in high school, so I'm making up for it now. We went and saw (Russell) Morris, (Jim) Keayes and (Daryl) Cotton last year, they were awesome, especially Russell of course. Occasionally you see JPY in the gig guide too, but I haven't seen him for years. I still love going to see live music, and luckily some of my friends have stayed the same too, so I've always got some company.
Just loved your website.
All the best,
Collette McGrath :)

From: Bert Geerdink
Subject: 2sm
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003
I came across the 2SM website by accident
I will always remember 2SM and Ian McRae.
In the seventies i worked for the NSW railways and provided train information for the morning radio programmes including Ian's 2sm.
In addition my car radio was always tuned to 1270.
I was a passenger on the train that came to grief at Granville in Jan 77 and was very much lucky to be alive.
The next day whilst on my way to work in my wife's car, Ian commented on how life should go on and played Maureen McGoverns "there' s got to be a morning after". I cried.
You don't hear the song too often anymore but when I do hear it I always remember that morning
Bert Geerdink

From: John Carroll
Subject: to the days when I had hair!
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003
Hi Debbie
I have just had a look at your site and in particular the 2SM pages. I have to say I am still laughing at the photo you have of me (1978) ! Struth where did I get that hair!!!!!! FYI I am still in contact with Lee from Chicago and I believe they MIGHT be touring later this year.

From: Ian Wright
Subject: The once great 2SM
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003
Greetings from Victor Harbor South Australia, Debbie. my long time friend Wayne Mac steered me onto your excellent 2SM web site and you've done and continue to do a knockout job in the 1270 nostalgia arena. as I was saying to Wayne last week, isn't it ironical, you've got your project well and truly fired up and the current 2SM website has been "under construction" for years !!!
I've been in commercial radio for 32 years this year and my memories of 2SM in both the 70's and 60's ( "home of the Good Guys" ) are vivid and very gratifying. i really enjoyed your recent lengthy interview with Barry Chapman who I haven't seen in about 30 years...we both worked on-air at 3LK ( 3WM ) Horsham around 1973 and boarded at the same lodgings. ask Barry about the early morning 'phone calls to Newcastle , he had a mate who was doing 'mid-dawn' on 2NX when Barry was getting ready to do 'breakfast' on 3LK !
I could go on and on but won't, except to say as a young bloke growing up in sydney and later Port Macquarie, my many 2SM visits to both Clarence Street and Blues Point Road were truly a real radio experience.
All the best in 2003 Debbie and again well done with your very professional 'time warp' on the once great 2SM.
Ian Wright, 5DN Adelaide.

From: Janine
Subject: 2SM gigs
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003
Hi Deb, looking at youre site and it is so fantastic. I so wish I still had all my memorobilia. One thing though, I hate to do. But because everything you have done is so perfect in detail I will let you know. The gig with TMG, ACDC etc on the floating barge wasnt off the Opera House. The stage was actually in harbour near North Sydney Olympic Pool. I was there and thats where it was. I remember that Sherbet gig at Victoria Park when it was rained out the week previously. When Sherbet finally came onstage, a combination of excitement and heat stroke, I collapsed. And was in the St John ambulance tent the entire set.
Loved the Opera House one with Shirl, Stars and Finch. Remember when Shirl wouldn't play until some goose climbed down off one of the Opera House sails. Shirl was only wearing white stubbbies. Those were the days. Anyway Deb , might catch you on the Daryl Braithwaite site.
Janine (Bean)

From: Doug Garske
Subject: good memories
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003
Just stumbled on your website. Totally by accident and via the 2SM page.
Thought I'd drop you a line...
I worked at 2SM 1983-86 with the likes of Ian Grace, Charlie Fox, Skins, Wolf, Peter Ryan, Phil Lentz, Johno and Dano, and Club Veg.
Tony Moltzen was the boss then - and then Peter Hill
I became the producer of the Johno & Dano Breaky show for a while...
Good memories.....

From: Andrew Bayley
Subject: 2SM Website
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003
There was a link to your website via the aus.radio.broadcast newsgroup and I want to say congratulations on an outstanding effort on the 2SM and the other media history pages, I found it very interesting. I've never lived in Sydney but your memories of 2SM reminded me of my own teenage days listening to 3XY (although my XY days were a bit later into the 80s) . I've got somewhere a newspaper article from 1988 which signalled 2SM's change from 'rock' to 'lite n easy' (3XY followed the same path about 6 months later). You may already have this but if you're interested I can try and scan it for you.
Although not related to radio, I have my own website you may be interested in http://go.to/televisionau with the history of Australian TV.
Congrats once again on such a great website

From: Steve
Subject: Halceyon days
Date: Wed, 7 May 2003
My formative musical years were between 1975 and 1982 and 2SM, Countdown, Sounds,Nightmoves 2JJ etc were compulsory listening/viewing for me.
I too sat for my HSC in 1979 and was distracted many a time by these evil influences.
Your website is incredible and has evoked many memories, especially of some gigs from late 1979 to 82 when I was unleashed onto the pub rock scene. This was a truly magnificent era, one which surely can never be repeated again due to RBT, pokies, fire safety regulations...
As a fellow devotee of this era I must let you know of a radio program I stumbled across on Sunday nights.
It is on 2KY of all places and stars Donnie Sutherland reprising his Sounds program featuring all the hits from the 75 -87 as well as live and recorded interviews with stars of the day as well as contemporary artists without being blatantly nostalgic.
One again congratulations on your labour of love.

From: Rick March
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003
Hi Debbie,
My name is Rick March, I live on the central coast but grew up in Sydney and listened to 2SM & 2UW from about 1971-1980.
Your page is fantastic. Are there any other audio clips available from that era,sure sounds good to hear those familiar voices again.
I had a lot on radio bits and jingles recorded on cassette tapes from 1971 on but they were stolen.
Anyway,thanks again for the memories and look forward to your reply.

From: Geoff Field
Subject: hello
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003
Hi Debbie
Stumbled across your site by accident
Loved the stuff about 2SM..and all the info on things like Sounds,
Flashez, etc
I just had to let you know how good it is :)
I'm the afternoon newsreader at 2 DAYFM..I take over from the legendary
Whitey !!!
I'll show him your page tommorow..i'm sure he'll be stoked !!

From: Dunan Kimball
Subject: 2SM
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003
Dear Debbie,
I just want to say that your 2SM page is a fantastic effort and an invaluable addition to the history of Australia’s popular culture in the 60s and 70s. There is precious little about Aussie radio on the Web and my hat is off to you (and the great Wayne Mac) for your pioneering efforts. Looks great, chock-a-block with fab snaps, tons of fascinating detail, and your affectionate perspective as a dyed-in-the-wool 2SM junkie gives it a wonderful personal touch. How the heck can you remember so much?? I’m impressed! You must have led a virtuous life!
BTW I was especially impressed by and interested in your interview with Barry Chapman. It’s refreshingly frank the outrageous story of his sacking was a real eye-opener and it’s an invaluable insider view by one of the genuine movers and shakers of Aussie radio it could have been three times longer and I’d still want more!
Your site is doubly valuable to me, not only because I’m very interested in every aspect of the pop culture and social history of that era (and thanks for putting in a link to Milesago!) but also because of my own experiences.
I was brought up on the ABC (our parents forbade us to listen to commercial radio or even own pop records!) so I was a relative late-comer to pop music my first ever concert was the Queen show in 1976 that you attended (I was 17). I still have the program and ticket!
I rarely heard 2SM and to be honest I tended to avoid the commercial stations completely, mainly because by the time I was getting into music, Double Jay had come into my life. I was a Jays baby from Day One on 19 Jan. 1975 and without question my attitudes and musical interests have been very much shaped by the ABC in general and Double Jay in particular.
Because of those personal factors I have, I confess, always looked down on commercial radio and to be frank I still find it impossible to listen to I just can’t stand the inane chatter and the repetition and (ugh) the ads. But
as an historan it was really instructive for me to read about the life and times of this very important station, written by a dedicated fan and someone for whom 2SM obviously exerted a great influence in their life and career. It might not have changed my overall opinion of commercial radio as a medium, but it certainly made me realise that many of the people involved deserve more respect and recognition and that there is a great deal that went on behind the scenes that merits much more detailed study (and I sure hope Anne Smith finishes that book about her dad!)
Another thing your pages made me appreciate -- and I really congratulate you on this -- was what a solid supporter of local music 2SM was, especially in the late 70s under Barry Chapman. Your account of the free gigs, especially the Concert of the Decade, is superb. I have to say that, whatever people think of Barry, all Aussie music fans should bow down before him in gratitude for putting that show together *and* making sure it was recorded and filmed. And the lineup ? well it makes Long Way To The Top look like a high-school talent night! I sincerely hope that this material has all survived intact and will someday emerge as a DVD package (now there’s a retirement project Barry could get his teeth into maybe he could even get old Rod Muir to step down off his towering wallet and put some bucks into it for old times’ sake? (Just kidding .. sorta) ?Historic? doesn’t even come close ? I recently saw the clip of Stevie Wright doing "Evie" on MusicMax and it’s still a totally electrifying experience. Those WERE the days indeed ?
Anyway, congrats on a top-notch effort -- I really hope it inspires others to record their own recollections of their own favourite stations around the country. It has certainly prompted me to get stuck into finishing a feature for Milesago about the first year of Double Jay!
All the best
Duncan Kimball

From: Graham Miles
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003
Hi Debbie,
Found your website mentioned on the back of Jock's Journal, so had to click on. I am Production Manager of 2VM/NOW at Moree, and we,of course, are owned by 2SM.
I must congratulate you on a fantastic piece of work. It'll take me yonks to get through it all.
I worked with David White at 2LF Young back in the 1960's, and John Simmons (Scott) was there too. We all applied for jobs at 2SM, they made it {eventually}, but I didn't. Sent a tape to John Brennan, who was PD at the time, but didn't even get a reply. I met John at Wagga a few years later and mentioned this, he was most apologetic. One of nature's gentlemen is JB.
Incidentally, I started in radio in 1957 at the age of 16 as a panel operator at 3AW Melbourne, and one of my collegue panel operators was Ian MacRae! I started before him and when he came along I had to train him. He was a livewire and a ball of energy even then, we all knew he'd go far.
In 1974, I left Young to work at the Sunshine Coast Radio Station at Nambour Qld, so lost touch with what Sydney radio was doing, although I remember 4IP, after moving from Ipswich to Brisbane, was a clone of 2SM.
Your website will no doubt give me quite a few pleasant evenings remembering the "good old days" Well done.
Graham Miles
Moree NSW.

From: Guy Ashford
Subject: 2SM
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003
Hi Debbie,
Being 41 year young just like every radio listener in Sydney I too was a 2SM (1270 not 1269!!!!) mad fan and always dreamed of one day being the guy who was sitting behind the glass window spinning the fantastic black plastic hoping to sound like Gordon O'Byrne or Ron.E. Sparx !!! (sorry Ron). I just want to thank you for sharing those fantastic memories of 2SM with us....by the way I actually made it onto the Googy O'Byrne request show on the very first day that 2SM moved into the new glass tower in Blues Point Rd... I requested Blue Suede "Hooked on a Feeling" it's something that i'll never forget. My childhood dream came true in 1980 when I became an announcer at 2LF Young..... and eventually at 2SM (in the glass tower) twice 1993/94 and 97/98.
Guy Ashford

From: Tracy Randall
Subject: Concert of The Decade - Any News?
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003
Hi Debbie
I was wondering if anyone has responded regarding a video copy of Concert of The Decade?
If you do hear of anything please, please, please let me know, I would love to have a copy. I have many clips of Sherbet that I would be more than happy to share with you if you don't already have them. I also was a huge fan. I am originally from Sydney and loved 2SM, moved to Melbourne and my radio dial was permanently glued to 3XY. I love reading your pages, they really take me back.
Tracy Randall

From: Gavin Oughton
Subject: Your 2SM History
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003
Loved the History work you did re 2SM! Great work.
There must be a way of making that once great station great again. It's still great in it's own way.
Well done!

From: Frank Calabrese
Subject: 2SM
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003
Hi Debbie,
Have been looking over your site and have been most impressed with your obsession with 2SM. Even though I'm in WA I'm glad that someone is prepared to document the "Golden Era" of Top 40 radio in this country - today's excuse for "Top 40" radio is a pale imitation of what 2SM (and 6PM here in Perth, another station programmed by Rod Muir) were.
I have in my collection a video of an ABC schools broadcast made on Ian Mcrae's breakfast show from 1980. It features the imfamous "2SM lays down More albums" TV ad and features heaps of behind the scene stuff and interviews with Barry Chapman, Steve Leibman, The Hon Nick Jones and Ian himself. It also shows a "programming meeting" in which Barry and his assistant Program /Manager, The Music Director and his sidekick listening to The Angels No Secrets and rocky Burnette's Tired of toeing the line - all excellent stuff. I'll try and get the video transferred to VCD format and would be most happy to burn you a copy of the resultant VCD :-)
Once again, congratulations on an excellent site and hope that you continue to update it.

From: Ed Doolan
Subject: Mad Mel
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003
Hi Debbie
Fascinating stuff. I was searching the web for a mention of 2SM's Mad Mel and discovered you.
I knew Mel when I used to assist (unpaid of course) on his show in the days of the big stars at the stadium. I used to do voices on his show (a non-pc Japanese midget called "Yoki" dominated - sending up the Yokahama Tyre ads). Had the pleasure of knowing Tony Withers, Mike Walsh, John Thompson.
I have been searching for Mel, as he fed my love of radio and a 33 year career - the last 21 years being with the BBC in Birmingham UK. I'm sure I owe him lunch.
Drop me a line -- I'll be doing three x three hour shows for the BBC out of Sydney and Perth in Jan-Feb and it would be great to chat with you.
With best wishes
Ed Doolan

From: Richard Dinnen
Subject: WOW!!!
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003
I just discovered your site -- it's magic. I'm gonna spend all weekend enjoying it.
I grew up in Sydney and was hooked on 2SM from late 60s onwards. I ended up working in radio, these days doing drive for the ABC in Cairns, and a lot of what I heard on SM back then still inspires me now.
It's wonderful that you've taken the time to document all of this. One thing that has to be said about Australian media is that we're crap at documenting our own history. Good on you for doing this.
Best wishes
Richard Dinnen
ABC Radio Cairns

From: Ray Shoostovian
Subject: hi
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003
Hello deb how you doing
.came across the 2SM site it is just great.
It brought back a lot of memories for me
I use to work there
just a matter of interest did u work there at 2SM deb
..your face looks familiar.
If you are interested I have some SM memorabilia for u to utilize
great work deb.
Rock n roll ray da wookie and it was great to see those old faces n crew who some of them are still around
.all the best
..keep up the good work.
Ps pity I missed the SM reunion
.actually I was speaking to mike drayson the other day.

From: Mark Chapman Smith
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003
Hi Debbie
My good friend Peter Tate (Station X Web Station and ex community aspirant Gold Coast) sent me a link for you page regarding those amazing days at 2SM in the late seventies.
What a host of memories for my wife and self , scrolling through your site.
I have been operating my own narrowcast country music station Heartland FM on the Gold Coast in Tamworth and have 14 other licenses in Qld and NSW regional areas.
I left 2SM to do nights a 2WS for several years and returned to 2SM with Gracie as PD for a couple of years, hard to remember how long.
These were the most fantastic days for me in radio and thank you for creating your amazing site.
Keep up the great work.
Mark Chapman Smith
878FM Tamworth, Glen Innes, Gunnedah
95.9FM Roma 102.1 Mithchell.

From: Ian Grace
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003
Wayne Mac directed me to your site... I notice that you state the demise of 2SM was in 1982... clearly you did not hear the station... or see the ratings... or have any knowledge of the "Rock of the 80’s". Following a selection of Program Directors, who I won’t bother to name , whose only claim to fame, was that they could program a radio station with absolutely no competition and make it look good... faced with FM competition... they were completely and utterly out of their depth and proved it.
The rock of the 80’s completely reversed the fortunes of 2SM... constantly beat 2Day FM... a point you seem to have forgotten and from the beginning of 1983, went from a 6 share to a 10 share in mid 84, one single tenth of a point behind Triple M... pioneered new modern rock in Australia and set the trend for most of the FM formatics that prevailed today in this country.
I don’t mind reading all about 2SM... however, in 82 it did go down the drain... in 83/84 it consistently beat its FM competitor in 2Day FM and likewise shook Triple M out of its complacency as well... I don’t mind reading about history... I just don’t like seeing it being rewritten.
Ian Grace

From: Ray Arthur
Subject: 2SM
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003
Dear Debbie
Well done on the 2SM site. All those memories and all those names from the past. 2SM was the reason I got into radio and still enjoy a profession from something I would have done as a hobby.
I'm glad to see Ian Grace has set the record straight about 2SM in the 80's. I was there as a DJ along with Charlie Fox, Geoff Holland (Skinz), Phil Lentz, Club Veg, Dave Carlson, Juliette Brodski, etc. with the 'Rock of The 80's' and it was a happening station, not only on air but in the ratings.
It makes me sad to see its state now.
Ray Arthur

From: Arthur Stevens
Subject: the debsite
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003
Interesting catching up your spin on my old mate MacRae.....
Well done lady!
ah yes, those mid-70's in Sydney - I was the Videotape editor at the time for one Graham Webb and Sounds Unlimted. Ah you took me back!

From: Chris Tanner
Subject: Punkz
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003
The best I can remind you of "Punkz" is that they used to be called Cheetah, and before that Jasper. Their lead singer was a guy named Lee (Peter) Emmett who lived next to me in Balmain and used to renovate houses to make a buck as the band never really hit the heights. They were popular around the pubs, and I used to see them a bit at Chequers.
Love your 2SM website ... brought back a lot of memories.
Chris Tanner

From: David Radford
Subject: Your Site
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003
Hi Debbie,
Great site! I found the pieces on the early radio days especially enjoyable. I am in Victoria and I can remember hanging out after high school for it to get dark because that was the only time I could pick up 2SM. No digital tuning in those days! It was a matter of fiddling with the dial until the signal was reasonable.
I am seeking audio clips (jingles / interviews etc) on EON-FM which broadcast in Melbourne in the 80s. Any ideas where I can source some files? These are for my own personal collection and interest.
David Radford

From: John Gambrill
Subject: A Decade of Australian Hits LP plus other memories.
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003
1. By chance found your website this evening. Had always been fascinated by 2SM right from the days of the Good Guys in 1963-4, the switch to talk-back in the middle 60s, then back to middle of the road in the later 60s (they would play the first half of "Hey Jude" and other 'slow tempo' chart hits), before a return to classic pop in '69.
2. Others may have discussed it earlier, but 2SM produced one of the earliest Australian artist pop music compilations around 1971 called "A Decade of Australian Hits 1960-1970". It included spoken intros from the artists (JOK, Col Joye, Seekers, Johhny Farnham etc) plus 2sm mini-jingles. You no doubt are aware of it, and presumably have a copy. I managed to transfer it to tape before donating it and other Australian artists vinyl material to Screensound. I have subsequently transferred it to CD. If you do NOT have a copy, but would like one (for research purposes only of course) let me know.
3. 2SM also produced a detailed audio history of Australian popular music in (I think) the very early 1970s, which was broadcast over a weekend.
4. "Keymania" was a great promotion around 1964 (I think repeated a couple of times later in the decade). A key was hidden in a public place (usually a park) and cryptic clues given to its location. I still remember clearly rushing round Anzac Park in West Ryde shining my torch in a totally useless fashion.
Kind regards
John Gambrill

From: Pete Brandtman
Subject: 2SM
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003
Hi Deb, found your page by accident, great stuff. I like you followed the radio scene in the 70's went to all the 2SM free concerts, i even had a scrap book remember the SM and UW top 40 charts photos of the jocks on the back i had them all !!!!!
Now lost.
I've been in radio 15 years now, money's lousy love the job though
Once again great site. Alan Steele yep loved that perm , but must admit Kobe was more my style
see ya
Pete Brandtman 2ST Nowra

From: Scott Adlington
Subject: 2sm flashbacks
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003
I really enjoyed reading your comprehensive history on 2SM. It brought back some fond memories.
Am I right in thinking though that Father Peter was on 2SM on Sunday nights? I used to enjoy laying back and listening to people calling in as I'd go to sleep on a Sunday after I'd either listened or been to watch the Balmain Tigers play. I remember once, a friend of mine's mother called in to him complaining about her family life. Very uncomfortable, even for an 11 year old.
Thanks again for the page though.

From: Paul Bryce
Subject: help wanted
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003
Dear Debbie,
I am a visually impaired freelance broadcaster based here in the UK. Looking at your pages I have found them quite fascinating. The story of 2SM is similar to that of so many great radio stations of the time both in Australia and elsewhere, and I can honestly say that we will probably never see radio presented that way anywhere in the world.
I wonder if you can tell me where you got the clip of "the ballad of lady Di" from as I have been desperately looking for a copy for myself.
Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Sincerely
Paul Bryce.

From: Christopher S. Dunne
Subject: from USA
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003
Hello Debbie,
Greetings from the U.S. I was referred to your page by the aus.radio.broadcast newsgroup.
2SM must have been interesting. 2SM mailed me a few Top 40 surveys in 1976/77....sorry, I don't have them anymore. They also sent me a poster (something about surfing, 2SM & Coca-Cola) in 1978...I don't have that either.
Just like there in Oz, FM has been eating up the music formats from AM (I guess it started here around 1980). AM has gone talk for the most part.
Hey...have you ever heard of <http://www.reelradio.com>http://www.reelradio.com ? They post on Real Audio clips from the heyday of Top 40 radio, mostly from the 60s, but some from other decades. There are no Australian station clips there yet, to my recollection.
BTW, I visited Sydney in 2002 for the Hillsong (Church) Conference. I had a great time there.
I hope to hear from you.
Christopher Dunne

From: Karen Lawler
Subject: Remembering Rocktober!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003
Thankyou, thankyou...what a great website! Such memories!...those were the days. 2SM was the only thing that kept us going and gave us a bit of freedom. I listened to 2SM all night , every night and any other time I could get away with it.
I remember going to Victoria park and the Opera house (as well as the Showground several times for ACDC because of the bad weather). Got sent out of class several times for making travel arrangements to Roctober venues with friends.
I was Madly in love with Marc Hunter...blown away by Thin Lizzy and you wouldn't believe how that Wha Koo song has stuck in my mind all these years!!
Another thing that sticks in my mind was a girlfriend being punched in the face by some guy because she ashed her cigarette on him while singing hysterically...shortly before the Angels were pelted by beer bottles! Shit happens...but apart from that there was something special back then.
Thanks again for a great website,
Karen(a 70's schoolie!)

From: James Glendenning
Subject: Charlie Fox & Andy Church
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003
Hi Debbie,
I have enjoyed looking at your website on the old days of 2SM,( Bring them back)
Charlie Fox & Andy Church are both working at The Basement.com.au , Charlie is the webmaster /Program director and Andy is the music Director.
Charlie knows about your site as i sent it to him some time ago and he was blown away by it, he said "This is Scary"
All The Best.
James Glendenning

From: Frank Maiuolo
Subject: Wow, well done....
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004
At the risk of sound like a gushing fool, I would like to compliment you on the depth of your 2SM webpage and the success of your career. I too, was a starry eyed youngster in awe of 2SM. The difference being, that you went onto achieve all I would have liked to and the closest I got was doing work experience at 2SM in Year 9 (3rd form).
You're right, that in those days 2SM was more a way of life rather than just a radio station. Your summation captures that era beautifully. The days when you were loyal to either Holden of Ford, Sherbet or Skyhooks, 2SM or 2UW. It was also the days when the Australian media actively promoted and encouraged Australian talent (eg Concert of the Decade), as opposed to the modern day saturation of American crap on both radio and television.
I did work experience at the 'glass palace' in 1980. Amidst being allowed to experience a sample of numerous departments, I sat in with Mike Drayson on-air for a while. This was during their 1270 AM = Album Music phase. I was allowed to take a few photos around the station too!
Other promotions (you didn't mention) that ran around that time were Battle of the Sounds, Fantasic Plastic and (egotisical) Ian Grace's short lived attempt at the simultaneous TV broadcast, WROK. Then there was the identity shift over summer to 2SM - The Power (with accompanying jingle) and never forgetting Macca's daily ritual song ('Today's Monday, today's Monday, Monday is washing day is everbody 'appy? You betcha life we are'), his annual April Fool's pranks, including the introduction of Metric Time and song spoofs like Mulligan's Tyres 'the tread's on the inside' (Mull of Kintyre).
My remaining high school years were marked by the 2SM v 2UW war raging between my group of friends. Pencil cases and folders displayed to which station your alliegance lay and the battle was on between Macrae and Ian Melbourne. I also remember being shoked to learn that 2SM's frequency is actually 1269, when digital displays on radios came into existence.
Thank you for reawakening a 20 year old very fond memory.
Frank Maiuolo

From: Jamie Sims
Subject: Your 2SM Web-Site
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004
Thanks Debbie, I have spent more time on this web-site than any other. I too was a 2SM Junkie, it WAS my life I listened as much as I could.I sat in the bath for hours listening to Allan Steele, Graham Rogers etc. I went to most of the free concerts especially the concert of the decade,the floating stage at Kirribilli & VictoriaPark, with Hush etc. The only radio station I have ever visited is 2SM in Clarence street. A mates father owned Fosters Pub across the road & got all the jocks autographs for me. I religously collected the Top 40 charts EVERY WEEK & now kick myself that I have thrown them out. They had all the jocks pictures on them. There was no other radio station for me. I also rang & requested songs. It was the golden era of music in Australia. And when Countdown started the 2SM programmers wld often program something that was a hit-pick on Countdown, something like "Yesterdays Hero" by JPY. Radio these days is CRAP! Largely because only a few companies own all the music stations (Austereo & ARN) they stick to the same repetitious narrow band of music & I can't bring myself to listen to Ron.E Sparx on WSFM because the music is so bad (Eagle Rock, American Pie day after day). 2SM played much greater variety. I cld rave on more but won't.Thanks again for your FANTASTIC web site.
All The Best
Jamie Sims.

From: Geofm
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004
Subject: 2SM where RU ?
Hey Debbie,
another great day on the planet.
For some strange reason on the drive home today, i was listening to 2SM. Trying to relive those days gone by perhaps. It didn't happen. Strange new voices, and still some funny old days music happening.
So here i am searching GOOGLE for 2SM ......
Now back to the past...
I remember on the school bus on the way to Ku Ring Gai High school, the windows open, Paper Lace "The Night Chicago Died" blaring on the ''fab" AM radio mono
speakers. When i think of it, it stills feel like fingernails down a blackboard.
YEEEEEEEEEEEE !! ( Do schools still have blackboards ?) ( Do buses still have AM radio's ? )
I remember the days of the DENIM covered VW's. the 2SM logo key rings that Promotions sent out, that looked just liked the VW's keys except the 2SM logo was there instead, with the advantages of advertising om 2SM.
I remember the days of the ROCKTOBER promo's... still in my head ROLL OVER ROCKTOBER ... Onnnnnn... 2SMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! oh well its sounds great in my head.
Live crosses to Bathurst.......
I remember the mornings on breakfast radio: macca, the jumbo under the bridge
and the chicken man series, oops that was 2UW wasn't it .
Father Jim, not Father Peter, and it was on 2UW wasn't ? (note: Scott Adlington, 26 Nov 2003, am i right ?)
oh oh !!!!! and too on the days that a priest/pope passed over, on the radio the drab Mourning music came on, no rock and roll to be heard !!!
Regards and thanx...
(Formally a broadcaster at NORTH FM 101.1 and HAWKESBURY RADIO FM 89.9 )

From: Bruce Boote
Subject: Radio
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004
Dear Debbie,
Hi I am Bruce, live in Ulverstone Tas, just finished reading some of yours on 2SM.
I used to listen to SM on a thursday night at 8PM when I lived in Strahan on the West Coast of Tas. Back about 1958, 2SM top 30 presented by John Brennan or Alan Lappan (LAP LAP laterof 3UZ ). The programme was moved to Sunday afternoon so we could no longer pick it up.
I knew Rod Muir when he worked on 7HT Hobart before his SM days.
Thanks and blessings
Bruce Boote

From: Ian MacRae
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004
Hi Debbie.
I checked out the Barry Chapman interview. Very interesting. Especially the bit where he says I had nothing to do with the Jumbo under the Harbour Bridge. What?
The way it happened was we had regular "Brainstorming" meetings and everyone was throwing in ideas for a big stunt. We kept coming back to the Harbour and the Bridge which we could see out the window. Somebody suddenly said why not put an elephant under the bridge and promote it as a jumbo. It may well have been Barry and if it was I have no problem with that.
But from that point on it was up to me (with Nick Jones' help) to come up with fresh new concepts every day for two weeks to make people believe that it WAS going to be an aircraft. Initially for the first few days callers were saying that it obviously is going to be an elephant and so we had to give the whole thing credibility. Every day we planned the next step for the following day's broadcast. Such as phoning the Boeing factory, talking to the pilot, even to listeners who had entered the competition. This took a lot of planning (and editing). Without this carefully creative planning the stunt would not have worked.
Another bit that caught my attention was the launch of "AM- Album Music" which basically was a disaster. It was meant to be a big surprise for the about to be launched FM stations but, as it turned out, they couldn't give a stuff. It's not correct that it was music that we were already playing. I know because I can remember sitting there playing these long album cuts and thinking to myself "this is all wrong"
Having said the above I would add that I've always admired Barry for his flair for entertainment and doing things in a big way. I just felt the circumstances around these two events needed to be clarified.
Nice to meet you last night and once again congratulations on the site.
Ian MacRae

From: Warren
Subject: The good old days!
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004
Hi Debbie,
Wow, what a great site! I stumbled across it last year but have only just rediscovered... amazing! I'm an ex-Melbournian so I'm more up with 3XY than 2SM but know what an huge mark 2SM left on Australian broadcasting and how it shaped radio for many years!
I could go on and on about AM radio in the 80's... in fact leaving Melbourne aged 8 for country Vic I mised a lot of cap. city radio. In my teens, I was so radio mad, I'd flip through the AM dial and on a good night could pick up XY faintly but 2SM seemed to boom in (must be the frequency, XY was awful on 1422). Sadly, I soon discovered FM and 2-3 nights a week Eon FM used to boom in (200kms away!) as we were on a huge hill and 3XY and 2SM were forgotten.
If anyone has any old tv interviews/stories on the Radio industry from the 80's, I'd love to get copies! For the guy who emailed you about EON-FM jingles, I'm ya man. I did work experience there in 1985, later worked in Production there (when it changed to Triple M) and have copies of most of the EON jingles from around 1982/3 up until 1993. I also have a swag of 3XY stuff too, including the old Rocktober jingles (well, a few of them at least).
Debbie, well done on your tribute to 2SM. In fact any tribute to a bygone era of radio broadcasting should be commended. I think the younger generation (I'm 35, sounding like I am 60!) have missed out on one of the best eras in Australian radio.
Warren K.
P.S. I just read the Barry Chapman interview. While I can't vouch for the old 2SM days, I did work with Ron E. at Triple M Adelaide, when he came down to help with the transformation from KA-FM to Triple M. He was the most down to earth guy and great to work with, even if from a distance. I even recall him faxing us from Sydney when he decided to quit 2MMM and go to rival 2DAY FM (before Austereo/Village merger), profusely apologising for leaving us when he did and hoping we would not hold it against him. Not many people would do that and it spoke volumes about his character. I just thought I should email and say that from my time around Ron E., I found him to be a fantastic guy and someone that the whole team loved associating with.

From: Stehen
Subject: 2SM
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004
Awesome web page on the best radio station of the 70's and 80's (sorry, I wasn't around in the 40's, 50's & 60's....but I am sure they were great!).
I am currently doing some research on the 2SM Top 40 charts with the intention of publishing a book on chart history (2SM were always more accurate than UW or UE).
If anyone has any old charts that I could borrow or buy, or knows where I could get hold of some, please e-mail me at raymond_aus@yahoo.com.au.

From: Peter Sherriff
Subject: Your Website.
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie.
Discovered your website today after reading the article in the SMH (1/3/04).
You are to be congratulated - it is obviously a labour of love.
I turn 48 this month so my memories of 2SM start from the "Good Guys" days, through Beatlemania and then my defection to Triple M (hey, the music sounded better and there was no static during a thunder storm!)
Ian MacRae and Frank Hyde were my heroes.
If you are interested I have an MP3 file of Ian MacRae's "Mac, Mac, Mac MacRae" ditty that he did back around 1969-70 if you would like a copy.
Once again - congratulations!
Kind Regards
Peter Sherriff
Ulladulla NSW.

From: Russell Collins
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Subject: MAD MEL
Hi Debbie,
Thanx for such a wonderful site. I got the info from the Herald of March 1 2004.
I have so many good memories of the old 2SM and one of them was Mad Mel's show on Saturday Night.
He played the real R'n B and soul tunes from the atlantic/stax/motown companies and I owe my musical tastes so much to Mel.
However I was never able to find out much about his background and where he is now. Can you please help?
Kindest Regards
Russ Collins

From: Steve Ingram
Subject: SM Website
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Saw the reference in the SMH to your website - and the memories came flooding back -
I worked there in the newsroom around 1980 - near the beginning of the end (AM - album music!) - with some very talented people - including the late Brian White, Laurie Oakes and Steve Leibman. Some agenda-setting news stories were broken at that time because of the people. (Think Laurie had his Budget leak when he was at SM - & Ch10)
News was part of the demise when the GM came in and told us the newsroom would be slashed to just three journos (about 16 when I started) and that sackings would start if we still had more than three in six months.
I have been on the phone with a number of former news colleagues catching up and putting names to faces - some have not changed and many in the newsroom are still in radio or the media around the country.
Congrats on the site - radio was a lot more fun in those days.
Steve Ingram
(morning shift editor 80-81)

From: Judith Ridge
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Subject: Denim V-dub
Hi Debbie,
I'm just loving your 2SM site! I moved to Canberra from 78-81, just as I was old enough to start going to concerts so I missed those golden years (although my first concert in Canberra included Dragon, Finch and Rose Tattoo so it wasn't all bad!), and by the time I moved back to Sydney in 82 for uni, we were all listening to Triple M (when it used to be worth listening to!).
Anyway, I remember a prize I think it was a Rocktober prize but I could be wrong of a denim-covered VW bug. Over the years I've wondered who won it and how long the denim lasted... I (so far) haven't found a mention of it on your website and wondered if you knew of it.
I spent a year in Byron in 98 and used to do a guest spot talking about kids' books on Narelle Sebastian's book show on Wednesdays on BAYFM. Not sure if you were around then but thought I'd mention it.

From: Rein van Poecke
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie,
I read the article in the Sydney Morning Herald this morning on the train and rushed back home to see your fantastic page on 2SM in it's heyday. I must introduce myself: My name is Rein Van Poecke and you will see my picture in the Our Recipe montage. I was the Chief Engineer in those days and my photo is next to the one of Frank Hyde.
Macca and I were very good friends and I went with him on most of the OB's. I was on the harbour during the Jumbo stunt. Also on the Bridge when we paid the toll and many others. After 2SM was sold, I worked at 2GB and for the last 15 years was I Chief Engineer at 2UE. I retired in 2001, but still keep in contact with some of my old colleagues.
Thanks for your fabulous effort in making this page and should you need some more details from those times, please contact me.
My very best wishes.
Rein Van Poecke

From: Julian Abbott
Subject: Your 2SM page
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Read the article in the SMH today and looked up your web page...What devotion.
I now work at the ABC after a lengthy commercial radio career.. sadly not at 2SM though.. but a liitle time at it's Melbourne sister 3XY, and various other places.
The guy doing the drive shift here in Canberra this afternoon on the ABC is Dan Craig. Worked at 2SM on mornings in 1980's.
Wayne Mac actually rang me today wanting info from my early days at 2CA for his book out later this year.
Knowing Mac, It'll be a great book.
Well done.
Julian Abbott

From: Brian Baxter
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie, I loved your web page. I started in radio in 1951 and in 78 ,79 was the lowest form of life in radio the Sunday night casual announcer on 2GN Goulburn .the bloke who came to clean the toilets would not talk to me!
Tom Reves ( spelling?) was at 2SM in the sixties, Do you have any information on him?
Kind Regards,

From: Jaan Torv
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie,
I just read through your website and the 2SM content. It was interesting to read about the station from a listener’s perspective…and yes, and it was sad to witness the powerhouse that the station was go into terminal decline. There were multiple reasons for that management making programming decisions outside of their skill set was what I considered the primary cause.
In the Hon Nick article I was described as being press ganged into taking on the PD role in fact I had accepted a position as a TV producer and already resigned from the station to work in TV but the directors (thru Bill Stephenson) asked if I would go in and fix the mess. Nick was right, taking that on was not one of my smartest career moves. 2SM had become a vipers nest.
As the article states, the Album programming concept ‘broke the rules’ it was flawed and therefore doomed from the outset. It was a subject of heated debate but was supported by management whose skill set lay in directions other than music.
The Rocktober concert of ‘79 was a truly spectacular event we had never seen anything like that kind of turnout. Problem was none of those folks were listening or they were abandoning the station in droves. 2SM dropped around 20% of it’s audience in the survey period the concert was held in.
The success of 2SM lays fairly and squarely with Rod Muir his gift was bringing out the best in people and he had an ear for talent. Rod laid the groundwork for the success the station and the network enjoyed. Rod brought those same skills to Triple M the genesis of the Austereo network.
So while 2SM is long gone it’s influence on Australian radio today is deep and profound.
Anyway good work with the website I hope it brings more of the people who made that station great out of the woodwork. In fact most of them (with the notable exception of Rod Muir) are engaged in senior positions in the Australian broadcasting industry today
Best wishes
Jaan Torv
The Hot Tomato Broadcasting Company Pty Ltd

From: Andrew Host
Subject: Love the 2SM site
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004
Dear Debbie,
What an amazing web site.
I was also a teenager in the late 70s, and grew up with all the people mentioned on your pages. 2SM was responsible for my desire to be in radio, and no one was more astonished than I was, when my first job was as "cart-boy" at 2SM in Rocktober 1980. Me, age 17, working in the radio station of my dreams!
I was a cart-boy for eight months before being thrown into the deep end in the 4-track production studio when one of the producers was sacked (for misdemeanors I was not privy to).
Admittedly, 2SM's prime had passed, but many of the big names were still there: Macca and the Hon with Steve Leibman on News, and Gibson & Moore still there in the mornings. Others around at the time I worked there were Ian Grace on afternoons, Charlie Foxx on Drive, Frank Fursey (one of the nicest guys in the industry) in evenings, Dan Craig on nights, and John Brown doing mid-dawns. Frank Hyde was still calling sport. Sadly, one of my radio heroes, Ron E. Sparx had already left by the time I'd arrived, but I had the pleasure of meeting him during a three week freelance stint at 2DAY-FM in 1994. Ron made radio fun. he's doing his best at 2WS, but he's very much constrained by the format. I wish his current employers would give him a bit of room to move.
John Torv was Program Director, and my boss while I was there. He doesn't seem to get a mention on your web site. David White was assistant Program Director, and took over when John Torv left.
I left in the second wave of retrenchments that took place in 1982. A copywriter and myself were replaced by someone who could do both jobs. I have video of my last day there. Home video cameras were quite new in those days.
I have a large collection of audio from the hey-day of Sydney radio, some of which is poor quality (taped off AM radio at home), but some of which is quite good quality (acquired while I worked there). Other material was obtained in the late 80s when I worked at an independent recording studio on the first floor of the 2SM building. At the back of the first floor was the rubbish collection area, and 2SM was often throwing away old tapes which I would skim through to see if there was anything interesting. Amongst various items, I picked up a few sales tapes, which gave a good overview of the radio station. I would be delighted to share these with you if you're interested. Another tape was a partially completed tape promoting Ron E Sparx. Maybe you are one of the callers featured on that? I also have a good collection of bloopers from the 2SM of 1981.
What upset me most about the demise of 2SM, was that in addition to the two new FM stations that started in 1980, there was enough radio spectrum for all the music stations that were on AM to convert to FM. I still believe that 2MMM became the station that 2SM would have been if it had been granted an FM licence. After all, many of the people working at 2MMM in the early days were people who were previously at 2SM.
Even though it was the beginning of the end of 2SM as we know it, there was still an incredible vibe in the place while I worked there, and I have never experienced anything like it since. There was a hint of it when I was at 2DAY-FM in 1994, but just a hint.
Yours Sincerely,
Andrew Host.

From: Michael
Subject: Leo and 2SM
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004
Greetings Debbie
Firstly I want to say that I read your article in the Herald which brought back some memories.
Like going to Vic Park concerts..my brother took me to see kevin borich in platform shoes amongst others.
I was brought up on 2SM which in part is responsible for my career choice as it were.. I became a musician, a guitarist and composer... but a lot of the music from that time sounds dated to me now.
I on occasion see some Countdown episodes and they're very funny... the fashion still knocks me out.
Ahh yes i'm a Leo as well... it serves me well when I perform. I think its been an unusual time for us lions but all things change and they change often...
I also remember Sounds Unlimited..with Donny Sutherland..that was on late at night
then Night Moves which was an adult show..its funny how there seems to be such a lack of adult music programs. The focus has shifted to teens.
I enjoyed your website and your travels... you have met some interesting people.
Thanks for the seventies adventure and your welcome to checkout my website and listen to some of my music... I warn you it doesn't sound seventies.
Kind Regards

From: Annette
Subject: love the site
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004
Fantastic work Debbie, I look fwd to seeing the site grow. I saw the article in The Guide - I bet you've had a lot of emails these past couple of days.
I am of a similar age as you - just turned 41, and listened to the radio a lot from 1971 onwards.
My one special 2SM memory which may be of interest is this: In 1974, I won a compition on Scene at 5 (remember? with Graham Webb, Channel 7) to go to a BBQ and meet 2SM DJs. One Sunday I went to Rose Bay for this BBQ (I was 11 years old, and my parents waited outside in the car). I remember meeting Graham Webb, Ron E Sparx and Ian MacRae - who I always loved - there were others too - David White, I think, maybe Alan Steele too, but his spunk status would have been lost on me at that age. I WISH I still had the autograph book! If I did, I would have sent it to you.
They were all so nice, and I was just a kid - all the other winners were bona fide teenagers at a hefty 15 years of age or more. They had these giveaways (albums) on the day, and when they saw I didn't pick anything up, they gave away a record ("That'll Be The Day soundtrack) to the "youngest" person there - which of course was me. It was a great day. They ran the footage on Scene at 5 the following day. It reamins my only TV appearance.
All the best with your site!
Annette Basile, Sydney
PS I also recall the hilarious election nite commentaries they used to do - using sound bites of current songs to send up politicians.... Would love to hear this stuff again.

From: Geoffry S.Oliver
Subject: March 4 article in The Australian re: 2SM
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004
Hello Debbie,
Have found your site by accident as a result of an article in the Media section written by Mark Day regards Bill Caralis and the dead 2SM.
For the record, I am 51 and was raised on 2SM and 2UW. My interest was more in respect of the engineering side of things. The Chief Engineer at 2SM was Ron Blades. The transmitter tech was Mike Grant. Ron was a mentor for me as I went through the Marconi School of Wireless. At 2UW the transmitter tech was Wall Scully. He was also a mentor and a close personal friend for all these years.
Yes, these were the exciting and fun days of radio. There was high rotation of top 40 music but nothing like what we have today. Jocks were inventive and were full of fun. These were the halcion days of radio !!. There was no automation and formula announcing. Oh, what we have lost.
Having studied your site I was taken back to what were fun and carefree times of my younger days. Thank you so very much.
No doubt, you have read the article that I have mentioned above and like me wonder why this fool is hell bent on destroying such a grand old lady...2SM ????.
Anyway Debbie, must finish. Please feel free to contact me if you wish.

From: Dave Boardman
Subject: 2sm
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie,
Please forgive the background, but I have just stolen one of my wife's background letters.
I read your article in last Sunday's Sun Herald [sic] by chance, and it reminded me of my experiences listening to 2SM way back in the early 50s.
In those days I was in my early/mid teens, and I used to tune in on Monday nights to listen to the boxing from Sydney Stadium at Rushcutter's Bay. The commentator at the time was the now famous Reg Grundy.
During the same period I used to listen to Tony Withers playing all the current pop hits on 2SM over the PA system at North Cronulla Beach on Sunday afternoons, at the same time I and my mates were checking the "local talent", to no avail I might add.
Tony Withers and 2SM were instrumental in making me a lifetime fan of Les Paul and Mary Ford.
Thanks for bringing those memories back to me.
Dave Boardman
Boorowa NSW

From: Keith Walker
Subject: Hi
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie,
Just a short note to let u know how much I enjoyed ur site. While ur were hangin out at 2SM in the seventies I was working at 2JJ producing and finding bands. Midnight Oil, Angels and heaps more. Love ur work.
Cheers, Keith

From: Cec Quinnell
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004
My daughter just sent me copy of your page, most likely because I took her and her friends down to Victoria Park a couple of times to hear these bands. 2SM also played a big part in my life (now 61). A bloke named Tony Withers was the only one to play Rock and Roll in the mid 50's. If my memory serves me right it was on a Thursday night at about 9.pm. This was the only place we could hear our music apart from a juke box or a dance. Bob Rogers & Co weren't in the same boat. Johnny come latelys. Back then it was only the Top 20 but he never played the lot as time wouldn't allow. I guess it seems strange now with songs with explicit lyrics but back then "Shout" by Johnny O'Keefe was barred from the air as it was too loud and Johnny Horton's "Battle of New Orleans" had the word "bloody" beeped out. Anyway, thanks for the memories. Even though I was a bit old for the Victoria Park music I still enjoyed it. Have quite a few 45's from that era too.
Cec Quinnell

From: Lyndel Jacob
Subject: Rock of the 80s
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004
Hi Debbie,
Like a few people I just stumbled upon your website while looking for some of my old 2SM mates.
I was part of the Rock of the 80s team co-hosting with Dan Craig on mornings and then doing breakfast with Ian Grace. It was a brilliant time to be in radio so much fun, so many crazy times and the sense you were a big part of the Sydney scene. It was especially exciting for me as I was one of the first females to be a jock on commercial radio.
I had started at 2UW on the breakfast show with Ric Melbourne doing traffic, 60 minute challenges, mini radio plays and whatever other mad idea took his fancy. Desperate to be a real jock I pleaded with Ron E Sparks to let me learn the panel and eventually begin a midnight to dawn shift, finally I had my own Saturday night shift. You provided some great insights to RonE with one being his great professionalism and passion for radio he never could cope that I didn’t know every song ever recorded I guess I just loved to chat!! But he did teach me a lot about what made top 40 radio really work.
With the aim of a prime time shift I managed to convince Gracie (Ian Grace) that I could do the 9 to 12 shift which Dan Craig and I co-hosted, taking a week about to panel. I always felt that being on the right side of the panel brought a little more leadership to the shift. I also did Saturday’s breakfast show. I then moved to breakfast with Gracie which was a challenge I loved his creativity and energy.
I was in radio from about 1981 to 1986, when I then moved to television. I spent 5 years on Good Morning Australia before returning for a stint co-hosting breakfast on 2UW following the demise of Bazz and Pilko.
I first found 2SM in 1976 when I moved from Melbourne to Sydney. It immediately gave me a feel for the city and I loved Ian MacRae, Ron E, Gibbo and Moore and the other jocks who came and went.
Thank you for bringing back some great memories as I sit here in London where I now live. You have made me quite homesick for Sydney and for radio. Maybe it is time to return to the airwaves.
Hi to you and to many of my old 2SM workmates who have written in or are mentioned RonE, Macca, Dan Craig, Charlie Foxx, Skinz, Andy Church, Doug Garske, Graham Miles, Julie Brodsky, Wolf, Phil Lenz, Sally…..it was a great time.
Best wishes to all,
Lyndel Jacob

From: Derek Taylor
Subject: a good one
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2004
Hi Debbie,
congratulations on your unofficial 2SM website, what memories. I got involved presenting travel segments after the glory days and worked with Macca through the Murphy days and there was still an afterglow for a quite a while after you left.
The Murphy era was more than average but the Caralis takeover pretty much buried the station as was beautifully explained by Mark Day in The Australian on March 4, 04. Particularly loved the line about 'a meeting of concerned 2SM listeners being held in a phone box in Potts Point'........hilariously sad but oh so true.
On the web site scene, we were hired to produce a ' 2smSuper Network web site' www.2smsupernetwork.com.au and like so many before me remain unpaid by the Greek tycoon and have to join the court queue. Perhaps you should start a site .......... 2smunpaidsuppliers.com as I've discovered there are stacks of us!
keep up the good work,
Derek Taylor...........Mr.Travel

From: Bruce Davis
Subject: 2SM - what a walk down memory lane
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004
Great to see your 2SM site (from the SMH Guide article).
I was a couple of years ahead of you and was “almost” disappointed when I looked for some of the names I had in the back of my mind but most got a mention somewhere Bill Drake (Holger Brockman was it 2DAY where he was the first announcer saying Holger Brockman, formerly Bill Drake), Robbo, Greg Rees (does anyone have access to the song they released “Backyard Barbie” I think it was sung by the DJ’s?).
I also remember Groover Wayne became George Wayne heard Angela Catterns mention the other day he was no longer alive.
Also Peter Sinclair he was rather unique wonder what happened to him.
I have gone back to the site a few times to see if there are additions I saw an email from Lyndel Jacob she said she came to Sydney from Melbourne in 1976. I’m sure she went to Barker College (as I did) and the alumni book says ’75 ’76! Also she mentioned Andy Church who also went to Barker I believe.
You should have an email alert go out when there are significant updates.

From: Debbie Kerr
Subject: Greg Rees
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004
Enjoy your 2SM site. In the mid seventies I became friends with a DJ from 2SM-Greg Rees. He also helped Frank Hyde call the Rugby League. He left 2SM to work at 2NX. He then went to Perth & Adelaide.
I was wondering if you knew of his whereabouts . he was not mentioned on your site.
Debbie Kerr.

From: Paul James
Subject: Website
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004
Dear Debbie
A friend of mine (another ex 2SM addict) emailed me the link to your site today. I have only got as far as MacRae so far, but what a flood of memories. Thanks for all the hard work. I can remember the morning MacRae announced Elvis' death. I was standing at the kitchen sink washing up after breakfast before I went to school. He was playing 'Part of the Union' by Strawbs and he just put his hand on the record and stopped it!
Keep up the good work and thanks again.
Paul James

From: Lynette Rosina-Smith
Subject: 2SM memories
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004
Hi Debbie...
Was just in your 2SM site and it's fantastic... I mainly was surfing around trying to find old 2SM top 40s from the 70s... the reason being that ASSweet are touring in september....(better known as The Sweet ...unfortunately 2 members have passed away and 1 is retired in the states...so Andy Scott, the lead guitarist, has been keeping the Sweet music alive with his band ASSweet for the last 15 years...)
I'm part of the sweet glam forum that's part of the website www.thesweet.com and us aussie fans are pretty excited that the guys will be touring (last time they were here was in 94) and before that with original lineup in 75 during their heydays..(remember ballroom blitz, teenage rampage, blockbuster, peppermin twist?)
You wouldn't happened to have met them or have any photos by chance? If you have any photos or know anyone that does ...I'd love to know how to get a hold of them as us aussie fans would like to arrange a special oz orientated gift to give the guys as a keepsake for this visit...not to mention the guys from their site are always appreciative of old photos...
Where would I find 2sm top 40s from the 70s? Us old sweet fans have such bad memories we can't remember details like chart positions,what flopped,what didn't etc.
Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated....
I was also on JUKEBOX JURY ....I wrote in and won a slot on the programme...(i was so nervous meeting Frank Fursey and Charlie Fox that I think I was the quietest and most boring person they ever had on there!!!!! I remember a guy from Mother Goose was the guest panelist...along with a guy from a rock mag (can't recall his name)
My brother taped the show and tho it stops and starts a lot of the programme is still on the tape.... just let me know if you need or want it.....
Cheers and best wishes
Lynette Rosina-Smith

From: Jack Hopkins
Subject: 2SM
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004
Hi Debbie read about your work on the 2SM archives excellent work, a great hobby. I love your website I spent a bit of time side tracked into Henry’s Gallery, some of my favourite rock pictures are in there….. .. I imagine lots of people have emailed you about your work, I’m an old Turramurra High attendee and was a great fan of 2SM in the early 70’s………….
My purpose beyond complementing you was to see if you knew where I might get a copy of “The ballad of Lady Di” a true classic… I have previously looked round the web for it with no luck I even had a look at the Ian MacRae site when I was looking for it a year or so ago.. I enjoyed hearing the excerpt on your site but wonder if you had an idea where I might find a full copy. Are you able to email me a mp3 copy of it, it would make a lovely bookend with my copy of “Having a barby” … all the best …
Jack Hopkins

From: Robert McKinnon
Subject: Hoping for a little help
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004
First off, I must compliment you on what an in depth site you have. As a child of the 90's it's hard to contemplate alot of the stories I've been told by my parents. The idea of a 'free rock gig' is still somewhat devoid in today's culture.
I was just wondering if you could help shed a little light on a story I was told by a friend of my dad's. In the early eightees, he came across a guitar in 2SM's studio. The guitar was said to have been donated by Angus Young of AC/DC sometime in the late seventees. It was an Ibanez copy of a Gibson SG. It had no serial number and was in fairly bad condition, ie chips in the body, belt buckle marks on the back, etc. The case had many stickers on it, including an AC/DC sticker, a Queen 1976 Tour Sticker and many 2SM and 4IP denim record stickers. I did some research on Ibanez guitars and found that they didn't put serial numbers on their guitars until 1975. From what I've been able to piece together, the guitar was probably a 1973 model (basically a very good copy of the Gibson product, that they were later sued over). If you could help me in any way possible, please email me back.

From: John Rowles
Subject: 2SM weekly top 40 charts
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004
Dear Debbie,
re: Charts from 1967 to about 1983 when POP began 2 die. Can you ID a way for me to view the weekly charts OR random charts (say monthly?) OR yearly Top 100 charts,presumably on internet.
From when I was about six, I caught the School Special to the Record store at Double Bay to collect the pastel coloured chart & collected them for years (c.1968) till mid 70s. I have most every song on CD but fear that some slipped through.Surely there is a site with this "microfish" type of info.
I remember opening a Lemon coloured Top 40 in 1970/71, shattered that "Love Her Madly" (Doors) only went as high as Number 7.
I was at Roktober, perched precariously at top of the ampitheater facing stage during "Boys are Back in Town" & Jon English.
Hope you can help.
John Rowles.

From: The General
Subject: football meatpies kangaroos & holden cars
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004
Wondering if any body might have a recording of the 1974 holden commercial jingle Australians love football meatpies kangaroos & holden cars. Pretty sure 2SM played this jingle many times a day.
Pity 2SM isn't still on air
Thank you
You're not taking the Kingswood

From: Andrew Kilpatrick
Subject: Yehaa... 2SM rocks back on the net
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004
Congratulations on making the net a better place with so much crap on your site is a pleasant surprise sadly the station we both know and love has passed into the blackhole of calcutta (pardon the pun) .
I once wrote and read a student editorial for my school Killara High which was broadcast on 2SM Having worked in radio and knowing a lot of your respondents it's great to read their comments.
I'm just sorry I did'nt invest in a decent stereo when I was at High School as all the airchecks I have are from about 1984 onwards so I missed taping any of the 2SM glorydays although I'm sure I have some old 2SM top 40 charts lying around somewhere
will let you know, once again good job one of the most informative and worthwhile websites I've ever seen
All the best
Andrew Kilpatrick
Thats Entertainment
2CCC FM 96.3 Gosford NSW

From: Graham Roberts
Subject: 2SM
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004
Hi Debbie,
I was just told about your site. You have done such a fantastic job. I have many fond memories of 2SM. Rod Muir gave me a start as a jock from Brissy in March 1969. The line up then was Ian Macrae. John Brennan. John Burnley. John Torv. Mad Mel and the late Groover Wayne 10 till 1am.
I started on midnight to dawns for 8 months and then was given the opportunity of my life to do 7 till 10 at night. I did that shift for 4 years till November 1973 when I returned to Brisbane to work at 4IP and then 4BC. 2SM had started the More Music format in October or November of 1968. For me it was such a great time to join a radio station with a new format and no listeners. 2UW was the top rock station at the time. We at 2SM had a will to win. And win we did. Around 1970 I saw the station hit for the first time in many years number 1.
I have if you are interested many old pics and top forty charts. Even old Air Checks and old Jingles. I have a classic photo of Ron E Michael Jackson and yours truly when the Jackson Five came to Sydney in 70-71.
After leaving radio in 81 I joined McDonalds and have been a store owner for 22 years. I have two stores in the Brisbane area.
Kind Regards,
Graham Robbo Roberts.

From: Mick Jensen
Subject: 2SM & 2UW
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004
Hello Debbie,
Reading the comments by a number of people have brought memories flooding back. I used to enjoy listening to 2SM and 2UW as a teenager. A very favourite show of mine was "Thompson Underground" and this was on 2UW from 9.00PM friday night. How I used to love hearing the obscure bands of the mid 60's such as The Fugs, Blue Cheer, and The Strawberry Alarm Clock for example. The music was not "mainstream" but it was new, psychedlic and exciting and lead to many innovations in music. How can I possibly rehear these programs - can it be done, is there an archive??
Regards and thanks for the web site.
Mick Jensen.

From: Name withheld by request
Subject: The 70's, 2SM, Donnie Sutherland, Mi-Sex ROCK AND ROLL!!!!
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004
LOVE your site! Came across it looking for any references to a 1980's appearance on Sounds by Laura Branigan, where she seemed majorly juiced - I can only have been around 12-14 at the time, but she was a major, er, influence on boys of that age at that time ;-).
Not much Donnie, but hell you took me down memory lane. In no particular order:
LRB. How great are they? I am overseas, and playing their stuff makes me so homesick and so happy. "Home on a monday", "Cool Change" "A long way there" - NOT the edited version, please!
I was at the 1977 Vic Park concert - my Mum took me! cos I was only 10!!!! - I remember Marc Hunter being off his dial and asking the crowd to get their clothes off. I only went to see Sherbet! Dag! Funny, I thought it was a Moove concert - but it was 27 years ago.
FF to 1983. I had seen Dire Straits at the Horden Pavlova, taken some photos, and though I'd like to get em signed. I rang Seven's studios in Epping, got put through to Donny, and he gave me the phone number of the band's manager, and asked me to send his regards (weren't things so much less complicated then?). I still have the pix, they did get signed, and Mark Knopfler remains a hero of mine - and was well before the Brothers In Arms bandwagon rolled in to town. I think they may have been MMM's first simulcast, yes?
1984. Christmas morning, Doug Mulray had released Two Rude and was play a lot of it as part of his show that day. I phoned up and he himself answered!!! I wanted to know why everyone on the album made their own clothes... didnt get an answer, but he started doing schtick down the line to me, like a one man show. What a great talent. Made getting up for high school worth while in the early 80's.
FF1991. I was working in Coffs Harbour when I read about Steve Gilpin (Mi Sex) having a car crash. They were a group I idolised after the demised of Sherbet. Six weeks later, when he died, I kicked myself for not sending some well wishes - the guy who runs the record store in the mall up there (Dave Franklin) reckoned I could send it to Mulumbimby Post Office and it would get there.... but I just chickened out. When Shirley Straughan died a few years back, I was surfing Howlspace and saw Kevin Stanton's email details - I wrote to him and told him the story, and he was stoked that after 20 years, someome could be so passionate about his band. We exchanged a few emails and it felt good to make that contact.
Loved your story about losing the tapes of radio specials - I had a copy of a Dire Straits gig recorded of 2MMM in 1985 that a similar thing happened to. Luckily, the internet has meant I was able to replace it with a CD bootleg for a copy of some of those (now quite rare) Straits photos.
I only ever won one thing on radio in Sydney - tickets to Springsteen in 1985. The 2MMM promo for his gogs will live with me forever - I wish I had a copy. It went something like "In the begining there was rock and roll..." and it started off with guitar riff from Johnny B Goode and went through a medly of about 20 of the worlds most recognised guitar breaks... and then the voice came back in "...and then there was Bruce!" Totally classic moment. Maybe it will turn up on the net one day.
Four weeks after the show, I had 3rd row seats to Queen at the Ent Cent. Rolled my dad's brand new Laser sport doing 140km/h on Epping Road on the way home. Idiot.
1996: David White is a legend. I was back in Sydney, and used to wake up at 5:30am to Wendy Harmer and the Morning Show. I faxed him one day and suggested he used the 5:35am time slot to play a lost classic each day - stuff that jocks like, but never get to hear. I gave him a half dozen suggestions... The very next morning, he read my fax out, heaped praise on my musical taste (!!!!) and played "Meeting Across the River".
Last story! I was with my girlfriend, playing her a copy of "Two Rooms" and raving about the Bon Jovi cover and how great he sounded. My lady listened for a few minutes and asked me "If we ever have a baby boy, can we call him Levon?". I've been married 7 years next week, and my eldest son will be four in November. He is, indeed, named Levon.
Thanks for bringing back some great memories from my past.
Kindest Regards
(Name withheld)

From: John Graska
Subject: Clarence St, Sydney
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004
Hi Debbie,
I found your website through Wayne Mac.
I grew through the sixties with my tiny "Astor 4 Transistor" stuck to my ear listening to "The Brighter 2UE- channel 95" and "Top of The Dial Radio 2SM" and later "In 68 it's just great to go 'round with the fun crowd....." The music was great back then, and radio was exciting (in between the songs).
The most memorable era was in the latter years of High School listening to 2SM, especially around 71 and 72.
I spent around 3 great years at the Max Rowley School of Announcing not quite knowing where and when I was going to land a job in Radio. A few of my mates were getting jobs in NSW country stations however my audition tape scored 2 expressions of interest, one at a radio station in Nambour and another in Tassie (Burnie). Being just a pimply 18 year old these far off places seemed too remote from my school buddies and family! Funny thing is, I ended up getting the "travel bug" and strayed away from the radio path to something else.
I've been collecting the Top 40 Charts for 40 years on and off. Love the SM Top 100's from the 60's, have all the 71 and 72 sets as well as heaps of others. Have SM airchecks from 72 through until 79. A memorable SM moment was spent at the Fosters Hotel (cnr Clarence and Druitt) enjoying a drinking session with Whitey and Brian Cadd some time during the summer of 72/73. 'Twas one of the worst hangovers I've ever had.
I remember during possibly 73 or 74 very late one Saturday night George Moore (I think) played a Cat Stevens track and when it finished all you could hear was the needle backtracking for about 20 minutes. I was ringing the station (to wake him up ?????) but no answer. I asked him some weeks later during my weekly visit to the studios what had happened and he told me they had a bomb scare and that a standby tape made for that situation did not activate!
The compression 2SM used back then always made the music sound better than when I actually bought a 45 and played it at home. It took me years to find this out. Nowadays when I make a compilation CD in my "home studio" I use heaps and heaps of compression.... just the way I like it!
Thanks 2SM for the memorex!
John Graska

From: Jonathan Coleman
Subject: Jono Coleman from London... What about Jono And Dano On 2SM
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004
We did brekkie for a year… I think on AM stereo... for Geoff Mulray... and Carl Tyson Hall from Triple Jay was the PD... It was 1984/1985… After we left Triple M FM... Like the site... I would love to get a copy of the Concert Of The Decade album... I was there filming for Simon Townsend’s Wonder World... I interviewed the crowd and got into the Guiness Book of Records for the world largest interview... of a rock show crowd... and did it from the stage... and we filmed it... Andrew Lesnie was the cameraman... He filmed Babe and the Lord of the Rings movies... now he is an Oscar winner.
Check out my website in London… www.jonocoleman.com. I’m on Heart 106.2 FM London brekkie.
xxxx love and kisses
Jonathan Coleman (Jono and Dano ) Chan 7 Sunrise etc... see ya

From: Greg Dimon
Subject: Radio website
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004
Hi Debbie,
Congratulations on having the time and energy to assemble all the radio history on your site. I stumbled across it yesterday.
I still have somewhere ( though it's years since I've seen it ) a copy of the Nostradamus Special. It was made at 3XY in late 77. Written and Conceived by Paul Turner and produced by Audio Guru Brian Newington. Narrator was John Torv and the voice of Nostradamus was Dick Hemming the then Program Director of the station. If my copy turns up sometime in the future I'll try to send you a dub.
Best Regards,
Greg Dimon

From: Jon Martin
Subject: Hello Debbe
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004
Subject: Hello Debbe
While cruising the web to see if Glenn A Baker had a site - I came across yours.
Was very impressed with the information on your webbie (still haven't gone though it all yet...!!!).
I have worked out although you are only a few years older - '65 kid here - we ended up sharing a lot of the 70's memories (like going to a Sherbet concert as teens - although at 13 - I had to take my Mum lol)
Like you I grew up with listening to Sydney radio until I was around 9 when we moved to a little town in Victoria called Omeo, just below Mt. Hotham, for a few years untill moving in the Gippsland area at 11.
At 13, I sampled my 1st time on air at a fledgling community radio 3GCR-FM (one of the 1st in country Vic.). During the time to 17 - I was involved with many school bands before starting work in a local pub as a DJ. 3years later I returned to GCR as a freelance before being given the 1st ever breakfast shift - which I held for over 18months and rated above one commercial station (3UL) the ABC and 2nd to 3TR.
At 21 recived my 1st commercial gig at 2LF Young as arvo then mornings and production (and how many famouse names have worked there!!!!!). From there also worked for sister station 2WG as a freelance before taking a gig at of all places - Breaky at 4LG Longreach!
Why there? and it was a step back - I had'nt been to outback QLD before - and as you know Radio is a great way to see the country side :)
From there to sister statio 4HI Emerald then back to the #1 - 3TR in Gippsland. From there I worked with Bob Taylor at the Announcers Academy of Australia in Melb before semi-retiring in Coffs in 90.
In '96 I got the bug again for radio - having worked for the Jetty Theatre in audio for a few years. With 2CS covered the F1 live from Melb then Studio based for 17 days with the Atlanta Olympics (yeah that was fun - up at midnight, on-air at 5.30am till 1pm).
During those 17 days an old friend phoned me and next thing you now I was back in full time as 3GG's Production Manager and Announcer (the old 3UL renamed) again in Gippsland for the 3rd time! and for the #1 station.
While I was there in the 1st 6mths took them from Analogue to Digital and stayed for over 3 1/2 years - of which we stayed #1 and 10th with the overlap in the Melb ratings.
I left in '99 and have been keeping a very low profile since based in Redfern/Surry Hills doing the odd website designs and IT. I do keep myself very upto date with PC tech. and digital audio. In fact I've been thinking about audio straming using a few of the Nat. voice mates I know still - but thats a project for 2005.
Although I never graduated to cap-city radio - I had the chance but I never actually wanted to. I wasn't in it for the $$ or the fame. I was in it for the fun and the ability to work with music (and I'm sure you will agree - the fun as we had in the 70 to 90s has long gone in radio - voice tracking has done so much to also delete jobs... grrr). Will I go back? Probably...
I have just finished reading a book called "When Radio was the Cats Whisker" by Bernard Harte - a tech/announcer/manager who started in the bussiness in the 20/30's and right up till the 80s - worth a read if you have the time.
Sorry for the long email - but thought ya might like to hear from someone who has been there in a parrell, slightly younger and not as experienced in the writing field - more tech than yourself - but just the same - we grew up knowing a lot of the same :)
Kind Regards
Jon Martin,
Sydney, Australia

From: Muzza Inglis
Subject: 2SM
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004
I was the ultimate 2sm Junky...still am...always wanted to work there...
there was something so magical and exciting about it all...I remember Rod
Muir talking to me when I did Breakfast at 4AY Townsville ( at the behest of
the manager) asking me to stay on and send him airchex and he would get me
a job eventually on the network...I had so little confidence that I thought
I would be never good enough...I went to 4BK Brisbane instead...then back to
Christchurch in NZ.... in 1976 you will remember that Macca won the
Billboard air personality of the year ....well I won it the next year in
1977. John laws was 2nd...yaye....I later ended up at 2WS as the first
breakfast jock...with my great mate Jono Coleman (real star and all round
nice guy...Mike Webb and Keith Graham but would have paid a million to work
at 2SM ( still would in fact)....
Anyway I remember all those great Jocks, Robbo (7 o'clock in the big smoke
Robbo with ya), Gordon Obyrne ,Gibson and Moore... I spent hours pouring over
Macca's air chex which Sydney friends sent to me and he was my first real
role model. I even remember the original Good Guys...Mad Mel, Murf The
Surf (Tony Murphy)The weird wide world of Mike Walsh, Kieth Ashton, Phil
Haldeman and so much more... God I used stick my transistor under the
bedclothes in New Plymouth NZ and tune in and dream of the day I would say
Murray Inglis with ya... I equate 2SM as one of my favourite all time radio
stations along with KHJ Los Angeles and KFRC San Francisco.
I am out of radio for the moment but will make a return or many rosaries
will be wasted
Muzza (Murray )Inglis

From: Steve Darvas
Subject: Just looked at your website
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004
It was great reminiscing about 2SM by reading what you had to say. I too recall Macca and the Hon Nick. All GREAT memories. Thanks for a great read!

From: Peter Willis
Subject: 2SM memories
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004
Hi Debbie,
My teenage years were in the 70s and I loved listening to 2SM. Ian MacRae was fantastic and so was Ron Sparx.
There were other DJs I remember. Do you know anything about them or where they are now? Ian Grace, Greg Rees, Bob Stuart. Ian was doing drive in 1975?, Greg mornings maybe 1973 and Bob mornings 1975, 76. Bob used to always say "how's your left leg?" I just have really good memories of this era.
Also Jim Angel used to read the afternoon news. I was always fascinated because there was an echo behind the voice - I think deliberate. Do you have any informaton on Jim or the other newsreaders apart from Steve Liebmann and Brian White.
Tim Webster was also on 2SM on drive about 1975. I loved the "smiley Mike Drayson" line and also Bill Drake - who became Holger Brockman. As well, David White used to do weekends - I remember his words to Frank Hyde before the football - " with the last words on Manly Warringah to win here's Frank Hyde." David was a huge Manly fan.
Thankyou for your website.
Peter Willis

From: Todd Hillan
Subject: Feedback on website
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005
Hello my name is Todd, just wanted to drop a line and say how great your website was, I’m an avid fan of Australian Radio, especially the "older" stations which aren't in existence or have become just commercial garbage. I have always wanted a career in Radio and was wondering if you could give me some pointers on how to get my foot in the door, so to speak.
This is going to sound very nerdy, but I also collect old radio jingles and ad promos, which I had a field day retrieving from your site. One more question, where can I get my hands on the old Dr Dan Triple M themes, the one you had was awesome, only had heard it from internet streaming and sounded crap.
Thanks again for a great site, great to see others with the same interest.

From: Martin
Subject: replying to your artifact section
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005
Hi Debbie,
I just spent 1/2 hour scrolling through your 2SM page. I have a recording of Greedy Smith introducing the Top 100 of 1984. He starts off by saying how’s your head I bet not too good. Well to really make you sick heres the top 100 -----etc.as before. I also have the Top 100 list of 1984. I have some 2SM promo jingles but these are probably poor quality. I remember very well they did a Top 1000 list of the 1st 21 years and published it in the Daily Mirror or The Sun. I have seen 2SM charts in the Mitchell Library. Whether they still have got them I don’t know. Anyway great to read your page and look forward for more additions.
Thanks, Martin

From: Jay Rudko
Subject: Great Site
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005
Hello from sunny Florida! I was told about your site by Ian Wright, of 5DN in Adelaide, and was anxious to check it out. You did a bang-up job with it. I never heard 2SM on the air, save for some brief airchecks, but from what I heard, it sounded great. I've heard it compared to KHJ in Los Angeles. Growing up in the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale area, we had one of the best, most vibrant, and competitive radio markets in the country.
We had two major players in the Top 40 ranks; WQAM, which was the area's top rated station for 10 years running, and WFUN, "Fun Radio", which held the #2 spot. Both were great stations, each with a slightly different approach to the format. During the '60's, the competition between these two stations was strong, as each tried to outdo the other. It made for some great radio. These two stations are still available to listen to via one of my favorite websites, www.reelradio.com. Anyone interested in how Top 40 radio sounded here in the US can go onto that site and hear some of the best radio in the world.
And if anyone is sitting on some 2SM airchecks, I encourage them to send them along to Uncle Ricky, curator of Reelradio.
Jay Rudko
Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA

From: Greg Willmette
Subject: well done
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005
Congratulations on compiling a great memory of the great 2SM, like you I was a big fan in the late 70's and early 80's switching backwards and forwards from 2SM to 2UW. It was great to see the 2SM top 100 poster from 1978, for years I had one and lost it probably during a spring clean or a move. I also had a Fantastic plastic card and a 2SM "the power" t shirt in the early 80's in the end the moths got it. I remember listening to Ian MacRae and the Hon Nick Jones (I met Hon Nick’s son at a radio course some years back). The love of radio led me into the field of commercial radio which I got out of recently. I met Trevor Sinclair at 2UW and he gave me some great advice, I worked at 2LF where he started in 1976. I've always been hoping to find the jingle Macca played every morning... Today’s Monday, Monday is washing day is every body happy you bet your life we are...
When I was at 4LG Longreach the station mgr and I rang him when he was doing a night show broadcast to country stations asking where he got it from, he said it was an obscure song done by the Scaffolds but we never found it, he had even misplaced his copy.
When I was at 2LF I worked with Mark Gillard who was at 2SM during the rock of the 80s days he did some weekends at 2SM in the days of Charlie Foxx , Frank Fursey, Paul Holmes and Geoff Holland. These days Mark is involved in IT in Newcastle. In the staff photo you have from 1977 I noticed the name Denny Dormody, he did sales there and in 1987 he conducted a radio course which got me started in the industry, he told me about the good old days there at 2SM and was responsible for me meeting Trevor Sinclair and a look around 2UW at their Neutral Bay studios. 2 years ago I met Frank Hyde at Brookvale Oval and for a guy well in his 80s he's still sharp as a tack. Listening to what has happened to 2SM today is sad for what was an institution to so many of us in the 70s and 80s when they had some 25% of the Sydney audience. Something that will never be repeated.
Again thanks for supplying some great memories.
Greg Willmette
From: Greg Rudd
Subject: 2SM ads on buses
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005
Hi Debbie
I read with interest your page on the denim covered VW beetles that were used as part of 2SM promotions/advertising campains.
I dont know if you noticed, that in your younger days they was a double deck bus (Leyland Atlantean) that were painted at various times with both the Funtastic 2UW and 2SM advertising themes. As to when the bus was painted in 2SM colours I thinkyou could have imagined it would have looked quite good with the denim record being painted over the covered stairwell which was in the middle of the bus. If you talk to the Truck and Bus Museum (http://www.busandtruckmuseum.org.au ) they might have actually have pics of these busses if you were interested in adding a pic of it to your site as a demonstration of how much 2SM advertised.
Thanks for your site.
From: Darren Powell
Subject: Hi there
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005
Hello, I love your 2SM page. I have done many gigs with the people mentioned on your page over the years including Stevie Wright, Renee Geyer, Jon English, Radiators, Mentals and many others.
I am a very good friend of Rockin’ Rod Thomas… I believe he was involved with Rod Muir and 2SM. I’ve recorded quite a bit of stuff with John Bee also, who was one of Thommo’s great mates. Actually I have a ‘Thommos’ Pub Brewery’ glass sitting on my shelf which was a result of Rod’s unsuccessful attempt to start a pub/brewery in Leichardt many years ago.
Rod Thomas has passed away now, but I would love to know more about his involvement with 2SM over the years. Rockin Rod and I used to spend a lot of time together when my band was doing lots of Sunday arvo gigs at the Rose and Crown in Erskineville in the early 90’s. We used to drive out to the George IV in Picton together and hang at his place in Stanmore, until he died. John Bee was also a mutual friend and we share fond memories of Rod and the times we spent together.
I was reading about how Rod produced a radio ad with Chris Gilbey for 2SM which effectively cracked AC/DC in Sydney. I’m looking for anyone who may have memories of Rockin’ Rod Thomas at any time during his life. Here’s to Thommo!
Kind regards,

From: Glenn Jelich
Subject: Compliments for your website
Date: Fri, 11 March
Hi Debbie,
I was surfing around looking for some info on the 'Concert of the Decade' and came across your website. You have done a great job.
You brought back many memories especially on the stuff you put together on 2SM. How can anybody forget the jumbo going under the harbour bridge.
Growing up in Abbotsford, I use to live across the street from a girl (woman now) Kim Moller that worked at 2SM, you may have known her.
The music of that era certainly left its mark in my life, great to see there are more of us out there.
The sound clip of the concert of the decade promo with a snippet of "Mighty Rock - Stars" was great.
Glenn Jelich

From: Mike “Doc” Ryan
Subject: Concert date?
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005
Hi Debbie,
Just got sent to your site courtesy of Nostalgiacentral.com
A couple of us ex-Sydneysiders, now living here in Queensland, have been trying to do a bit of research into a concert held on Sydney Harbour.
We are sure that it was a 2SM gig and the line up included John Paul Young, Ted Mulry Gang....????????
Hoping you might be able to fill in gaps, as in we are trying to find the full line up and the specific date it was on.
And for your site, YES - JPY wore the infamous sailor suit and YES - the bouncers threw the girls from St. Mary's Girls High and Moorefield Girls High back in the water!
And Ted Mulry DID sing a censored version of "Dinah" - but you couldn't censor the crowd !
Thanks for any assistance you might be able to come up with re: the above, and I will be putting your page up on my favourites list !
2SM Rock(ed) ! :(
Michael "Doc" Ryan

From: Sharon Baylis
Subject: 2SM
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005
Hi Debbie,
I came across your page on 2SM whilst looking for something on Alan Steele. I was a bit annoyed with myself for having gotten rid of Ron E.'s and Alan's autographs from the Palings Store opening. The page really brought back the memories.
I was as lucky as you to get along to all the free concerts. I just wasn't allowed though the whole family went to the first Victoria Park concert and I begged and pleaded with Dad to take me to the second Sherbet concert. I must admit my perception was a little jaundiced as I really don't remember much about the other acts on those days.
I was also lucky enough to get along to Chequers. I've not met anyone else who ever went and here again I can only remember seeing TMG. It was Ted's birthday and I had made a banner "Happy Birthday Ted". I was a little naive and didn't hang around to meet anyone (though it could have been that Dad was picking us up). I did make it to the Opera House for Thin Lizzy along with my boyfriend and his mates - there was 7 of us in the mini and I remember sitting across the floor in the rear. I'm suprised my parents allowed me to go. We didn't even stay as we didn't think it was very good. And I was there for the "Concert of the Decade" though way up the stairs up the back. I don't remember seeing it on TV either. Any luck with gaining a copy - though that was before everyone had video recorders.
I can't even recall who was on breakfast radio but there's one thing (which I suppose was topical again recently) is that I woke one morning and 2SM were playing religious music as the pope had just died and wasn't it annoying when 6 months later it happened again!
Along with Ron E. and Alan my girlfriend and I used to listen to Gibson and Moore whilst at the swimming pool for sport (it was a lark as we didn't even have to go in the pool!).
Anyway I thought I'd let you know that I got a real buzz from reading your page (and I haven't even read it all yet) and I just thought that I possibly went to the free Jon English concert as I do remember seeing him at the Hordern.
Thanks again for the memories.
Kind regards,

From: Stephen P Thomas
Subject: 2SM Site : WOW!!!
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005
Hi Debbie
Wow!! I have been checking out your 2SM site and been amazed and impressed with what you have done, congratulations.
I am now 44, and having grown up in Sydney, I was a 2SM obsessive during the period 1978 to 1980, no where as long as your period of devotion. You have done an impressive job, and the content has brought back a flood of memories for me of my life between ages of 18 to 21.
I have crystal clear memories of Ian Macrae's breakfast shows, he was the best morning DJ, an amazing talent. The jumbo under the bridge, I remember being glued to my radio and being late for school as a result. Hon Nick Jones on a Moped going to Goulburn. The music was the soundtrack to our lives at such a formative age.
It has been fascinating reading the feedback you have received, particulalry from ex 2SM jocks and staffers. I later got involved in community FM radio in Sydney (2RRR) presenting some programs.
With best wishes
Steve Thomas
PS I LOVE your tantalizing audio files, obviously sourced from original tapes as sound quality is great. I have some recordings from 1978 and 1980, of Ian Macrae. I have about 15 minutes continuos (as broadcast) of the jumbo stunt from 1978.

From: John Little
Subject: Office boy in 1968
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005
I was the 2SM Office Boy in 1968, fresh out of school. I had to go down to the GPO and pick up the mail bags full of competition entries etc and haul them back to Clarence St then sort the mail and deliver it to each desk. I remember being in the newsroom one evening when the teleprinter started clattering and glanced down to read the flash that Robert Kennedy had been shot in theAmbassador Hotel in LA. News Director Garvin Rutherford assigned me the job of keeping the reporters supplied with hamburgers and milkshakes all night as they covered the story. During the day Mike Walsh, Tony Murphy and all the other Good Guys had me running their errands around town to the point where there was hardly time for official 2SM 'messages', as assigned by Marie Thomas (secretary to big Bill Stephenson). One of the perks of the job was sharing a lift up to the office with the Shadows or Roy Orbison on the way to an on-air interview, and getting free records from Mike Walsh's office that was hip-deep in latest releases.
John Little

From: John Carroll
Subject: The state of play
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005
Hi Debbie.
I was wandering through your site and thought I should drop you a line about where I am and what I’m up to.
I had a serious motor vehicle accident at a Ch V Music Max staff conference in Batemans Bay September 2003. I was sober and straight at the time and I blame that as the cause!
My left leg was crushed and I suffered severe damage to my lower back. Almost two years after the accident I am now living in beautiful Port Macquarie ,with on going surgery and still on Workers Compensation. I am no longer at Max and now require the aid of a stick to walk, so I have adopted the title of "Prick on a stick"
I have attached a photo of one of the last interviews I did at Max with Jeff "Skunk" Baxter who is a wondferful guitarist ( Steely Dan, Doobies etc ) and a gentleman of the first power. I look at touch different from the shot of me from 1978!!!!!!!
Regardless, I am in good spirits and playing music ( bass/vocals ) again with some local bands and I've gone fishing!!!! Did you know that I did vocals on the first two sets of Rocktober station jingles in 1974 and 75?
I would like to thank you for keeping Aussie Radio History alive. The History of 2SM and its villians who went on to further create history and mayhem is a great story and I feel its future is secure, thanks to your efforts.
Kindest regards

From: Jacqueline Rogers
Subject: Memory Lane!
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005
Hello Debbie!,
I have been lurking about on your site and was taken aback with the amount of stuff you have on there! Such memories! I can still remember to this day watching Sherbet win 'Hoadleys Battle Of The Sounds'! I am a few years older than you and have fond memories of the 2SM era and the stronghold that this radio station had. They were the days when Cronulla Street was just that - a street! Panel Vans were the 'in' car with 2SM roaring from the radio - 2UW was also acceptable. Cronulla Pie Shop was where you bought your food. I am a Sutherland Shire girl..... funny all these years later I'm back here again. Now Henry Diltz was the big name that took many photos of The Monkees? Is that right? If my memory serves me correctly he published a book some years back. I used to think that Samantha Juste, Mickeys first wife was so very cool. Anyway, just thought I would drop a line to say what an enjoyable site you have! Looking forward to the release of your book, I hope it will be very successful for you!
Best Wishes

From: Gregory Rees
Subject: 2SM
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005
Just staggered across your stuff, literally.
Tapped my own name into Google to see what other poor unfortunates shared my name and found all the 2SM stuff.
I worked at 2SM 1970 to 1975 - mid-dawn, floater, Noon-3 and finished up 9-Noon before being shunted off to 2NX to make way for Gibson & Moore.
Debbie Kerr contacted you with regards to "Backyard Barbie, Boogie Woogie Blues" - I drunkenly recorded that in the basement 8-track studio in Clarence Street in about 1974 (I think), Ron E Sparkx (Gregory james Sparkes) recorded "I wanna be a Rock 'n' Roll DJ". (that must have been the A-side!)
"Robbo" , Graham Roberts (Slennert) did a different version of Barbie - the only person I can think of who may have a copy of all the 2SM Good Guys songs would be the songwriter, John Vincent in Adelaide. ( former SA*FM Morning Zoo anchor - a program which I was also part of for 13 yrs.)
Nowdays I live in Cairns do bits and pieces on Channel-7 and anything else that comes my way.
Cheers, Greg Rees.

From: John Brown
Subject: 2SM Website
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005
I have just caught up with your website on the history of 2SM. It is fascinating. I go back to 1963 when Bob Rogers moved from 2UE and the 2SM Good Guys hit the airwaves.
2SM was a major part of my life as a teenager and I enjoyed radio because I had no brothers or sisters to fight with and I lived in Maroubra where it was all happening with the surfing sound. I was never a surfie nor did I attend any of the live concerts, but I did enjoy radio and the numerous Disk Jockeys that created what I considered personality radio. 2SM, 2UE and 2UW where constantly in my ear.
I taped many of the DJs and the music of the time, but sadly with the changes in technology, much of it was lost. I have managed to convert some of it to CD but it comes through only one side of the headphone.
I was an Ian Macrae fan from when I first heard him on the night shift at 2SM and thought it was a waste to put such a funny man on breakfast, because most would only hear a short part of the show while getting ready for work. I preferred him on nights because I could get 3 hours of him them. Luckily for 2SM, I was wrong and today I consider Macca Mr 2SM.
I was lucky enough to tape his last show on 2SM on 30 April 1982 and then get the first show (Series 2 Episode 1, as he called it at the time) on 1 April 1997 when he returned. I have other shows also some going back to 1980.
If you are interested I can copy the CDs and send them to you. They contain some of the funniest things that happened on the show and I’m happy to share them with anybody who also enjoyed Macca’s humour.
Thanks for putting together such a fantastic history of 2SM.
John Brown

From: Alex Martin
Subject: Your Site!
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005
Hi Debbie,
I was and avid 2SM at the same time as you, and your site, which I stumbled onto by accident (isn't the web a wonderful thing?).
I was looking for the very first Moove milk TV ad, which you'll recall was controversially taken off air because it was too "sexually suggestive". I was 17 or so then, so couldn't see any problem with it, and I wonder just how it would compare with modern asvertising standards.
Love your site, and will keep and eye out for any memorabillia from 2SM to pass on. 3 particular memories stay with me - Macca and the Hon Nick Jones singing "Back Yard Barbie, Boogie Woogie Blues", Denim covered Volkswagens, and The Hon Nick's run for parliament under the banner of the Australian Colonialist Party (don't recall how many votes he got).

From: Douglas Kidson
Subject: footage of 2smconcerts
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005
Hi Deb
Just wondering if you know of any dvd’s or videos of two concerts put on by 2SM back in the early 70’s. The main one is Led Zeppelin at Sydney Showground in 1972 or 1973 and the other is the Sydney Harbour one at Kirribilli on the barge featuring John Paul Young, Ted Mulray and others. I know there is footage of JPY and Ted on these latest Pioneer Jukebox’s in Pubs and clubs but was wondering if the whole concert was available.
The good old days. What an era.
Doug Kidson

From: Chris Williams
Subject: MY 2UW DAYS
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005
Oh Debbie,
Yes reading your website certainly brings back a lot of memories, my dad worked at 2UW between 1965-1971 then we moved to Perth where he worked at 6PR and 6KY before coming back to Sydney at the end of 1976.
I started collecting singles in 1975 (I was 14) and in 1977 started work at 2UW as a mail boy.
I had a ferocious appetite for music and have around 7,000 45's and 3,000 cd singles, I helped Garry Jaeger in the record library and did production,carting and panel operating, Gordon Elliott, Holger Brockmann (an experience let me tell you!) and Harry wild amongst others, I also came in Sundays to do the American top 40 (on vinyl) then the national top 40 in the afternoon (on tape hosted by Ward Austin).
We were very aware of 2SM's huge audience at the time, as I was in my late teens all my mates listened to 2SM,the photo with everyone on the wharf was taken around April 1979,they ferried all the staff to a wharf in Mosman, it was for the launch of the ''we love you Sydney" campaign, which was dropped a couple of months later when Ron E Sparx took over as program manager.
I worked at 2CH after that but then became a courier, which I still do 23 years later!
I'm 44 and definitely a 70's dag! I remember all the "Countdown" and "Sounds" music, chatting to Donnie Sutherland at UW, and Kobe Steele when she worked there in 1980 about the difference in music that was played in Perth.
I'm a Triple J listener mainly, all the stations are repetitious, wouldn't even think of Nova, WS plays all the same 20 or so songs and Vega sounds like it's programmed by a 20 y.o who thinks they know what someone my age wants to hear, give me 2SM or 6PM playing "It never rains in Sthn California" any day over the dripple they call music now!
Chris Williams

From: Peter Wood
Subject: 2SM
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006
Hi Debbie,
What a wonderful job you have done on your 2SM website. This afternoon I was listening to 2UE when Wayne Mac came on. He was promoting his book about the history of Australian radio. I went onto his website and you were one of the links. I looked at the entire thing and I have gotten no work done tonight.
You have certainly brought back some wonderful memories for me. In the 70's I was a station flicker. Mornings I would sometimes listen to Malcolm T. Elliott on 2UW, then Ian McRae on SM. When I would come home from school I would sit at my fathers radiogramme and surf the entire dial chasing my favourite songs. I remember the only time I won anything was from 2SM. Once an hour, the first caller through would win Paul McCartney's "Band On The Run" album.
I sat there all night with the first 6 numbers already dialled, waiting for the signal to call. Finally I got through; it was after midnight and my father was yelling at me to go to bed. The next day I came home from school and there leaning against the front door was my package with a big red '2SM ' printed on the address label. Inside was a 'with compliments' card signed by George Moore. I still have the record and the card.
I loved hearing some of the old jingles again. Wow, the 70's were a wonderful time to be listening to radio. The music was just fabulous then.
I used to pop in and visit radio stations when I was in the city. 2SM was in 257 Clarence St and 2UW was in 365 Kent St. I also visited the new studios at Blues Point Rd but they had security doors there and bold young boys like myself were not able to bluff our way in anymore.
There was one DJ I really enjoyed listening to on 2SM; he later joined 2UW. His nickname was 'Lobo' but his name was Laurie Bennett. Do you remember him or know what became of him?
Debbie, you have done a remarkable job putting this very professional site together. Congratulations! and please let me know if you know what happened to Lobo.
Peter Wood

From: Richard Fiveash
Subject: Great Memories
Date: 20 April 2006
Hi Debbie,
Fantastic site brings back so many memories it makes me want to go back to the 70’s I wish it was 1975 again!
I’m a little younger than you but I would have started listening to 2SM & 2UW probably mid 1973 (age 8) as I remember I use to have the radio on when I went to bed and listening in the dark two songs used to frighten me “Stuck in the Middle With You” by Stealers Wheel and “Also Sprach Zarathustra” by Deodato so when they came on I used to change the station as these 2 songs both entered the charts in May ’73 that must have been when I started listening and taking an interest in music.
It wasn’t for another year until I was interested enough to spend money and I bought my first record the K-Tel album “Bobby Dazzler” because it had “I Can’t Stop Myself from Loving You” by William Shakespeare on it, by this time I was an avid SM listener I remember very clearly hearing the song on Ian MacRae’s breakfast show regularly in the weeks before buying it, I also became a huge Sherbet fan (which I still am, I recently saw Daryl in concert and he hinted at a Sherbet reunion this year) and they were my next purchase the “In Concert” album as my twin brother had already bought the “Slipstream” album.
Certainly throughout the rest of the 70’s I would have listened to little else but 2SM and of course being a Rugby League fan having Frank Hyde call the games on the weekend there was little reason to listen to something else.
Your interview with Barry Chapman was most interesting especially when he talked about expanding the playlist from about 30 songs to 70, I remember seeing “SOS” by ABBA debut on Countdown and hearing it (if my memory serves me correctly) 5 or 6 times on the radio the next day (I think I was switching between SM & UW specifically to hear it), obviously both stations at the time (late ’75) had a small playlist which you could get away with then as access to new music wasn’t as easy as it is now.
I also remember being home sick from school sometime mid to late 1979 when Brian White out of the 10am news (I think) announced that I was going to be one of the 1st people in the country to hear the new Eagles song I was so thrilled and I couldn’t wait for my brother to get home so I could tell him “guess what I heard on the radio today”.
I never actually went to any of the free concerts (I now wish I had) I almost went to the concert of the decade but I didn’t but I can’t remember why now, again I wish I had.
By 1981 I’d been poached by 2MMM (for the next 20 or so years) but stayed listening to Ian MacRae for breakfast until he left in ’82 and then became a Mulray addict, these days I probably listen more to WSFM especially Ron E.
I did some work for George Moore a few years ago, very nice man, unfortunately I wasn’t able to talk much with him (short job and nature of the job), I would have loved to.
For some reason the jock I have the strongest memory of apart from the big names (MacRae, Sparks, Steele, O’Byrne, Moore/Gibson) is Mal Hedstrom but where exactly did he fit in? I can’t remember.
Anyway great site it’s fantastic to reminisce, I’ve ordered your book as well and I’m really looking forward to reading it especially Vanda & Young and I agree with you that Evie is the classic Australian song.
Best Wishes

From: Juliette Brodsky
Subject: 2SM was magic - but don't forget the girls!
Date: 13 May 2006
It's great but very spooky (!) to check out your website - wonderful to relive the heat and excitement that was 2SM in those days.
The 70s was THE heyday for the station, and it was a major reason for my decision to get into radio, but don't forget it lasted quite respectably into the mid 80s. And most of all - don't forget the girls!!!
Together with Lyndel Jacob, we were virtually the first women with our own gigs on commercial rock radio (well, in Sydney anyway - and I'm not sure there weren't a couple who'd tried their luck beforehand). I was a starry-eyed, hugely inspired (by Macca, Kenny Everett, Ron E.Sparx, etc) 17 year old when I first approached 2SM in the early 80s and brazenly asked why they didn't have women on the air. I can remember David White (then the program director) smilingly asking me whether I'd like to be "a jockette". I didn't even worry about this double-entendre - the slightest flicker of encouragement from "an insider" - and I promptly joined radio school.
Shortly after, Ian "Gracey" Grace became PD and the Rock of the 80s was born. It never even occurred to me that I might have to commence my career as a broadcaster out in the country. Thanks to Gracey (and Mike Webb, too, for giving me the confidence), I practised being on air in one of 2SM's off-air studios until one day in January 1984, he made the momentous offer: I was "ready" for a midnight to dawn gig. And so, "Julie on the Rock" stumblingly made her debut on 2SM's graveyard (and later, late-night) shift. (My full name was considered "too ethnic" then, though I eventually started using it regardless.)
I still have the airchecks from those years, and marvel that despite slowly surrendering to the FM juggernaut, there were some great last gasps to be had from the 2SM team and the people who worked behind the scenes.
Between 1984-87, I lived and breathed working at Blues Point Road, flicking carts into the machines, cueing records and gazing at Sydney Harbour Bridge at night. Even dancing to the music in the on-air studio (when I was sure no-one was looking, of course)! Not to mention all my enthusiastic and talented contemporaries: Gracey, Charlie Foxx, Geoff "Skinz" Holland, Paul Holmes, Mark "Wolf" Gillard, Jono and Dano, Lyndel Jacob, Dan Craig, Ray Arthur, Jon Vidler, Phil Lentz, Frank Fursey, Mike Hammond, Angela Catterns, Vic Davies and Mal Lees (Club Veg), Phil O'Neill, Pete Ryan, Jimmy Angel, Trent O'Keefe .... I even recall the dreaded regulars who phoned in (one whose voice sounded like porridge bubbling), what the "Jox" room looked like (one of the guys kept a poster of Samantha Fox in his locker), the eager record reps, hosting the travelling video rock show at high schools, the 2SM Rock Eisteddfod.... Then there was the station's board of directors, some of whom were none too keen to have women on the air, but who also somehow missed the meaning of "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.
The station has indeed expired in all but name - but the main thing is (and you've really captured this, Debbie) - 2SM was magic. It's what radio could be about - and should.
Juliette Brodsky (ex "Julie on the Rock")
PS. Somewhere in storage there must be the old 1979 2SM cinema ad "You have a remarkable mouth" - "we have a remarkable radio station". (Says it all!)

From: Nick
Subject: Message from the desk of The Hon Nick
Date: 6 June 2006
Dear Debbie,
My daughter just showed me your website, I can hardly believe my eyes, you have done such a wonderful job of documenting those halcyon days. I will read it in more detail and send you some more considered recollections and contributions. I still hang around the radio business, it's a bit like a disease, once you've got it you can't get rid of it. You will hear Macrae on boost digital an on line station to which I also make occasional contributions. I am also available for after dinner speaking if any one is interested. My daughter who looks after these matters is contactable via email. Her address is lauriemmaj@yahoo.com.
Once again many thanks
Nick Jones

From: Jason Dann
Subject: 2SM
Date: 9 July 2006
thanks SO much for your pages Debbie....so many memories....

From: Brian Ford
Subject: Thanks for the site
Date: 17 August 2006
Hi Debbie
I just stumbled into your site as I was looking for Sherbert reunion info. I am Brian Ford now living in Japan and still playing music and running a bar called 'DownUnder Cafe'. We went to a lot of the same gigs and I was happy to read your story especially 2SM Rockareana . Wow what memories.
Did you like John Paul Young and Sebastian Hardy ?
Anyway thanks again!

From: Mike Gibson
Date: 7 September 2006
Hi Debbie,
Enclosed my memories of great times!!
In my 50 years in the media, this was the most magical time.
The late 1970's, when 2SM was the most listened to radio station in Sydney and the Gibson and Moore show went to number one. Working at 2SM was sheer adrenalin.
With Ian McRae and the Hon Nick handing us a huge audience to start our day, Gibson and Moore paved the way for a whole new style of radio.
Music and talk. Contemporary comment and rock classics. Listener involvement and interviews with the biggest stars - and the hottest visitors - of the day.
I was the newspaper columnist turned radio commentator. George Moore was the honey voiced co-host whose professionalism contrasted sharply with my ocker twang.
Along with master producer John Brennan and effervescent sidekick, Maureen Ross, we presented a hard working - and on the ball - team.
Legendary disc jockeys - sorry, music presenters - like Googy O'Byrne, Wally Williams and the incomparable Ron E. A live wire boss in full flight, hey, Rod "Storky" Muir. What a line up.
All good things come to an end. My only regret at 2SM was the fun ended before it should have.

From: Mark Simpson
Subject: Hello and thankyou
Date: 8 October 2006
I was searching the Net for bands about our "vintage', and came across your site. I think I was looking for the Zarsoff Bros if memory serves me. What the hell for, I don't know.
Anyway, your site - loved it! Was particularly impressed with your piece on 2SM. I was living in Sydney at the time and went to a few of the free concerts. What a great time that was.
Haven't been all over your site yet, but have enjoyed what I've seen. Great work.
Thanks for your memories.

From: Donna Hucker
Subject: Concert of the Decade
Date: 18 October 2006
Hi Debbie
I talking to my husband about the first outdoor concert I had attended which was the “Concert of the Decade” on the Opera House Steps as a 15 year old!
I decided to investigate further to see if I could show him more about it. This is when I came across your website. Well imagine my surprise when I saw my girlfriend & me in the background of the photo of you! We are on the left hand side behind your shoulder, me in the white shirt & vest with my mouth wide open laughing and my best friend Nina next to me in the white shirt & red cap.
That is so amazing!! We had the best time; we had to lie to our parents about staying at each others houses & caught the train in the night before & slept on the steps over night. I remember going off when Splitz Enz came on to sing I See Red, some guy put me on his shoulders so I was in paradise.
Do you know if the soundtrack is available on CD?
Thanks for the wonderful memories of the concert on your website!!
Kind regards

From: David Bourke
Subject: 2SM Top 100 Charts
Date: 7 November 2006
Hi Debbie,
I’ve visited your website several times over the past couple of years, and started looking at the feedback section recently. I noticed that there were a couple of people that had copies of old top 100’s from the early 70’s. I used to have the lists from 1970 to 1972, but lost them many years ago. However, 1973 remained intact, and I am emailing it to you in pdf format. I recall that for 1970 & 71 at least, it was the top 127 hits of that year. Is there any chance of obtaining copies of the 70-72 lists? I’d love to see them again.
I read one email in particular (from 2002!) from Steve Bamford talking about the top 100 lists. I’m more than happy for you to forward my 1973 list to him, or any others that are after this type of thing.
I also own an album released in 1971 by 2SM called ‘A Decade Of Australian Hits’ It covered the years 1960 to 1970 and featured 16 tracks all with brief interviews with the artists just before their song starts. I remember 2SM airing all of these tracks/interviews when the album was released. Artists such as Delltones, Judy Stone, Normie Rowe, Russell Morris, The Executives, The Flying Circus, Liv Maessen, Johnny Young & The Seekers were included. If you like, I can make a recording of this for you. Please let me know if you are interested. I’ve also attached a short grab of the “2SM Singers” doing the jingle that was at the start and the end of the record.
My interest in 2SM is mostly from 1970-1975. After that I lost interest in top 40 music and converted to JJJ, but the website is great and really nice to see such a labour of love available for all to see. Great fun.
David Bourke

From: Dominic Steele
Subject: From a fellow 2SM fan!
Date: 8 November 2007
Dear Debbie,
Hi there. I just read your 2SM page because I am giving a talk on the weekend starting with a point about 'passion' and I thought I would speak in the introduction to lighten things up - about my passion for 2SM in the seventies. So as I was thinking about this I googled it and found your page.
Anyway. As I read the page I thought here is someone who identifies with my enthusiasm for 2SM.
I thought you might be interested to see the birthday cake my mother made me from 1978 (year 8 at school) and this rug that I made in 1979 inspired by the 2SM denim logo woven into the carpet in the foyer of their new building.
I did work experience there in 1980 - but by that stage you are right it was past its prime.
But, I too ended up in radio - working at 2MO, 2UE, 2WS and 2GB.
Anyway I really enjoyed reading your page and playing my wife Cathie the audio clips.
I have quite a few cassettes somewhere of excerpts of clips from programs - you have inspired me to have a look for them on a rainy day.

From: Trevor Enefer
Subject: 2SM in the 60s
Date: 12 December 2006
Hi Debbie,
I recently discovered your fab website and have enjoyed reading all about 2SM and the golden years of Australian radio. I'm a Pom, I live in south London (close to Wimbledon) and have great memories of 2SM and 2UW as I lived in Sydney between 1965 and 1967. When my family came to Oz there was no commercial radio in England with the exception of the pirate stations which broadcast from ships anchored 4 miles off the coast in international waters. Upon our arrival in Sydney I eagerly scanned the dial to see what was around and I quickly became addicted to 2SM and, to a lesser extent, 2UW. The DJs were so professional and the stations were vibrant. I especially liked the week-ends when 2SM and 2UW went head-to-head with their non-stop request shows called "Ring a Request" and "Dial a Hit" respectively. I think 2SM eventually changed the name of their week-end show to "All Request Radio".
My favourite 2SM DJs were Mike Walsh (his evening show being introduced as "The Weird, Wide, Wonderful World of Mike Walsh"), Phil Haldeman, Tony Murphy and Dal Myles. John Mahon did the weekday morning show which appealed to housewives, and it was introduced by a jingle which proclaimed "This is Mahony's Place", while Big Sam Kronja did the lunchtime show. There was also Keith Ashton who must have done the graveyard shift as I seldom heard him.
When 2SM started using the slogan "King Radio" in 1966 (or thereabouts) the Top 40 format was replaced by a middle of the road format which wasn't that great. But, for some reason, I stayed loyal to the station only retuning to 1110, the New UW, for the Ward Austin show. He was an amazing character and I don't think I've ever heard anyone quite like him since. Radio today is bland, risk-free and lacking any sort of originality and no wonder people prefer their iPODs and mp3 players.
It was during 2SM's King Radio phase that they came up with an original April Fool's Day trick. In the last 2 weeks of March 1966 the jocks started saying things like "Everyone needs one and now you can get one from King Radio 2SM. All you have to do is write to us and tell us why you want one and what you will do with it when you get one...". Of course they didn't explain what "one" actually was. Being a curious fool I wrote to the station telling them that I really needed one badly and, on the morning of April 1st, a letter arrived. It's now one of my treasured possessions and I've attached a jpeg for you to enjoy.
Upon my return to England in 1967 I found that the offshore stations had been forced off the air by the government, but with one exception - Radio Caroline. This station has entertained me, on and off, ever since and today broadcasts on satellite and the internet. They have had many Aussie jocks in the last 40 years and, unlike most mainstream stations, have a vast playlist. I had a pleasant surprise in 1968 when I tuned to 1440 Radio Luxembourg and heard the unmistakeable voice of former 2SM Good Guy Tony Murphy. He stayed with Luxy for a few months and was a pleasant reminder of happier times listening to 1270.
Thanks once again Debbie and best wishes for 2007.
Trevor Enefer.

From: Peter Saville
Subject: John Carroll
Date: 16 January 2007
Hi Debbie,
Love the website I sent the link to John "Jack" Carroll but he these days lives in Port Macquarie, he is an amazing person and has taught me so much about radio.
I did work experience at 2SM when they were owned by wesgo and Tony James was the PD and it was sydney's hottest country. I now have a friend who works in the news room at the new building.

From: Frank Johnson
Subject: G'day
Date: 22 January 2007
Hi Debbie
I want to thankyou for such a good job on the website because it sure does bring back some fond memories of the 70s for me!
I was a young teenager living in the western suburbs travelling to the beaches with my dinged up surfboard my pack of winnie reds and a radio that was always tuned into 2SM that always had a good surf report. I remember the time when they were going to fly the Jumbo under the harbour bridge which was something that i will never forget what a great idea, that still sticks in my head. They were way ahead of there game back then on that great promotion.
The music back then was really good also, as a matter of fact I have managed to get an ipod and fill it with music from that era which always makes me feel good especially now that I live in the US.
I noticed also that on your website you mentioned somewhere about that old song Todays Monday, Monday is washing day is everybody happy. Do you have the lyrics to that song or could someone email them to me as i have a inquisitive three year old son who wants to know the rest of the song that I cant remember!
Frank Johnson

From: Chris Hindes
Subject: Rocktober '79
Date: 17 March 2007
Hey Debbie,
I love the site, especially the write up on the Moove concert, that was the first big gig I attended. I have sooo many fond memories of that day, I rode down there from Gosford with some mates on our bikes, ahhh the memories.
What a day!
Did you ever manage to track down the TV special?
Cheers and thanks,

From: Chris Keating
Subject: 2SM stuff...
Date: 20 March 2007
Hi Debbie,
Great 2SM page! Fabulous to see someone doing something to preserve the memorty of one of the classic Aussie stations; even more impressive that it's a devoted listener and not a former staffer!
Wish there was something similar for 3XY; may have to start one myself...
To business: just came across some old SM jingles - about 13 minutes worth. Most are TM cuts from 1973, and Paul Radcliffe cuts done at SM in January 1975, with a few others tagged on at the start. You may well already have these, or not...
They came off a tape, so are much-o hissy, but should clean up at least well enough for use on the 2SM page. If you're interested, drop me a line back, and I'll get 'em up to you ASAFP as an MP3 file. Also got a couple of '60's SM cuts, but as these ones were featured on "Wonderful Wireless - The Ads", I figure you've probably had 'em for years.... May add them, just in case!
And of course, should you happen to come across any XY jingles in your travels, you know where to send 'em!

From: Bruce Crofts
Subject: Disco Chook
Date: 25 August 2007
Hi Debbie.
I was Checking out your web site on the old 2SM ,and found that you are after a copy of Ian Macrae's " Disco Chook".
I Knew Ian Well in the 70's, and we became good friends, as i spent a lot of time down at 2SM in those days, and i think it would be true to say that i was a 2SM Nut, myself.
Anyhow Ian gave me a copy of it back then, and i still have it. Do you still want a copy of it Debbie. Please let me know.
Bruce Crofts
** Thank you so much, Bruce! It's finally on the 2SM page.

From: Peter Field
Subject: 1 2sm
Date: 6 October 2007
Hi Debbie my name is Peter Field.
Radio played a big part in my life, as I am blind and 2sm was like a brother. I loved every bit of it,
At one time I had an old reel to reel tape of the beetles wen they came to Sydney in 1964 sadly I lost it, 2sm broadcast that and it was sponsored by surf.
I would like to know what happened to the dockos that were on 2sm anyway I could bore you for hours with my memories but there will only be one 2sm.

From: CS
Subject: The 2SM Glory Years
Date: 10 November 2007
Hey Debbie,
Came across your 2SM website quite by fluke. We were having a bit of a nostalgia talk about the late 70s and early 80s whern we were kids growing up and how 2SM RULED back IN THE DAY - years before FM kicked in. Did a bit of Googling and somehow landed at your site. Cool.
I remember them all - McRae, Ron E Sparx, Gibson & Moore. The free concerts, the Promotions. The good Old FANTASTIC PLASTIC CARD - I still have mine I reckon. Well I saw it it in a draw a few years ago and I refused to toss it.... Rocktober's here , the musics ..
Radio's never been as much fun or the same since. I have bookmarked your site.
One of my great WINS ever was in Dec 1978, or maybe Jan 79 - mid summer - when I rang u'p 2SM - i think it was a Sunday morning, was the lucky caller and won a 2SM GREAT 8-PACK. Consisting of 8 LP records - they were War Of The Worlds, Heart, Santana, Billy Joel 52nd Street - they were 5 of them anyway. I think 10 CC with Dreadlock Holiday on it was another.
I remember going over with my parents to the studio building just over the Sydney Harbour Bridge to pick them up a week or so later. It was a stinking hot summer day. Put the records in the back of the car and headed back to Bondi Junction. Shoped and did other stuff and the poor records warped in the sun. The vinyl mostly all ended up wonky - nowhere near flat, but still played OK as it turned out. I still have them.
Nice work - thanks for the Flashbacks !

From: David Taylor
Subject: 2SM
Date: 11 November 2007
Hi Debbie
My name is David Taylor and like you I loved 2SM and the concerts from the 70's. Today is the 30th anniversary of Rockarena in Sydney ang I was looking for any photos or videos of the concert and came across your great sites. They really took me back
I have photos (taken also with a 110 camera) of the day and I am sitting here with a couple of beers listening to the concert (I recorded the whole thing on a little mono cassette) to celebrate the 30th anniversary (I really need to get a life). Anyway just wanted to thank you for the memories.
Regards Dave

From: Mick Spoelder
Subject: Hi
Date: 17 November 2007
Hi there Debbie
I happened across your web site tonight when I did a search for 2SM Moove
concerts - awesome site. Thanks for putting it together.
There were some great memories for me there. I was a massive 2SM listener
during the 70's.
I was and still am a huge Chicago fan - I think I might actually still have
the Chicago tribute that I taped off the radio on a C90 cassette somewhere
that you have on the site. I remember Whitey to this very day waxing
lyrically about the band. I still remember where I was when I heard Terry
Kath had died - Eloura Beach down in the Sutherland Shire. I had the album
Hot Streets playing in my head all through my HSC exams in '78 (might
account for my lack lustre performance!)
I also recall a Fleetwood Mac special Whitey did. I still remember his
comment as "Albatross" trailed off - "Ahh, feels better already..." That
might be on the same tape as the Chicago tribute I think.
I won tickets to Dr Hook and LRB on 2SM. I remember going into Clarence
Street to pick them up. I loved LRB. Went to the Moove concerts. God, I
could go on forever! I still remember the Diamond Traders ad - "where true
love finds true value"!
Anyway, love the site and once again, great job!
Warm regards
Mick Spoelder

From: Simon Finiecome
Subject: Only 1SM
Date: 12 December 2007
Hi Debbie,
Came across your 2SM site yesterday. Born in 63 I was a big fan of 2SM and loved your website. I was a contest junky and won weekly. My dad was always picking stuff up at Blues Point Rd. E.g. Rocktober Concert Gold Pass 1979, Grease Premiere and Xanadu (Youch) - Ping pong balls dropped from helicopter for tickets, World Series Cricket Weekend Trip to Melbourne (Went with a mate. We were only in Year 10. Stayed at The Old Melbourne. Went to the bar with Keith Williams and players). Hundreds of records. Never got the Top 100 singles.
I remember the 79 Top 100 poster on my wall. As each DJ left 2SM I covered I had the face with some 2SM denim tokens from some promo. In the space of about 18 months they were all gone. It was a sad day when I got my dads Sun Herald and found Ron E had also jumped ship.
I have a carved box here in my room that I had as a teenager. I keep keys in it and coins now. On the inside lid I have the denim logo sticker still there in pristine condition.
Looked up the Only 1SM ad on youtube after visiting your site. Love it still.
Well done for following your dream in radio.

From: Chris Morris
Subject: Best Days of Radio
Date: 26 December 2007
Hey there Debbie
What a wonderful site you've put together, thanks because we can now all share it and relive what I believe were the better days in radio. I discovered it when searching for info on Jim Angel, who I hear passed away yesterday. What a brilliant newsman, a reader who for many years became the most credible radio news voice in Sydney.
Yep, 2SM certainly was a station that changed people's lives. Listening to Murph, Ron E, Macca M, Mike Walshe, and so many others, as well as the crew from UW, UE , all inspired me to not give up, when one station manager told me it 'a silly notion' to become a radio news journalist. Women just weren't credible and Carolyn Jones, then at the ABC, was a one-off!! Well I thankfully ignored him.
Hopefully more of us who were a part of 'real radio' can contribute to this site - but today is Jim's day.
Thanks so much Jim, for making my slow drive across the Bridge each weekday morning, an informed and inspired one! I just loved feeling 'in touch', part of the city and life. You were the energy boost I needed! And in the late arvo's, so were the drive guys. Even while working at another station during the late 'seventies, I still tuned into SM!!
Wish radio was as inspirational and imaginative now, as it was then.
Chris Morris

From: Glenn Driscoll
Subject: 2SM DAZE (DAYS!)
Date: 9 January 2008
Hi Debbie, my name is Glenn Driscoll and I used to work at 2SM in 1975 and 1976 and was really thrilled to find your website with all the history of that great radio station.
I used the name of Glenn Ford when I was on air.
I stated doing Midnight to dawns and then did the 7pm. to 10pm.slot when the incumbent Laurie Bennett, also known as LOBO was given the flick.
I had an absolute ball working at 2SM, it was just pure rock and rol.
I interviewed all the local and overseas bands and singers and went to soooo many parties and met sooo many wonderful people.
I was quite fortunate because I came from a country radio station in ballarat called 3BA direct to 2SM in Sydney, a very big move and at the time I was the only person not to go through the Digamae apprenticeship of working at either 2NX, 2NM, 2KA or any of the other feeder stations to the big smoke of Sydney's 2SM.
At first it was difficult for me to be accepted as I was an outsider but eventually I proved that I was good and was accepted into the hallowed Jocks Club at 2SM.
I got along really well with Ron E. Sparx and Lee Simon and also David White. Ian Macrae did not mix with the jocks that much.
I had to grow up very fast but did some amazing things and loved every minute of working at the number one rock station in Australia.
I unfortunately had all of my "air-checks" from the 2SM days stolen but yesterday discovered that there is an archive of 1975 tapes of 2SM at the Canberra sound archive, including a tape of Glenn Ford work!!
I have written to them to try and get a copy for posterity. At the time one does not think of keeping lots of tapes or getting photographs of the special moments and now I would love to have some to look back and remember...........now that is all I have the memories of a wonderful time in radio rock and roll history.
Congratulations on an excellent job with the website, I was most impressed. I liked the Barry Chapman interviews, I went to radio school with Barry in Melbourne!
It was good to see the old names again who I once worked with like George Moore, Mike Drayson. trevor Smith, Rod Muir, Ian Grace etcetera.
Anyway Debbie, just thought I would drop you a line to say hi and well done.
Take care and warmest regards
Glenn R. Driscoll a.k.a. Glenn Ford!!! x
Roll Over Rocktober!!!

From: Tony Bartlett
Subject: stickers
Date: 24 March 2008
Hi Debbie,
I've just stumbled on your FABulous 2SM site and thought you might be able to answer a question for me. I worked in the newsroom at SM in the mid 70's for around 3 and a half years - my first big job was covering the Granville train disaster with Blanda and then news director Glenn Roach. I still have a couple of the posters tucked away somewhere (I'm second last in the photos one directly under Alan Steele and in the cartoon poster I'm just above his left shoulder next the a grey haired woman I can't remember .. but I do recognise the late Jimmy Angel next to her.) Boy your site brought back some memories.
This is a long preamble to my question .. I have a few original 2SM stickers floating around somewhere (the zipper ones). They should be in mint condition and I'm thinking of whacking them on eBay, but I'm not sure what price I should put on them. When I was news director on the Gold Coast Ugly Phil O'Neil told me they were worth around $100 each and that was about 10-12 years ago.
Do you reckon there's a market for them and if so do you have any idea what they'd be worth?
FYI I'm now the Broadcast Editor at AAP - sending the news out to TV and radio newsrooms around Aus. from our HQ at Rhodes.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Tony Bartlett
(Or as Googie used to call me on air .. Bony Tartlett .. ha ha ha - he always was a sick puppy !!)

From: Peter Beaver
Subject: 2SM
Date: 9 July 2008
Hi Debbie,
I have been searching topics on radio in the 70's and enjoyed your section on 2SM.
Those were certainly very heady days for commercial radio, and interesting to still hear the likes of Ron E Sparks and George Moore on radio today.
I was more JJ (radical) and still treasure my work experience stint there with Russell Guy on breakfast in 1975.
There was no doubting the dominance of 2SM and that denim zipper logo
Thanks again for the site.
Radio Junkie

From: William Bennett
Subject: Music
Date: 26 November 2008
Hello Debbie,
You dont know me Debbie but my name is Billy and I was wandering blindly through the Sydney radio web sites looking for articles from the 60s-70s,my main interest was to find information about Sandie Shaw as I am a member of her fan club/forum and am trying to find any Oz interviews or even her tour dates, I was somehow lost in the internet world (I am a very new computer person). I am 55 yrs old and have been using a computer for less than a year and was accidently directed to your web page (is that what it's called?). What have you done to me Debbie, I started reading about 2SM and was totally lost to my lazy/hazy memories of the 2SM concerts at the Opera house and Victoria Park I probably went to all the Vic Park concerts and they were all brilliant, and you mentioned the barge with JPY dressed in a sailorsuit well my friends and I were at a 2JJ concert on the shore I think watching Ayers Rock (not sure about that) and we heard the unmistakable voice of JPY getting closer and closer,from where we dident know until he floated past singing "I hate the Music",brilliant bit of promoting from 2SM. I went to lots of Opera house 2SM gigs,Stevie Wright,Thin Lizzy and you know in my drunken and drugged state I dont remember seeing either, but getting back to you well, I have been stuck on this computer for a couple of hours now reading all about your love of 2SM and music in general and I have been drawn into a wonderful world of story telling par excellence, you are a very good writer Debbie Kruger and I have had the pleasure of a nice walk down memory lane and I thank you for that, but I had better get out of your ear lest you get an oversize cranium from these well meant platitudes. I will now go back to your site to read more beautiful stories about your life, a good writer always holds the readers interest and you have succeeded with me.
Kind Regards
Bill Bennett

From: Cate
Subject: Rocktober 1979
Date: 15 December 2008
Hi Debbie,
Someone recently asked me what the first concert I ever went to was. The conversation went something like this “ Oh I don’t know what it was called exactly but it was this huge ‘out of control’ free concert at the Sydney Opera House in 1979, I was 13” 13? “yeah, ridiculously young” “I probably told my parents I was going with my sister who was 16 at the time, but I don’t remember being with her there, just a couple of 13 yo friends, sharing a bottle of Summer Wine” “it was the first time I’d seen people on the ground passed out and vomiting on the pavement, and at one stage I slipped in the crowd on a discarded chicken carcass. I guess that was better than someone’s sick. I wore a see-through cheese cloth dress and my bikini underneath. I can remember being terribly sun burnt the following day. I had never realized before this that sun could actually penetrate clothes.” So can you remember who played? “ Haha, Sherbet, Marc Hunter, Stevie Wright, and gee, umm that’s all I can remember” Haha, Sherbet? How hilarious. “Yeah I just wanted to see Garth so bad, what a spunk”……
So that brings me to how I stumbled across your site. I wanted to recall the name of the concert, you’ve just made my week! I laughed and laughed over all the 2SM memorabilia. I hade one of those 2SMstickers on my bedhead, The 2SM poster on my wall, a moove sunviser and now I’m wondering where the hell my ‘Concert of the Decade’ album got to. A total blast from the past that I’d forgotten ever existed.
Nice work Debbie! Your really lucky having those pics.

From: Mark Scott
Subject: concert of the decade
Date: 31 December 2008
Hi Debbie, Just stumbled across your website , which has brought back lots of wonderful memories , after many long hot summers hanging out at North Narrabeen Beach the transistor radio dial had corroded on to 2SM .
I remember Concert of the decade, I was 16 , arriving at the Opera house steps at 5.30am with a group of friends to get a prime position only to find people every where In sleeping bags. We managed a spot in front of the tower where the mixing desk was. Every time I hear Mi Sex I think of the concert and getting very sun burnt.
Mums neighbour (Doug Parkinson) whether he knows of the footage or who might have it, or we could just ask channel nine
Because I’d like a copy myself
Mark Scott

From: Mark Harmer
Subject: Remember 2SM days
Date: 4 January 2009
G,day Deb , i was surfin around when i came across your 2sm site , gees brought back lots of memorys of high school days and the people i hung with . I left high school at the end of 75 and went straight to work for an overnight trucking company and one of my jobs was to check the lights on the trailer going out that night . So i had this little trolley that had a battery on it that you would check the lights with , so i adapted a car radio and aerial and speaker to it and listened to 2sm all day , i'd listen to macca and then gibson and moore but thought that afternoons were a bit boring .
About mid to late 76 there was a game between the nsw gov and the trucking industry over road tax so the trucks ran SA rego and the drivers got SA licenses as well so gov could not fine drivers and companys for little things wrong with the trucks .I went to SA and got my class 5 license at the age of 16-9months , in charge of a truck that drove through the night at 75mph at a young age , anyway i fondly remember driving to melb 3 nights a week listening to 2sm on a radio that faded in and out and crackled and whistled whilst drivin up and down the hilly hume highway . About marulan the station would fall out ,coming back to sydney you could pick up crazy macca around goulburn ,i also remember on sunday nights they had father jim too.
Any way that's my memories of 2sm and even today when i hear , Devil woman by cliff richard or Lets stick together by brian ferry i instantly remember the days of 2sm . Hanging on my garage wall I've got , in a photo frame an original 2sm sticker . Also from memory an old cassette called , international hits 77 you will find disco duck on that ?
Ok , thanks for the memories and all the best for the new year , Mark

From: Ricky Moss
Subject: 2SM History of Rock n Roll
Date: 23 January 2009
Hi Deb,
Great job on the 2SM page, I was wondering if you know of a documentary called “The 2SM History of Rock n Roll” that was aired around 1971 over I think a few weeks, do you know if it still exists as it was a great show and to my knowledge was never repeated it ran in total for about 12 hours or more.

From: Graham Farrell
Subject: 31st December, 1974 - Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia.
Date: 29 January 2009
Hi Debbie, My name is Graham L Farrell (grahamlfarrell). I loved reading your page, it must have been an absolute blast.
The reason I logged onto you was because I was attempting to locate a radio broadcast at Melbourne Festeval Hall by 2SM on 31st December 1974 by non other than AC/DC. The set list was as follows.....
Set List:
1) She's Got Balls
2) Soul Stripper
3) Show Business
4) Can I Sit Next to You Girl
5) Baby Please Don't Go
I am 46yrs old and for the past 32years a huge fan of Bon Scott. I have heard recordings by him and the boys from all over the world. I am desperate to listen to that particular recording. I have heard him sing "Show Business" from 1975 at the Pop king awards. Soul Stripper from 1976 (4th September, Paris Theatre. London) and the others also.
If you could help me in any way shape or form, I'd be most grateful.

From: Glen Hunter
Subject: 2SM
Date: 20 February 2009
Hi Debbie
Just found your web site and had to tell you how wonderful it is and what great memories it brought back.
We obviously have lots in common as I too was a solid 2SM fan in the 70's, did my HSC in 1979, became a loyal Doug Mulray fan at 2MMM and, fast forwarding 25 years also enjoyed the two Countdown concerts with similar views on the performers.
Somewhere I've got tapes of Mulray's 10th birthday show, the one that went for 5 hours, and his very final MMM show. Clicking on your Triple M jingle and closing my eyes just takes me right back there!
Congratulations on encapsulating a large chunk of my musical life so well !

From: Bob Stuart
Subject: 2SM Site
Date: 3 March 2009
Hi Debbie,
What a flood of wonderful memories came back to me when I discovered your 2SM tribute site.
I recall being a 17-year-old in my first radio job, back in 1969, at Sale in Victoria. My room-mate tuned in 2SM for me. Mad Mel was on the air and I just loved the craziness!
"One day, I'm going to work there!" I said, and happily, my wish came true in 1973. I met some great people on the staff, including the gorgeous girl who's been my wife for the past 28 years: Diana Walker.
After nearly four years at 2SM, she and I moved to Perth, married, brought up two wonderful children and later moved to Noosa, Qld.
Anyone who'd like to renew the association we may have had back at that amazing radio station would be welcome to get in touch with me at bobstu AT think.data.com.au
Thanks for doing such a great job of building your website, Debbie.
Best wishes for the future,
Bob Stuart.

From: Ben Wildkat
Subject: 2SM Memories
Date: 25 March 2009
Hi Debbie,
Love your web page, I had been doing a search on garage bands & DJ's from the 60's & 70's because I used to play in a garage band in Montreal.
I came to Australia in1975, my memory sometimes overlaps, people I thought I listened to here, were actually in Canada and vise versa, the jingles and sound bites helps the old brain cells recall the sounds of those years.
A lot of the DJ's had sidekicks that would pop in with jokes and anectidotes, as well as the DJ's own characters.
The details here really helped me recall those years I spent living it up in a great little unit overlooking Bondi Beach, I think it cost us all of $45 per week, I could not Imagine trying to rent a place there now!
Thanks for the memories
Ben Wilkat
58 this year and still rockin!
PS Jumbo under the Harbour Bridge! that was a classic! was that an April 1st stunt as well?

From: Dave Reneke
Subject: Question - help please!!!
Date: 5 April 2009
Your page took hours to read! Tops tuff mate.
Any info what happened to a Sydney based DJ from the 60’s called ‘Big Sam Kronja? He had a late night show called
‘Party Time Requests. (nicknamed PTR)
Dave Reneke
Email: Dave.Reneke@SkyandSpace.com.au

From: Cath
Subject: 2SM
Date: 14 April 2009
Hi Debbie!! Wow!!!!! That was fantastic! I feel like I am 15 again!
SOOOOO many memories..all fantastic!.
Your are a marvel compiling the website....
Those pictures of Alan Steele were instantly remembered from years ago...I am sure I hear hime on the TV these days...
I made the trek to 2sm too...Tim Webster..he was a great guy...Ron E Sparx was a terror!, Lee SImon....Glenn Driscoll...so great to see the fellas put a message in too.
I was always in trouble for running up the phone bill for ring 2sm....250.00 one time! That was when the bill were 3 monthly..(bad trouble...) Remember.."hold on"" wait a few minutes for the song to finsih and a new one to start.... The thrill of waiting for the song to start then the guys would chat again...
What memories!
Well I hope you can drop a line.
Best regards and warmest wishes.
Cathy Unwin

From: Tracey
Subject: Victoria Park 2sm concert 1978
Date: 24 April 2009
Hi Debbie
Stumbled across your website on 2SM, congrats. I too, like you, enjoyed all their free concerts back in the 70's. I'm curious to know if you know if there is any archived footage of this particular concert anywhere. I would love to get hold of footage from the one in February at Victoria Park as I somehow missed the one at the Opera House. Thanks for the memories.

From: Tony Armstrong
Subject: What happened to the cars???
Date: 29 April 2009
Hi Debbie,
The guy who used to live up the road from my Mum was a Coke rep and used to bring home the 2SM vehicles (The freedom machine, the covered in denim VW’s etc).
Any idea where these ended up?
The freedom machine was spectacular I have a photo of me sitting in the drivers seat somewhere, if I can find it I will email it to you!
Great website Sydney needs another 2SM!
Tony Armstrong

From: Steve Murray
Subject: Your Website
Date: 3 May 2009
Hi Debbie,
Hey your 2SM site is fantastic. I grew up with this station and even had the chance of meeting Ron E, Dave White, Gordon O Byrne, Greg Rees, Laurie Bennett (RIP) and a few others.
Once a week I'd go to Clarence street up to the 3rd floor and stare through the glass and listen. Thinking about it now, I could have been put up for stalking but Radio a magical beast and spending hours reading and listening has been unbelievable. I use to get a few
singles and some used commercial copy from Ron E and had the chance to sit in with Dave White on the Album Show one late Sunday Night.
The 2SM I remember were really a big family, where we have passionate Jocks who knew music and would rub shoulders with tha punters - that's cred. Geez a few Legends amongst them and Ron E is still kickin' on WS FM, on ya Ron.
I never made the Radio big time, but I did get to manage a community radio station or two and cut a few thousand shifts and train up a few young people that have moved into the commercial sector and one day they may be the next lot of legends ;)
Debbie, the best site for the best station. Your a Champion! Thank You.
Steve Murray

From: Mark
Subject: Thanks
Date: 2 August 2009
Hi there - just read your page on 2SM - great memories.
Just as an aside, do you recall ron e Sparks record he put out? - Back Yard Boogie?
Thanks again, Roctober Concert at Sydney UNI during the 70's was great.

From: Dorothy
Subject: The Good Guys
Date: 11 October 2009
Hi Debbie
Just stumbled across your 2SM site and must say you've done a wonderful job.
I worked at 2SM from about 1963 to 1967 - as a programme arranger in the record library during the Good Guy era. It was the most incredible few years, memories of which I treasure. At that time, breakfast was done by Phil Halderman, mornings John Mahon, lunchtime Sam Kronja, drive Rod Muir (I think), early nights Mike Walsh, late night Dal Myles, and mid-dawn Keith Ashton. Somewhere along the line Mad Mel did a programme but I can't remember what time slot. At that time Bill Stephenson (King Billy) was the station manager and John Brennan was Programme Manager. Probably the most exciting time was leading up to the Beatles Australian tour. Mad Mel had an office in the basement at 257 Clarence Street, and after 3 in the afternoons, our building was bursting at the seams with school children. Many of them helped Mel with a knitted scarf which was soooooo long and the plan was to present it to the Beatles. The newsroom was also in the basement - how those news guys could work amongst all the fuss and excitement remains a mystery.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Dorothy Silver (nee Smith)

From: Lyndsay Howarth
Subject: Your site
Date: 18 October 2009
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Your site is delightful.
I too spent my teens in Sydney (Wahroonga / Hornsby Girls) and have a box full of old tickets & programs but have never documented it... and should have.
I found you in a search for the free 2SM concert I saw at the Opera House on May 26 1974 which featured ACDC. My memory was hazy and I was trying to tell my kids about bands I had seen live. All I could remember was the Band and the Venue. One link lead to another search and suddenly with a gush of emotion your 2SM page started filling in all the gaps.
I found this and thought you might appreciate it:
Well done!
Kind Regards

From: Gerald Kenneally
Subject: there is only 1 sm
Date: 21 October 2009
Just went through the web site what a trip down memory lane. I remember as a teenager during school holidays going to 2SM for a tour of the radio station, the first time I went there I met the young Ron E Sparks who from memory was on from 3-7. He showed me and my mate over the station, we even left with some 45 ep records - I think I still have them .
My dad went to school with Frank Hyde they were born on the same day, I had great joy telling my mates my Dad and Frank Hyde were mates. Saturday football Frank would call the game with Ian Reeves I think if the memory is right would be with him on the side line .
Who could not forget Ian MacRae then from 9-12 Gibson and Moore, i always remember when they rang John Laws I think he was at 2UW over the fight that was organised for Rocky Gattelari at the Hordern Pavilion. I remember George Moore giving him a gob full over the Radio. Then there was the readers of the news Dennis Ocaine and again from memory Steve Blanda, the 2SM top 40 that was in the record stores with a photo of the DJ on the front, I remember Lee Simon, Laurie Bennet and some of the others that I read about tonight. 2SM like 2UE are Sydney icons
Thanks for the memories, I could go on but I will leave it till later. I will have to tune into your radio show
Thank you
Gerald Kenneally

From: Stuart Scott
Subject: 2SM 1970s
Date: 25 October 2009
Hello Debbie,
My name is Stuart Scott, and I'm the motoring writer for the Sunday Mail newspaper in Brisbane. As a sideline, I'm writing a book about the Aussie panel vans of the 1970s, and Googling unearthed your 2SM treasure trove.
As you may or may not know or care, Chrysler gave away six dressed-up panel vans (called the Denimachine) in December-January 1976-77, one in each state, associated a radio station in each capital. 3XY, 5AD etc. But I don't know what station they used in Sydney, though 2SM would seem logical with its denim fetish. I couldn't find any mention on your site, but maybe I overlooked something.
Any clues? And of course I'd love to see what the Sydney promotional material looked like.
You've put together an awesome site, by the way, even for an ex-Brissie lad from the '70s. Thank goodness for the internet,
Stuart Scott (on the Sunshine Coast in Qld)

From: Maurice Leonhardt
Subject: Thanks for the memories of 2SM
Date: 14 November 2009
Dear Debbie,
Great to read the history,
As a schoolboy I was also a 2SM junkie ... perhaps a couple of years earlier start ... as Mike Walsh and Mad Mel were nightly companions as I did my homework and I did not see anything about them on your web site ... At 8:30 each night Mike would play 3-4 NEW songs which you could phone and vote for ... the days of the Beatles ....
Also I knew Irena White at teachers college so ... David often used to visit our small farm in the greenbelt area of Doonside ... especially when he got his new sports car .. to "cruise" on the western FREEWAY. You're right he was a fanatic and I also taped his rockumentories and used his Pollution special as a teaching aid at Mitchell High School.
And I also really enjoyed listening to John Thomson who later went to 2UW ( I think he started on 2SM)
So thanks .... I've been living in Thailand for past 20 years ... so really miss Sydney radio ...

From: Darrell
Subject: 2SM stuff
Date: 10 December 2009
Hi Debbie
My name is Darrell. I came across your website whilst looking for a particular 2SM event of 1974. I now live in Melbourne and going on 54 but I was born & grew up in Mona Vale. Naturally, 2SM was a big & special part of my life also. Did you know that the Hon Nick Jones was actually a lecturer in the Packaging Industry. I studied under him at Ultimo TAFE in 1982 -83 and it's probably what launched my sales career & eventually brought me to Melbourne & a lucrative packaging career. Anyway, back in circa 1973 - 74 2SM had a radio special on the Prophesies of Nostradamus. I recorded it on cassette & have kept it ever since. I have converted it to MP3 so if you remember it or would like a copy, please let me know & I'll send you a CD of it.
Anyway, thanks for the great memories & helping me relive my misspent youth.

From: Col
Subject: Charts
Date: 24 April 2010
Hello Deb,
My name is Col , I live in Caringbah Sydney and work at the Caltex oil refinery Kurnell ... I just love your 2sm site as does everyone else who comes upon it. I'm always sending the link to it to friends etc who don't know about it ... brings back soo many good memories of "the good ol' days" the times of of our free spirited youth without cares or worries lol ... i've been a collector of vinyl records since i was 14 approx 1973-4 (i'm now 50) ... I have approx 8000 45's and a few thousand albums .
But what also prompted me to send you this email, I also collected the weekly 2SM top 40 listing...if you would like i could scan them all in (front and back if you like) and send them to you.. I only sent the roctober one as an example..i have approx 38 weeks worth for 1977 then when they changed the format to top 100 i still collected them but i didn't like them lol so i don't have quite as many as them... they go up til june/july of 78 ... i liked the top 40 format and that's why i did the "traitorous" thing and collected the 2UW charts.
I remember well when I found "gemini Joe" one night in liverpool...when we all assembled at Roselands a few weeks later on the Sat morn I was soo excited and so sure I was going to win the gemini panel van.. i was sure there were 38 entrants ( not sure why at the top of my letter it has 2/37) ... slowly they called entrant after entrant to pick a key to try in the door of the car, it got down to me (2nd last) and the last entrant..everyone (dj's and hosts as well)were a bit nervous that the correct key had already been tried unsuccessfully...gingerly I put my hand in the barrel and felt the two keys remaining and of course i picked the wrong one !!! .. but can you believe the odds of it getting down to the last person being the winner ??
Regards, Col.
** Thanks, Col, a couple of your charts are now on the site.

From: Peter Janjis
Subject: My Memories
Date: 1 July 2010
Hi Deb,
I a currently residing in WA but I grew up as a youngster in St Marys in the seventies.
My vivid memories of 2SM was the Back Yard Barby song in 1974 by Greg Rees which I play to my grandson who absolutely loves it!!!
But who could forget Frank Hydes "Straight Between the posts'" catchcry when real rugby league was played.
Thanks for the good times over the years.

From: craig mercer
Subject: 2SM
Date: 30 July 2010
Hi Debbie,
I stumbled across your website and I felt compelled to send you a thank you note. I've lived in Melbourne since '89 but grew up as a teenager in Sydney in the 70's and 2SM was my portal into the world of Rock and Roll.
I am pretty sure I went to every single 2SM concert listed on your site. My highlights were ACDC at Vic Park and Thin Lizzy at the Opera house.
Anyway just a fantastic, fantastic thing to have as a reference. Thanks again.
Go well,
Craig Mercer

From: Michael Wheeldon
Subject: 2SM
Date: 1 August 2010
I enjoyed reading what you had written on your website regarding 2SM. I only became aware of 2SM after I moved to Sydney in 1991 as I had grown up in the NSW Central West of NSW. I learnt that it was such a big music station during the 1970’s and early 1980’s. I remember my flat mate at the time saying that it was a good station until they changed their music format, which you mentioned when they changed to an easy listening format.
In 1995 I was talking to my managers partner who said that he went to boarding school in Orange during the 1970’s ( he was from Sydney), and he would be able to pick up 2SM faintly on radio to listen to music at times when he got homesick. I remember reading about the different formats they tried including the KICK AM, and also when Doug Mulray was a broadcaster on 2SM in 1997. He said that when he was on 2MMM during the very early ‘80s that the station to beat was 2SM as it was the leader at that time.
I remember looking at the 2SM building at times while travelling on the train to work on the North Shore around1996-1997. It was the fascination on what a strong station it had been during the 1970’s and early 80’s, which I found very interesting. I listened to at times when Howard Sattler was broadcasting around 10 years ago when it was as a talkback format. His program was syndicated on the old Radio 1089 in Orange. It shows that 2SM certainly has gone though changes. There is definitely a great legacy which 2SM has left in Australian radio history. Who knows, 2SM could rise to great heights again.
Anyway, once again I enjoyed reading what you had written on 2SM and congratulate yourself on a top website.Thank you for reading this and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Kind regards,
Michael Wheeldon

From: David Slater
Subject: 3XY junkie
Date: 14 August 2010
Hi Debbie,
While you were a 2SM addict, I was the same with 3XY. Amazing, now at 47 years of age, after such a long time, was it just our teenage years, or was it really something in the airwaves?
3XY was such a unique-sounding and marketed station, standing a-top all the other stations, that no wonder it rated through the ceiling.
I was lucky to deliver groceries for Safeway (Woolworths), so while working I could listen to Greg Evans on the Drive shift, and Mike Drayson (what a voice) & Mike O’Donnell in the Morning slot (along with others).
Even the newsreaders were so cool. I went into the station and met a lot of the guys, including newsreader John Bowden with such a unique rock-n-roll delivery style. A week later I happened to be driving next to him along the Eastern Freeway and I think he recognized me. Newsreaders don’t get many fans you know!
Lee Simon (host of TV show Nightmoves), who lived up the street from me, had a sing-song style. He even talked over the instrumental intro of ads, as if a song.
Having been left alone at home as a teenager while my folks went on a week’s Gold Coast holiday, I arranged to sit in with Barry Bissell during his 10pm-1am shift. He then drove me home to Doncaster. Being brought up in a sheltered childhood, 3XY was my outlet.
I wanted to do the same. Despite everyone telling me it was too hard, and you needed tech skills, I attended Bob Taylor’s Radio School (and another one).
After doing community radio stints to entrench the bug, I got my first commercial radio job at 3TR in Sale (now Traralgon). 6am Saturday start, wow, fantastic, doing the weather, introing a couple of songs, it was fun. But then at 6:20 I realized I had to have ad breaks. That was when the hard work started. Together with mid-dawns and evenings, the fun lasted a couple of years before Tony Bell (later boss of Southern Cross Broadcasters) virtually sacked me. I then moved to 5SE Mt Gambier for 7 years, where I interviewed Jimmy Barnes on the other side of the panel (remember his brother Swanee?), and saw Daryl Braithwaite in concert in front of only a dozen people, before his album release of “The Horses”.
After being promoted to 5SE Program Director, to cut a long story short, I left in 1993 to move back to Melbourne and out of radio all together ever since. But the music and industry are still in my veins.
I miss those days, and would love to talk to you on the phone to reminisce. Or look forward to your return email.
Being born in Marrickville, I have a soft spot for Sydney. I stayed in Bexley for a week as a teenager, and was glued to 2SM, which sounded the same as my 3XY.
Thanks for all your valuable work on your website Debbie. I have put all your audio on my iPod, so my daggy 70’s and 80’s songs are intermingled with your promos and jingles. Corny isn’t it !!
Kindest regards, and best wishes,
Take care,
David Slater

From: Chris McLenaghan
Subject: Hi from Chris McLenaghan.
Date: 2 October 2010
Hi Debbie.
It’s been a few years since I last wrote to you.
My friend Wayne Mac had alerted me to your site and your wonderful 2SM page.
I recently turned 50 and my daughter, Lee, has developed a wonderful skill with crochet and presented me with the attached piece as my birthday present. The young lad in the piece is me, aged about 2. I guess the rest is self explanatory.
While still working in the Public Service down here in Canberra, I started life in Sydney and as I said in my earlier message, 2SM was part of the scene for us in the 60’s and 70’s. I do some casual work here for 2CC, so I guess what Wayne and I have dubbed the “Sacred Station” (for its cultural significance as well as its old religious connections) still has a positive impact on my life to this day.
I hope all is well for you, Debbie and I hope you enjoy this piece from Lee.
Kind regards,
Chris McLenaghan
** Thank you Chris, it is wonderful!

From: Karen, Unicorn Graphics
Subject: 2SM and your site
Date: 6 October 2010
Hi Debbie, I have bookmarked your website and joined FB. It’s fabulous.
An old friend of mine was a sales person and jingle writer in the 70s for 2SM.
I just wrote an article about 2SM, Rocktober and Denny on my own blog.
At the bottom of the article I have put a link to your website. Hope that is ok.
All the best, cheers,
Karen Curran

From: Greg Lester
Subject: one-two-seven-oh
Date: 8 October 2010
hi debbie, just got through your 2sm site. what a great read! so much work obviously went into it. thanks so much for transporting me back to my (somewhat) misspent youth.
regards, greg lester

From: Bede Ireland
Subject: Hello and...
Date: 22 October 2010
Dear Debbie,
Thanks for all the memories.
Am certain what you have done with your web site will become more important as time slips by along with our aging brain cells and recollections.
Culturally it is a very important thing not to loose this history. It is what has helped form and shape who and what we are today as Australians.
Not sure if you would be interested but there are three others who have compiled similar stories from that same era, but here is the twist. Most of their stories and images are from the other side of the stage and often you will find Bob King in the middle of it all in the trenches. The world of the stage engineer known to the unwashed as roadies was my world until moving into feature film and television.
Found your site while trawling for info about my own checkered / chequered experiences from that 70's/80's period and yes Chequers played its role along with the Wife Swapper at Bondi.
Have a read of these to see what life was like on the other side...
look for the pdf download and the nav button at the top 'story so far'.
takes a while to get through, but again, more good stuff.
Duncan Kimball covers the period in time that dovetails into yours.
But you may already know of these sites.
Here is another bit of trivia for you archives - I owned the name Rocktober for a period.
Best regards,
(pronounced bead)

From: Russell Powers
Subject: RADIO 2SM
Date: 11 November 2010
Hi Debbie
I am Russ Powers - Former Music Director of 2SM - still alive and kicking.
Think the site you have is fantastic
Would love to have a chat
Kindest regards

From: Terry Neal
Subject: 2SM
Date: 14 November 2010
Hi Debbie
I'm possible one of only a handful of people who were "2SM devotees" especially in the 70's who haven't (until now) seen your amazing website!! I've been sitting here in front of the computer alternatively laughing (whooping??!!) and crying with delight and nostalgia with the memories that your website brought back to me...........
2SM was THE STATION for me in my later childhood, teenage and early adulthood years but it didn't start out that way and the connection that was to happen about 15 years later I couldn't have imagined..............
My history of listening to 2SM goes back a bit further than yours. I grew up in the 1950s with my father controlling the radio in our home. I hear a lot of 2KY (and also 2UE and 2GB I think) and the ABC. Radio fascinated me and I remember sitting next to it in our kitchen one day as a child and wondering and asking "where was the man who talked".........Seems that at that time I decided that I wanted to become a "radio announcer".
Move forward to 1962 when my uncle gave me a crystal set!! I remember realising that I could now listen to whatever I liked and I used to do so while laying in bed with lights out when I was supposed to be asleep; that's when I discovered 2SM. Not only that but I discovered a whole world of music that I'd never been allowed to listen to before.........A whole world of music and news about a whole range of artists opened up for me mainly through 2SM!!
Time moves on, I start collecting music at a great rate in the mid - late 60's/early 70's. Radio is still such a vital part of my day and like you, I had my favourite jocks and I knew them all by their sound. I used to spend countless hours imitating their 'patter' storing it away for what I thought would be latter use on my own 'radio show'!! Jocks who come to mind for me now: Phil Halderman, Mike Walsh, Mad Mel...................Others who I also listened to but who's names have slipped from my memory.
In 1973 however I started to have a much closer connection with the station in a way that I could not have predicted. My sister met and eventually married an American Vietnam serviceman who's job in Vietnam had been as an announcer on Armed Forces Radio in Saigon. His name Denny Dormody (His picture is included on the 19777, 1978 and 1979 2SM promotional posters that you have on your website).
He was a "go getter" and in 1974 (I think) he started working with 2SM as either sales director (or assistant sales director) after a short stint with 2GB (I think). He and I used to spend lots of time together talking about radio in general as well as him asking my opinion of what I was hearing on 2SM with the music, promotions, specials etc......I guess I was one of his sounding boards for a number of years....I was intrigued to be able to hear some of the internal things that were happening in and around 2SM as well as in radio in general. I think that he moved into the top sales job in 1976 and stayed there until 1980 or thereabouts. He's now living in the USA and has done so since 1987. Through him I was able to meet and talk with Paul McCartney and be part of the Wings Tour of 1975 when they performed at the old Sydney Stadium!! That's a day I'll never forget!!
I have also gone through my collection of tapes and I've come across a recording of Gibson & Moore being interviewed by the "Housewife Superstar" sometime in the late 70's. Of course it's their show but as usual Barry Humphries took over the show and at times the two boys were reduced to complete laughing fits.......I'd forgotten that I had this copy (provided by Denny with a 2SM zippered logo on the case of the cassette) until I saw your website.
As for me and radio, I had been offered an interview with 2UW and 2UE in 1969 to came and talk with both stations about the possibility of starting a cadetship with them. However my parents intervened (with the best of intentions I guess) and suggested that public service job would be more secure and that unlike a radio announcers position, I'd have a PS position 'for life'......So I became a primary school teacher but after 15 years I decided that I'd never wanted to do this, quit, travelled, lived in the UK and got into adult education in areas that I was interested in and in which I'm still involved here in Launceston.
Did I ever pursue radio? You bet I did!! In 1991 in one of my "I want to come back and live in Australia" phases, I came to live and work in Brisbane. Within a few weeks I'd become aware of how I could become involved in my secret passion: Community radio..........I was trained and then became a regular presenter on Radio Logan (101FM Logan City). I fronted shows at just about every time of the day and night as my working schedule allowed me to do. I went back overseas for 4 years in the mid 90's and worked in Hospital Radio in Scotland; it's like community radio except you're broadcasting only to staff and patients in huge hospital complexes. It was a wonderful experience!!
Now I'm living and working in Launceston and presenting on City Park Radio (www.cityparkradio.com) again presenting on a number of shows as my work schedule allows.
So Debbie my potted history of my connection with 2SM comes to a close. I know that they've changed direction quite a few times over the years and when I go to visit my mum who still lives in the house we all grew up in at Parramatta, I sometimes listen to the station........Over the years of visiting I've heard country and talk back.......
Thanks for putting together this amazing website and especially including the promotional sound clips of that time when 2SM was king!!
Cheers and best wishes
Terry Neal

From: Marisa Mcnamara
Subject: Thank you for 2sm
Date: 25 November 2010
Oh my god.............thank you so much for bringing back so many memories. I have just relived my childhood and that is saying somerhing for a gal who turned 50 last Sunday. I too grew up with 2SM and I had the patch on my jeans and of course my school books were adorned with the logo everywhere. Just to get through and talk to your favourite DJ was just so incredible and weren't my friends sooooooooo jealous.
THank you once again for making me smile and I will definately pass this site on to all my old school friends who will get such a big buzz. ( thank goodnes the Bay city retards were not mentiioned).
Regards and again Thank YOU

From: Ian Spokes
Subject: Re: Concert Of The Decade
Date: 13 January 2011
Hi Debbie
I was surfing the net today and came across your website. I was doing a
search on 2SMs Concert of the Decade :) Blast from the past! With great
interest I read your summary and in reading it found out that you had a copy
of it. I was wondering if you knew where I could get a copy? The mighty
performances of Dragon and Richard Clapton and of course Stevie Wright's
Evie and things I would love to see in full.
If you have any ideas please let me know
** All those performances are now on YouTube.

From: Newman Harris
Subject: 2SM webpage
Date: 30 January 2011
Well I was surfing to find a couple old Top 40 lists, and stumbled on your lage. What a fabulous work - I'm very impressed (even though I was more a 2UW then 2JJ tragic myself.
But most of al it was a real surprise to see the photo of my cousin Emanuel! It's a small web, ain't it.
Thanks for a nostalgic read.
Newman Harris

From: Tino Mirabello
Subject: Memories
Date: 7 February 2011
Hi Debbie, I discovered your website via your 2SM work. I took a large chunk out of my day & sat in my office reading all of your memories & recounting my own.
It started with the news this morning of Gary Moore & you see I somehow drifted to 2SM & then to Debbie Kruger.com.
For me it started in 78 at 14 years old with Thin Lizzy. Along with 2 school mates we met them after the show & spent about an hour with them. We had hung around after the show, the limo pulled out from behind the stage & upon passing us waving them down they stopped.
For a schoolboy band it was as good as it gets. Gary had the famous Les Paul Guitar with him & was happy to show us & chat , Phill was so cool & none of our somewhat painful questions were a problem. All of the guys were brilliant, considering they had much more exciting places to be.
I have had a wonderful day engrossed in your website , those memories are so special, I can relate to a lot of them in my own way.
Its great that you have been able to follow your passions so closely.
Maybe another day we can talk about 1980 & the concert of the decade, & dont forget the best & most underated aussie pub rock band of all time Finch/contraband!
Thanks & Regards
Tino Mirabello

From: Matt Barnes
Subject: wow, that takes me back
Date: 8 February 2011
I stumbled across your page by accident while reminiscing over Gary Moore’s death today, on youtube, watching the 2SM Rocktober concert at the opera house in 1978 that Thin Lizzy did with the Sports.
I wondered if that was my first big concert and remembered the Rockarena concert, that’s how I came across your page. We were within spitting distance of the stage, baked all day under the sun until the music started that afternoon. An absolutely brilliant concert and a memory I’ll take to the grave, providing Alzheimer’s doesn’t take hold.
I had a similar youth to yours, worshiping my idols and plastering my bedroom with promo posters and relics from gigs around the northern beaches. I had a part time job at a Woolies Variety store in Dee Why, I scored some of my best stuff from there when throw-out time came. My pride and joy was a 4ft high Breakfast at Sweethearts cardboard, self-standing promo poster. Other crap in my room included one of Rob Hirst’s drum skins that he Frizbee-ed out into the crowd at Narrabeen Antler one night, smacking me in the bottom lip, bits of Steve Prestwich’s drumsticks etc it was like a mini powerhouse museum display.
Looks like you got to live the dream but looking back, we grew up seeing some of the best bands from Australia and the World, in some of the greatest venues Sydney has ever had. I just don’t have enough time to list all of the great bands I’ve seen at venues like the Royal Antler, San Miguel, Stagedoor, Manly Vale, Sheila’s, Metropole, the Civic, Manly Hotel, Selina’s, and the list goes on…and on.
We still hit the pubs and major venues to see live music these days, can’t get it out of my system. Going to see Roxy Music this month, I’m pretty excited about that! My mid life crisis was getting serious about music again, picking up my bass again and joining a band…country! But that was fun while it lasted, have moved onto bigger and better things now, playing stuff I grew up with across 3 different bands and having a lot of fun in the process.
Thanks for your website, it was a great flashback into my youth and some of the best years of my life.
Stay well.
Matt Barnes

From: Tracey Camilleri
Subject: Looking for an old jingle
Date: 16 February 2011
Hi my name is Tracey and I used to listen to 2sm in the mid to late 70’s and 80’s and I used to love a jingle that went through the days of the week ie, ‘today’s Monday, today’s Monday, Monday is washing day is everybody happy, you bet your life we are. It continued on through every day of the week and I’ve forgotten what each day represented so could you direct me to where I might hear the jingle of find the words to the jingle? Much appreciated if you can.
Best Wishes
** The song is now on the site, along with lots more audio I've added.

From: Alan Andrewartha
Subject: Hi
Date: 1 April 2011
Hi Debbie,
Nice site. A lot of memories. I remember the Rock Arena concert. I thought LRB stole the show. Fleetwood Mac were disappointing to say the least and I think I left before they actually finished.
On another note, I wonder if you have any knowledge of a 2SM concert with AC/DC, Stevie Wright and Ross Ryan at Victoria Park near Sydney Uni in the 70’s. I was backing Stevie for a while and played that gig. I’ve seen a photo of AC/DC in Rolling Stone at the gig, (wrongly credited as them supporting Stevie - it was actually Stevie supporting them) and I’m trying to track down any Photos or film footage of the day.
If you have any knowledge or contacts who might be able to help me I’d be very grateful.
Cheers, Alan Andrewartha

From: David Gorton
Subject: HiYa - Concert of the Decade
Date: 8 April 2011
Hi Debbie… I just stumbled on your concert of the decade page. Interesting that my 20yo son just posted a FB comment saying he had Friday on his mind which sent me searching for the concert… which as it turns out I was at 3 weeks before my 20th.
Thanks for posting this…. Certainly brings back some long forgotten memories. I’d definitely forgotten most of the line up although I do remember Stevie Wright’s knockout performance.
I also do remember I went out the night prior with a few mates and we camped (or was that partied) over night to get a good spot with an ever growing crowd. And I do remember some guys returning from the Botanical gardens with some firewood and trying to light a fire in the forecourt in the wee hours before the security guards kicked it out…. And I definitely do remember the small group of mates I was with nearly starting a riot as the sun was coming up over an ever hungrier crowd… we’d gone well prepared and took and gas BBQ with and esky full of eggs and sausages. A the smell of the first snag started to waft through the crowd they started to turn on us J .. all reasonably humoured back in those days but we were severely outnumbered.
Would love to get a copy of the ch 9 broadcast … where did you track it down ?
Cheers …David Gorton

From: Keith Morris
Subject: Hi Debbie, for your interest.
Date: 13 May 2011
Hi Debbie,
I was reading your site on memories of 2SM.
I was working in a small ad agency in St. Leonards (Sydney) as an art director
and this is the original b/w artwork that I did for 2SM at around ‘75/’76. I also
designed the 2SM ‘fun run’ logo using the 2SM denim logo with legs added!
I don’t have any artwork for it but it was done around the same time.
Keep up the great work!

From: norman scott
Subject: 2sm Good Guys
Date: 14 July 2011
Hi Debbie,
Stumbled on your site by accident and am most impressed with the past history of 2SM. I was a constant listener and have fond memories.
Around 1963 I remember the 'Good Guys' format but at age 72 cannot remember all the crew who made up 'Guys'
Mike Walsh, John Mahon, Tony Murphy come to mind...but I am sure you can supply the missing ones.
Many thanks and keep up the good work...it is appreciated.
Norman Scott
Terrigal, NSW

From: Rachael Girl <girlrachael@hotmail.com>
Subject: Rock of the Eighties
Date: 9 August 2011
Hi There,
I come across your web site by mistake and wow...what a lovely surprise..!!I worked at 2SM "Rock of the Eighties" in 1986. I was from Lismore, Northern NSW and just completed a 6 months Government funded course "Women In Radio" and as part of that course got to choose any radio station in Australia to work at, full-time, for 3month, I choose 2SM and stayed there 11 months.
Although your site did not cover much of the 80's, and I agree with Ian Grace's email, this was also a great time for the station. Charlie Foxx(FOXX ROC's LONDON), Ian "Gracie" Gracie and Lyndall Jocob's, Paul Holmes all had great success in the 80's on 2SM. Actually Debbie, I clearly remember a young lady constantly calling the station, and i'm talking mid 80's, who's name was also Debbie, she was a wizz regarding 2SM history and obsessed with Paul Holmes, I was sure this was you when I started reading your site..!!!
Another thing about the 80's you forgot, was the Rock Eisteddfod, something I'm sure 2SM started, that went onto become the hugely successful "Rock school Eisteddfod". I remember travelling to schools,in the 2SM van, with a young dude,named Doug, doing Rock Eisteddfods" was very cool thing to do at the time, being only 16 myself.
I have really fond memories of working there. Loved hanging out with the "jox" and lived in the music library or the 2nd studio, doing countless "demo's" . I wish I had been a few years older and seen the opportunities offered to me. I was out of my depth with these people,it was a brutal world, that i was not prepared for...lol....boy just thinking back makes me smile though. Some GREAT people I'd like to mention...Sally-anne Taylor, Ian Grace's, PA, what a BEAUTIFUL woman, both in and out, she keep that office running, and the Jox under control...she took me under her wing, and I could never understand why. Ian "Gracie" Grace, lol, I was 16, and this was he time he was being shafted my the station, so he was a little grumpy mostly ,but nice to me....lol...but I remember his lovely voice :) Charlie Foxx, oh so cool...lol Skinz and Holmies and there "groupies"...wow. Girls in the studio with them....sshheezz...it's all coming back..!! I would work on the "request line" always buzzing with calls..wow..was a 16year old's dream..!!! Julie Brodsky (Julie on the Block) what a great person and "jox" too...!!
I could go on and on...but will refrain....lol....thanks for the memories...and the station certainly wasn't dead in the 80's
Renae Tyson
**No it wasn't me calling in the mid-80s. I was long gone. After 1983 I never went back to 2SM - ever.

From: Neal Connolly
Subject: web site
Date: 18 August 2011
Hi Deb.
Checked out your site-not quite sure how I stumbled across it but sussed it out, and found it real interesting.
I’m a ‘70’s kid, and I still love listening to the golden age of Oz rock.
I loved your bit re 2SM concert of the Decade. I recall seeing that on telly at the time. If memory serves me, I think Stevie Wright did a back-flip or a cart-wheel?
My family was very close to a radio journalist up here in Newcastle-2NX-which was a sister station of 2SM. Consequently, the radio was always on. Even though 2NX was the hip station, Mum and Dad always had it on-cool parents - my mates were jealous.(Dad was a builder and used to shape surfboards for me and the mates)
I got to hang at the station during school holidays once - it was pretty cool. I had thoughts of being a radio journalist myself BUT became an engineer-boring!!
I remember they had a recording of radio bloopers from Alan Wilkie - who gave them a weather bulletin over the phone. It was, shall we say, very colourful.
Anyhow, I’ll check in on your site periodically and suss out any updates.
Hey-thanks for this. It’s brought back some great memories - gee life was simpler back then. Biggest decision was “will I do my homework or not?”
It’s a great site, and again, many thanks.
Neal Connolly

From: Alan Carmichael
Subject: WOW! GREAT!
Date: 17 October 2011
Hi Debbie,
I live in Adelaide these days but always tuned in to 2SM at night or when in Sydney. Had a bit to do with Ian McCrae about 14 years ago when he was at KAFM.
You have done a magnificent job and I would suggest that all jingles be put out on CD.
Thes days I work in an Adelaide Community Based station called 100.5 WOW FM. and conduct a programme called "The Time Tunnel OF Pop". I often refer to the quality and excitement of Eastern State Radio and playing the jingles which I must do right now. Keep up the fantastic work. Memories come flooding back as do the great (when radio was style) voices of the times.
You really have presented a wonderful service and I can't thank you enough. Congratulations on the project.
Alan Carmichael

From: David Cunningham
Subject: 2SM page
Date: 8 November 2011
Hi Debbie
I was working nightshift at Mt. Druitt Police Station when the computer system went down for a couple of hours.
I was up to date with all my work so I 'surfed' the internet to kill a bit of time.
I happened across your 2SM page and it brought back a lot of memories.
I was born in 1971 and I distinctly recall my older sister and I listening to 2SM in those days.
The old jingles and advertisements linked to your page made me smile.
As an aside, I'm a huge fan of Thin Lizzy and have an old battered VHS copy of the 1978 Rocktober
concert. It features Jon English and The Sports also however it is missing about five Thin Lizzy
tracks and omits all of Wha-Koo's performance.
I saw your photographs of the event and I am sure that you are featured often in your big hat!
Several of those clips are featured on Youtube which I am sure you are aware.
I also enjoy reading biographies of rock musicians - I have read several on Phil Lynott, recently '
read the Rick Springfield book, Don Felder's book and also the one by Gene Simmons. Looking forward to the book on Marc Hunter - what a sad loss he had been to the music scene.
Thanks again for your 2SM page. (I did have a 'Rock of the 80's" inside out sweatshirt at one stage)
You'd be a great one for a chat about music!
David Cunningham

From: Ruby Garnet
Subject: Wow. What else can I say.
Date: 15 November 2011
Dear Debbie
I have just found your 2SM website, and working backwards, your site. I was 16 in 1978, living in Kirribilli, with a little blue plastic trannie that could ONLY get 2SM. There was only 1SM.
Wow, Debbie, what can I say. Thank you so so much for putting the effort in to the site. I've saved the 2SM page to my laptop for reading later, but, wow.
Rebecca Garnet

From: Danielle Hearn
Subject: Ian McRae and Thank God It's Friday at the Zoo
Date: 25 January 2012
Dear Debbie
Just found your 2SM page wonderful. Brings back many great/fabulous memories. Back then I was a disco dancing freak, entering every dance competition I could. I was a Jackson 5 / Motown fan before it was popular in Australia and often ordered Motown albums from overseas when they were unavailable in Australia. Doing my own bit of DJing here and there at difference discos. Back then you had to order the records from the record store and wait till the store got the order in for you. Waiting with great anticipation knowing no one would have the records you ordered. I had quite a collection all of the Jackson 5 albums, all of Jermaine and Jackie Jackson albums and Michaels solo albums. I’d drive my school buddies crazy making them do the J-5 routines over and over I told them back then Michael would be a super star they believe me know. The day Michael died I heard from all my friends the ones I drove mad with the Jacksons music = all worried I would be devastated at the news. But it brought us all back together again. What great times they were back then nothing like today’s computer world! Sorry, I just can’t get into it bring back the music and the melody.
In 1978 my partner and I entered the Countdown Saturday Night Fever dance competition. Made it through the NSW finals, with the big night at Maxy’s nightclub in George Street Sydney. We tied first place with another couple Sue Ellen Regan and Alfonso, having to dance it off for the NSW title. Naturally we danced to the J-5’s ‘Dancing Machine’ - pulling our robot routine out of the woodwork but then they pulled on their blue plastic matching hot pants outfits and won the comp. Then they went to Melbourne for the National Countdown finals. They eventually won the whole comp. It was after our heats that we found out they were actually professional dancers! Anyway, following our NSW win tying first place, we met many entertainment people on the night and Angy Nacson who was Sue Ellen’s and Alfonso’s manager. He took myself and my partner on as part of his entertainment/dancing team after seeing our Maxy’s act. Which set us off on a wonderful journey into the dancing/entertainment world, which is all I wanted to do. One which I was already familiar with, having a father in a band and all the men in my family being musos of one sort or another mainly drummers (guess that’s where I get the rhythm from). As part of Angy’s dance team, we were asked to be part of a new entertainment tv show called ‘Thank God it’s Friday at the Zoo’, on every Friday night naturally, which ran for approx. 3 months and was hosted by none other than Ian McRae and Angy. (Can’t remember whether Ch. 9 or 10 have tried contacting both for more info.) We had the best time, meeting special overseas guests it was a music show with dancing entertainment having a disco on set which was a huge egg (yes , refer the American movie ‘Thank God It’s Friday adapted from) with Delilah as the DJ. Following that I was asked to be a sidekick to Ian McRae on another new TV pilot entertainment show called ‘Robox’ I was Robox, the female robot like DJ/dancing co-host to Ian as the host. Unfortunately we only did a pilot. My partner and I also embarked on our own dancing career separate to being with Angy and co. doing a club dancing/visual act which we took around the traps our major act dancing of course to the ‘Dancing Machine’ by the J5 in costumes I made myself - black body suits with futuristic metallic plates on our outfits, large silver boot (hard to get back then, had to paint them myself) and huge white afros with silver face paint etc. I’m afraid it was ripped off a couple of times by other contestants in the Countdown comp. who tried to do the clubs using our name and outfits, we eventually caught up with them. Only found out because friends would tell us they saw us at some venue dancing, when we were on the other side of Sydney at another venue...
I had photos and videos of all these great memories, but they have all disappeared since my grandmother died and they just vanished into thin air never to be seen again. Absolutely devastating. And I have been trying ever since to retrieve anything of that time for myself my heart aches to have those memories back again. Hence would it be possible that Ian (McRae) would have any photos / videos of that time that he could share with me? I don’t know who else to contact. I’ve written to everyone, Molly Meldrum, the TV archives, etc. The only photos I have are the one from the Daily Mirror newspaper 1978 of the night at Maxy’s in Sydney. That’s it and the record album cover I was asked to do for a disco compilation album(Explosive Hits) ; Olivia Newton John being a huge hit with Grease at the time, and apparently myself being a ONJ look-alike at that time (dad was my biggest fan) (don’t look like her now! just old hee!) I was asked to dress in the regulatory spandex for the album cover. Which luckily dad kept for me. I know Angy Nacson has all the videos from the Thank God It’s Friday tv shows and the Robox pilot show (1978/79) he used to use them on the big screen when he was DJing around the traps for years but he just won’t give me copies of them. I’d often go out for the night where Angy happened to be working and would see myself on the big screen all night and not be able to have a copy myself. Why? I have no idea. I should have access to them as I was in them, especially the Robox pilot as he was not part of the show. So, I am at my wits end an when I just found your website, I thought let’s just try wouldn’t hurt!
So Deb, if there is some way I could contact Ian or you know of any photos etc I could access, I would be forever indebted.
I can’t even get the video of the Countdown Saturday Night Fever dance comp. finals which Sue Ellen and partner eventually won. I just keep hitting brick walls. I know they’re all out there I just need to find them.
With anticipation of any advice you can offer.
With warm regards
Danielle (Hearn) (previously Gee)

From: Mat Powell
Subject: Thanks
Date: 2 February 2012
Hi Debbie,
I stumbled upon your website today looking for some info on Australian radio.
I really enjoyed your site and just thought I would drop you a line and say thanks!
Best regards
Mat Powell
Assistant Chief Engineer, Nova969 95.3FM

From: Jodie Affleck
Subject: Ian MacRae
Date: 24 February 2012
I was just reading an article on Ian MacRae and his radio shows from the 1970's and noticed there was nothing about the Phantom Joke Teller that used to call in every day with a joke.
The Phantom was my father and I had to keep very quiet about it while I was at school. His name is Graeme and as for his jokes, well… he had so many. I recall Dad being given 2 concert tickets to go see John Denver as it was mum and dad's anniversary. I can't recall what years he was doing it. around the mid 70 to late 70's I guess. Just bought back a lot of memories.

From: Graham Davis
Subject: Memories of the 2SM newsroom 1974
Date: 16 March 2012
Hi Debbie,
Stumbled across your group by chance and it brought back many memories, all of them good. I was a humble D grade journalist in the 2SM newsroom in Clarence Street in 1974, the year of the first Rocktober. Paul Marx was the news director and I worked with some great SM journos - the late, lamented Jim Angel, Colin Bridge, Lloyd Jones, Glenn Roach, Ian O'Neil, Terry Mabb, Trevor Hazledene and Roland Pierotti.
I was the most junior of these and usually worked 9 to 5 as in 9 to 5 overnight. My first task on that shift was to read the network news at 9.00pm, which had been complied by whoever finished after they read the news at eight. Incredibly, the newsroom was unmanned in the hour between, something inconceivable nowadays. I was 21, flatted at Cremorne Point and had to get the ferry across to Circular Quay. Some nights it would be late, there'd be no bus and I'd have to sprint up George Street to get there in time. I'll never forget one night bursting into the Clarence Street studios with seconds to go before the news, racing into the booth and being so puffed that I just couldn't get the words out. God knows what listeners on the network at 2NX and 2NM ( were there any others?) must have thought. But there was no comeback because I guess no-one was listening.
The overnight shift was great for a young bloke like me. I'd shoot the breeze with the DJs like "Lobo" (Laurie Bennett), Greg Rees and Lee Simon, and field a few calls from the girls who were always calling in because 2SM was so hip. Then after midnight, I'd gun up to Kings Cross in one of the white News Toranas to get the first edition of the papers, grab a pie and peas at Harry's Cafe De Wheels, and then write like blazes for the rest of the night until my elders and betters, Lloyd Jones and Glenn Roach, came in to do the breakfast shift at 4.30. And after a handover, I'd stroll into the dawn, sometimes walking home across the Harbour Bridge.
I used to enjoy telling people that I had a nine to five job but it wasn't quite like theirs! They were magical times and it was great training for a young bloke. Went back to 2GB, from where I'd come, later in the year, then on to a career in the ABC, BBC, Seven and Nine, where I spent 23 years off and on as a reporter on the now defunct Sunday Program. Journalism having ceased to be a dignified career for a grown-up, I have a production company nowadays called Grubstreet Media that makes TV commercials, among other things. Greetings to my surviving newsroom colleagues wherever they are. There's only one 2SM! And what a great place it was in its heyday.
Wonderful to stumble across your website and also find you on Facebook. It's triggered so many things I'd forgotten. With very best wishes. GD

From: Steve Liebmann
Subject: The 2SM web shrine
Date: 20 March 2012
Have just finished reading your chronicle of some of the best years of my 5+ decades in radio and television. I frequently recall those days working with Brian White & John Tingle...the stories we broke,the freedom Rod Muir gave us and the special projects we dreamt-up when times were quiet and we were bored.....eg the drug docos which went on to win a couple of awards and Donald McKay's murder in Griffith.
They were great days. Oh the stories.
Steve "the first non Catholic has just been elected Pope" Liebmann.

From: Steve Blanda
Subject: The 2SM web shrine
Date: 21 March 2012
Hi Debbie
I've marvelled at your website a few times over the years - congratulations, it brings-back fantastic memories.
Haven't looked for a while - so will check-out the update at home [where it's a little more relaxed].
I don't think I have any material you don't already have - but when I eventually do a "spring clean" of the garage, some of my boxes of "important stuff" might turn-up some surprises. I'll let you know.

Have you got something to share about your memories of 2SM in the 1970s?
If so, drop me a line! |